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The same people saying the same things - invariably about themselves.
Now we have JJ (at great length of course) and Caoimhe saying they want to be up if they are not liked. She will deliberately fail the S&R task. He says if the public don't think he is entertaining then he will happily go.
But, if that's the case, why go on and on and on about it.
It might be simply - and much more entertaining - if they just went now.
And take one or two others with them.
I find this has now become a very boring and predictable series.

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A ridiculous amount of F words.
It is! And that's coming from someone who frequents the f word quite a bit on occasion. He doesn't even use it effectively, for example, I would bang my toe and say 'arrgghh stupid f*****n poxy door' or get a ticket and say 'f*****n jobsworth traffic warden' but he uses it in sentences like 'When I'm at fu***n home and I go the fu***n shop and i need to take a fu***n slash I end up watering someone's fu***n plants....'. Why does he do that? Do you think it's some kind nervous thing?
keeva is, without doubt, the most boring HM on the planet. She rarely has anything to say that is not a moan, put down or spiteful remark. We had plenty of time to see the "real" her once the other waste of space Shabby had flounced off and sadly we did. Time to go Keeva - please

I cannot understand how you perceive Shabby as a waste of space given that she was involved in all of the major house issues of the first 3 weeks that got BB11 off to a flyer. The series has only gone downhill since she left.

Cold Sweat
keeva is, without doubt, the most boring HM on the planet. She rarely has anything to say that is not a moan, put down or spiteful remark. We had plenty of time to see the "real" her once the other waste of space Shabby had flounced off and sadly we did. Time to go Keeva - please

I cannot understand how you perceive Shabby as a waste of space given that she was involved in all of the major house issues of the first 3 weeks that got BB11 off to a flyer. The series has only gone downhill since she left.
Yes in your eyes maybe.She is a waste of space because she does NOTHING.
She is a layabout and I am sorry but in my book that makes her a waste of space,
She is selfish, nasty and spiteful. I know you think she is the best thing since sliced bread but that only appears to be in your view.
Where are the threads on here saying she should go back in?
In fact who ( apart from you) even cares that she is out?
You really need to get off the Shabby fixation - it is ever so slightly creepy..
Yes in your eyes maybe.She is a waste of space because she does NOTHING. She is a layabout and I am sorry but in my book that makes her a waste of space, She is selfish, nasty and spiteful. I know you think she is the best thing since sliced bread but that only appears to be in your view. Where are the threads on here saying she should go back in? In fact who ( apart from you) even cares that she is out? You really need to get off the Shabby fixation - it is ever so slightly creepy

Interesting to note that you find it perfectly acceptable to post negative BS about a former hm who is actually popular (albeit away from this forum)â€Ķ yet you find it creepy when I post anything positive about her.


If she were as nasty as you make out the public had 2 perfect opportunities to remove herâ€Ķ they chose Rachael and Sunshine on each respective occasion.  She was a promising hm and those that run the show were clearly disappointed to lose her – the first walker to gain an interview with Davina speaks volumes for the regard in which she was held.


On the official site there are more posts on the Shabby profile than there are on any other housemate profile. On the DSpy AT’s no other individual BB11 hm has more posts dedicated to them. On facebook Shabby has added 1800 new friends in the past week and there are still complaints from many more frustrated that they have not received an accept as yet. Her official twitter page – launched just over a week ago has 4000 followers already – much of your post seems to be based on rather narrow assumptionsâ€Ķ

Cold Sweat
nteresting to note that you find it perfectly acceptable to post negative BS about a former hm who is actually popular (albeit away from this forum)â€Ķ yet you find it creepy when I post anything positive about her.   If she were as nasty as you make out the public had 2 perfect opportunities to remove herâ€Ķ they chose Rachael and Sunshine on each respective occasion.  She was a promising hm and those that run the show were clearly disappointed to lose her – the first walker to gain an interview with Davina speaks volumes for the regard in which she was held.   On the official site there are more posts on the Shabby profile than there are on any other housemate profile. On the DSpy AT’s no other individual BB11 hm has more posts dedicated to them. On facebook Shabby has added 1800 new friends in the past week and there are still complaints from many more frustrated that they have not received an accept as yet. Her official twitter page – launched just over a week ago has 4000 followers already – much of your post seems to be based on rather narrow assumptionsâ€Ķ
Well funny enough I am not that obsessed to follow a HM around once they have left the house - I have better things to do.

Sunshine and Rachael both had very nastily edited HLs - as well you know. Shabby was favourite to go that week until the HLs show on the night of the evictions and suddenly - whoosh.

She may be popular on the official site but as has already been remarked on here, that site and DS are mainly full of teenagers - who are probably seeing her as some sort of anti - hero ( heaven forbid)., 

I meant that no one on HERE wants her to stay and as I do not go to any other forum desperately searching for evidence that a spoilt little brat is popular to prove a point I guess that means I have made narrow assumptions.

But - hey - you carry on getting down with the kids.
On the official site there are more posts on the Shabby profile than there are on any other housemate profile. On the DSpy AT’s no other individual BB11 hm has more posts dedicated to them. On facebook Shabby has added 1800 new friends in the past week and there are still complaints from many more frustrated that they have not received an accept as yet. Her official twitter page – launched just over a week ago has 4000 followers already – much of your post seems to be based on rather narrow assumptionsâ€Ķ
Blimey you're dedicated
I am rapidly losing interest in this series.
IMO, too much airtime is being given to this pathetic fauxmance of JJ and Josie, and now we have Caoimhe entering the game as the third point on the (fake) love triangle.
It is all so contrived and totally boring.
I can't believe I actually paid good money (I know it was only ÂĢ14.99) to watch this garbage. Thanks to the JJ/Josie saga, I've watch so little LF that I should be entitled to a refund.
I imagined that for the last series BB would pull out all the stops and make it the best one ever.  I guess because it is the last one, they don't see the point.  I find JJ and Josie situation quite entertaining, but that is the only thing going on.

BB needs to up the anti because even putting in the new HM's hasn't had the impact BB thought it would.
After opening night, I couldn't bring myself to watch this series, because I thought they were by far the most objectionable group of contestants so far. I've tried a few times to watch the highlights show, but have had to turn off each time after a few minutes because there isn't one housemate who I don't actively dislike, and several who made me want to throw a brick through the TV.  It's such a shame, because it would have been so easy to have put in a group of normal people with a much wider age range, and for Big Brother to have ended on a high note rather than with this group of pillocks.
Interesting Growls cos I think this year they're actually a bit more 'normal' than the previous few years. What I mean is the HM's became so predictable, you had the page 3/wag wannabe with the boob job, the overly loud and camp gay man, the gangsta/walking attitude, the dim but became a right circus. But this year there's no-one (for me) who is that stereotypical. Some of them are off the wall in their own quirky way (like Dave, Ben, Shabby etc), but I do think there's a better mix this year. Saying that though people are saying how dull it is!
nteresting Growls cos I think this year they're actually a bit more 'normal' than the previous few years. What I mean is the HM's became so predictable, you had the page 3/wag wannabe with the boob job, the overly loud and camp gay man, the gangsta/walking attitude, the dim but became a right circus. But this year there's no-one (for me) who is that stereotypical. Some of them are off the wall in their own quirky way (like Dave, Ben, Shabby etc), but I do think there's a better mix this year. Saying that though people are saying how dull it is!
I think it's dull because there are some very nasty argumentative people in there who do nothing but argue, scheme and bitch.

Corin is funny - Josie can be when she is not obsessing about JJ. Hell even Ben can be funny.
But they are all obsessing and paranoid and that is ruining it for everyone. It is just the same old same old on the HLs.
Give up Karma, think of all the money you'd save.
I know And I promised myself I would this year. The biggest mistake I made though was suggesting to the GP that I might be interested in giving up - blimmin nora anyone would think I'd signed up the to army I keep getting these stop smoking people calling every single week asking when I'm gonna go in - they wont leave me alone! And they dont sound too friendly either
Interesting Growls cos I think this year they're actually a bit more 'normal' than the previous few years. What I mean is the HM's became so predictable, you had the page 3/wag wannabe with the boob job, the overly loud and camp gay man, the gangsta/walking attitude, the dim but became a right circus. But this year there's no-one (for me) who is that stereotypical. Some of them are off the wall in their own quirky way (like Dave, Ben, Shabby etc), but I do think there's a better mix this year. Saying that though people are saying how dull it is!
I agree that there aren't any Alexandras or Dennises this year, so I suppose you're right and in some respects they might be more normal, but I think they are overall the most unpleasant group so far. I can find nothing nice or redeeming about any of them from what I've seen, although having said that, I'm can't comment on the three new people because I haven't seen them.  I didn't watch BB until the third series, and think that each series since then has got progressively worse.  I was really looking forward to this last series, and have been so disappointed that I can't bear to watch it.  I don't think there is anyone in the house who I could loathe as much as Makosi or Plate Face Bass, but a whole houseful of people who I dislike intensely is more than my blood pressure could take
I keep getting these stop smoking people calling every single week asking when I'm gonna go in - they wont leave me alone! And they dont sound too friendly either
They have targets to meet!   

They need to get you to be "smoke-free" for 13 weeks!   However, if you want to have a fag after that that'll be ok... then they can rerecruit you and "do you" again!

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