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Ohhh I hear ya sista What I'm liking about the whole showfauxmance thing is that I'm seeing Josie as a down to earth, normal woman who's wearing her heart on her sleeve a bit. I was a tad unsure of her for a while, but the way I've seen her react to the JJ and Kevin closeness she's just like most lasses and if she had any kind of gameplan, has been blown out of the water cos I genuinely believe she likes JJ.

Kevin on the other hand. Grrr. That one's got a face that could curdle milk and she's just so sly and bitchy and she knows exactly what she's doing where JJ's concerned (i.e. trying to be part of a 'storyline' to keep herself in the house like she did with Shabby)

I get the feeling JJ's been gagged for the last 23 years and only got the tape ripped off his mush when he got selected for the show. He hasn't shut up since he's got in the house
They have targets to meet! They need to get you to be "smoke-free" for 13 weeks! However, if you want to have a fag after that that'll be ok... then they can rerecruit you and "do you" again!
Meh. They know what can do with their targets, blimmin vultures. I was only gonna go if I could get free patches and stuff but apparently it's not that simple, I have to attend weekly sessions or some rubbish? It's enough to make you want to not quit!
I know And I promised myself I would this year. The biggest mistake I made though was suggesting to the GP that I might be interested in giving up - blimmin nora anyone would think I'd signed up the to army I keep getting these stop smoking people calling every single week asking when I'm gonna go in - they wont leave me alone! And they dont sound too friendly either
I know what you mean. Hubby (who gave up for 2 years and started again) and two of my sons smoke. It doesn't matter what ailment they go to the doctor for, they get the quit smoking routine.
It doesn't matter what ailment they go to the doctor for, they get the quit smoking routine.
It's only this year I've seriously contemplated giving up and have actually wanted to, but am still not motivated enough to put the amount of effort in and I wish I could muster it up from somewhere So I've given myself till December to at least cut down if not have given up completely, then hopefully Santa will bring me summat nice like a pair of Manolo's for my sacrifice
Even the HM's think it is going downhill
But it's up the HM's to do something about it! They're the only ones who can, really. I think back to the Jade and Kate Lawler BB, granted they had a lot more alcohol in those days but they still entertained themselves (and me) by playing that spinning round the mop handle thingy and pushing each other around in a shopping trolley. Maybe the differences between them in there are too great to do something as a collective
Karma_ offline 6,988 Forum Posts Today at 9:04 AM Last Edited: Reference: Even the HM's think it is going downhill But it's up the HM's to do something about it! They're the only ones who can, really. I think back to the Jade and Kate Lawler BB, granted they had a lot more alcohol in those days but they still entertained themselves (and me) by playing that spinning round the mop handle thingy and pushing each other around in a shopping trolley. Maybe the differences between them in there are too great to do something as a collective
Yes, you're right there Karma.  They don't seem to be doing very much together, apart from going into the garden to smoke and bitch or the nest to smoke and bitch.  There are loads of things they could do to entertain themselves and us.
There are loads of things they could do to entertain themselves and us.
They just seem like a right selfish bunch - not to mention lazy. Quick to lay blame on each other for things but not one of them will take the initiative to try and get the group together. Gone are the days when people went in the house for the experience, it's all about what's in it for them afterwards, and I don't think this lot care whether they entertain us or not, they're just worried about how they come across on camera. I'd just love to see them all just let go and have fun and sod what they look like! Too wrapped up in themselves.
Call me old fashioned, but if my kids used the sort of language that JJ and Keeva use I would die of shame .
And me Baz, but mine, like yours i am sure , havent been brought up to speak like that. I hate girls swearing like Keeva, and whats worse she doesnt even say oh my family are watching i shouldnt swear. It just seems to be in her everyday vocabulary

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