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Haha Wow you're all so clicky and just talk to each other and don't pay any attention to me at all, I'm going, I'm leaving, I'm never coming back, except for when I come back in another thread to tell you I'm leaving and never coming back, but then I'll back next month to tell you all again how much you all suck, then leave again.. Bye!!!!!!!!!
~Sparkling Summer~
i'm one here believes i'm really spongebob but i you all know how hard it is to get an internet connection from a pineapple under the sea??......NO YOU DON'T........cos you don't have that problem cos you're all human in nice houses.....i live in a pineapple for gawds sakes.........i honestly think you're all just jellus cos i'm famous and you lot aren't..i've had a movie in which i starred in...i don't need you lot or this're all in cliques and keep saying i'm human and i'm not....don't think i'll be back under another name cos i won't.........don't beg me to stay cos i won't......and i mean it.i'm going forever and won't stay around to see who begs me to there......
Chase me!  Chase me!
  Hahahahaha that always makes me think of Trollop and a conversation we had once where he was invited to a neighbours BBQ and he said to me 'we're the token gays there' and I said to him hunt out the most hetrosexual male, push him really hard then runaway shouting 'chase me chase me' just to reaffirm all of their gay stereo types.
and one more one more thing........just cos i offer an opinion doesn't make it wrong.....but no i get jumped on by the bullehs..just cos i'm a sponge doesn't mean i don't have feelings yer know.....but none of you care...none of my best mate is a what??.....what's that got to do with any of you?...maybe you should all try the snail love an then you'd see......

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