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I woke up at 2am Sunday morning with awful pain in my abdomen and back and it felt a lot like trapped wind only MUCH sorer and I couldn't catch a proper breath. This went on for hours and I couldnt lie down as the pain got too bad when lying and caused awful shoulder pain.  Ended up ringing the out of hours doctors Sunday morning asking for a prescription or a recommendation of something to buy for this big trapped fart that was causing so much pain.  They said I should come in to get checked just in case it was related to the birth.

So, went along thinking I'd be half an hour and we took Madison as we didn't want to leave her with anyone. Got seen to and the doc decided the pain was too much for trapped wind. She sent me to a ward instead of a&e because she didnt want Maddie being around the germs there.  They did some tests, messed up bloods so had to redo after 2 hours then another 2 hour wait for those results which led them to send me for a chest xray which led to a ct scan and then the doc comes back and says hes shocked to find that have I  clots in my lungs and need to stay in hospital. By this stage my partner has taken Madison home because she needed another feed and I end up in floods of tears because I can't be home with her and know I won't see her for a day...maybe longer depending on treatment. I don't think the nurses knew what to do with me and when my partner came back I got even worse as the realisation of how serious the clots can be just hit me. Dear God, the drama was awful. Glad I was in a room of my own for most of it otherwise I'd be known as the crazy crying lady.

So I'm stuck here til the doc decides what next. It stil hurts to breath and lay down but not as bad now. The boredom is killing me now so I've spent ages trying to get on here so at least I can read and post.

Anyone have any positive lung clot experience? My partner decided to tell me his uncle died of a lung clot and needless to  say it hasn't settled my mind!

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Oh no  Ells   How terrifying for you! Please God, don't let it be anything serious. I'll pray for you now 


I know a couple of people who developed clots. The docs should be treating you with something to thin the blood? Hope you get good care [messing your blood tests up is appalling b.t.w ].


So sorry for you   


Ells b.t.w. One of the people with clots I know was in his mid seventies - they kept him in the City Hospital in Belfast for a few days while they monitored him, but he was fine.


You're a young healthy girl - you've kept yourself in good shape as your recent weight loss shows - Try not to lsten to horror stories 


Also from memory my Mum developed clots in her leg around the time of my birth - before or after I can't remember. She was fine. That was 1970!! treatment will be better now .


My mate had a clot after she skidded into a kerb one winter, A&E ignored her and sent her home told her to take  paracetamol.

Pain got worse so she called the doc. and he called an ambulance  and off she went  .

Tehy put her on Heparin shots, kept her in for a week, but she discharged herself and insisted she could take  other medication and be checked by her GP.Tehy put her on Warfarin, she had blood tests every month, and after a year was declared fine and came off the Warfarin.

Few year later she  was pregnant, they took extra care of her, she had to wear those tights/socks  during the pregnancy and delivery and she was fine.


That was all 6 years ago, she's had another baby now too, and she's fine, and was never put back on  warfarin.

But she says that even now, if she gets a apin anywhere in her  upper body, she is scared because she thinks it's a clot, it never has been, but she gets this mild  fear still.

She lives a normal family life, holidays abroad and plays a contact sport, so no ongoing probs at all.

The doctor has just been round and said I have clots on both lungs.  They've given my injections last night and today which sting like a *insert swear word* and are putting me on medication twice a day for 6 months and going to do investigations as my sister had a DVT last year during pregnancy.  As I'm feeling well apart from a bit of pain they will let me go home tomorrow if I'm still ok.  They had said I could go today but have come back and said it'll be tomorrow instead.  I really dont want to be away from the baby but I know I need to make sure I'm well so wont complain today about being here. 

I think my partner just didnt realise how serious it can be until his Mum came to sit with the kids last night and told him about his uncle.  I think it freaked him out a bit and he told me about it because I kept insisting I didn't want to stay here but he made me see that I needed to.
Originally Posted by Ells:
The doctor has just been round and said I have clots on both lungs.  They've given my injections last night and today which sting like a *insert swear word* and are putting me on medication twice a day for 6 months and going to do investigations as my sister had a DVT last year during pregnancy.  As I'm feeling well apart from a bit of pain they will let me go home tomorrow if I'm still ok.  They had said I could go today but have come back and said it'll be tomorrow instead.  I really dont want to be away from the baby but I know I need to make sure I'm well so wont complain today about being here. 

I think my partner just didnt realise how serious it can be until his Mum came to sit with the kids last night and told him about his uncle.  I think it freaked him out a bit and he told me about it because I kept insisting I didn't want to stay here but he made me see that I needed to.

 Exactly Ells. You must miss Madison so much though   

Originally Posted by Ells:
Rog it's ridiculous how much I miss her!  Of course I miss my other kids too but I can chat to them on my phone and my eldest facebooks me.  I just need baby cuddles.  My partner offered to bring her over today but theres too many infections on the ward so I've had to say no.

   Aww Ells, It must break your heart but you're doing the right thing


Whats the ward like? Hope you're being looked after  To be rushed into hospital without a moment's notice must be so scary . And with visiting hours so restrictive, you can't even see your loved ones.


Least you can natter with us  Hang in there, ye girl ye !   

Last edited by Former Member

I'm glad you went without delay to the horsepickle and that they were considerate to both Madison and you 


I had post-operative clot in my calf (DVT) despite having warfarin injections before my operation (a known complication of the type op I had) after the op I was given heparin and it sorted me out nicely cos I'm here to tell the tale (well at least I think I'm here - sometimes I'm never quite sure) 


Yours sounds like pulmonary embolism and will be treated with warfarin or heparin.  Once you've had the injection type in the horsepickle, they'll give you'll be given tablet form to take away with you along with those lovely stockings no doubt  - you'll be fine girl I have faith 


I hope whatever treatment they give you allows you to go home to Madison, but you'll be no use to her until you're on the road to recovery 



Ells, I hope you are back home soon, a nasty shock for you


The doctors will give you advice on minimising this happening again in the future and it's important to follow their advice on things like not smoking if you smoke, losing weight if you are overweight, taking enough exercise, and eating a healthy diet not that I know you well enough to know if any of those apply to you but they are the sort of things which can.


El Loro

I'm home!!!  


Doctors said I was well enough to go home and now that I am on tablets for the next 6 months then that is all the treatment I need.  So I escaped before lunch today and have been having baby snuggle and my partner fussing over me.  The boys don't know why I was in hospital so they are just bemused at Dad fussing so much  


El loro, you are right.....I definitely have some things to work on now and there's nothing like a health scare to give you the kick you need!  I've been told to take it easy for a week so as soon as I'm allowed out then I will be walking the legs off my kids in a bid to get us all healthy!


I came straight home to this:


I'm a happy girl now

Originally Posted by Ells:

I'm home!!!  


Doctors said I was well enough to go home and now that I am on tablets for the next 6 months then that is all the treatment I need.  So I escaped before lunch today and have been having baby snuggle and my partner fussing over me.  The boys don't know why I was in hospital so they are just bemused at Dad fussing so much  


El loro, you are right.....I definitely have some things to work on now and there's nothing like a health scare to give you the kick you need!  I've been told to take it easy for a week so as soon as I'm allowed out then I will be walking the legs off my kids in a bid to get us all healthy!


I came straight home to this:


I'm a happy girl now

No wonder you couldn't wait to get home to her. She is beautiful, Ells.

I'm glad you are well enough to get home. Now do everything you were told by the doctors and take very good care of yourself.


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