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Ever, I'm just not interested this year at all.

I watched the opening night and I thought kicking someone out straight away was funny especially with it being Simon I missed the next two nights h/l shows and wasn't that bothered about catching up but last night there was nothing on tv so I decided to watch them I just don't find them interesting at all and there's only about two I quite like and that's Nick and Harriet and knowing the BB voters, they probably won't even last half way.

So are any of you liking or seeing potential in this year's crop?

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It is awful. . each of them grate on me.. the one with the huge chip on her shoulder, runs a cafe? interrupts everyone and in last nights HL's it was like she was photobombing every bloody scene


I want to try and miss some episodes but can't quite let go yet.. . I need to be free of this rubbish and the dreadful people it attracts.. My mouth is sore from tutting and pursing my lips in disapproval  


Plus my Tivo is almost full with nearly 2 mths of stuff I need to watch and using up 40-45 mins watching this crap is not helping me get my ongoing recordings down. .Someone, anyone, please cut the umbilical cord I have attached to this show as I can't seem to do it myself..

Mount Olympus *Olly*

TBH every year is awful for the first few weeks ...


once we lose a few and the noise level drops and they settle down it may get slightly better 


not much time this year but am still attached as and when I can find the time to read/watch and keep up - unfortunately I may be forced to give it up depending how disruptive RL pans out over the summer 

Originally Posted by MrsH:

TBH every year is awful for the first few weeks ...


once we lose a few and the noise level drops and they settle down it may get slightly better 


not much time this year but am still attached as and when I can find the time to read/watch and keep up - unfortunately I may be forced to give it up depending how disruptive RL pans out over the summer 

I agree ^


 Hope everything is ok xx

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Ever, I'm just not interested this year at all.

I watched the opening night and I thought kicking someone out straight away was funny especially with it being Simon I missed the next two nights h/l shows and wasn't that bothered about catching up but last night there was nothing on tv so I decided to watch them I just don't find them interesting at all and there's only about two I quite like and that's Nick and Harriet and knowing the BB voters, they probably won't even last half way.

So are any of you liking or seeing potential in this year's crop?


I disliked last year so much I stopped watching.


I have only watched this years as I have been around and been able to. I do foresee myself drifting away as work dictates I go to bed for 10pm, so if they decide to air the H/L's show around 10pm, then I will be in bed... sleeping.



But no, for me too many of them are grating and even now I'm struggling to see one who I would pin my colours to.


To me, BB feels like they are making the same film every year, just with different actors. I have to ask myself, would I go and see the same film year after year?




Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Plus that bloody Jack is annoying me already, it seems like they would like him as there winner on opening night, he shouted to his friends in the crowd, I have this in the bag (or something close to that) and he's desperately trying to get them to call him pie face as he seems to think he will be remembered for ever if he has a nickname

Rant over
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Plus that bloody Jack is annoying me already, it seems like they would like him as there winner on opening night, he shouted to his friends in the crowd, I have this in the bag (or something close to that) and he's desperately trying to get them to call him pie face as he seems to think he will be remembered for ever if he has a nickname

Rant over



I'm not getting into it at all .. I'll say 'yet' and live in hope.  I seem to recall feeling the same before then getting a good highlights show and saying 'NOW, the show's starting..''  I'm like Olly though - I have loads to catch up with on my Tivo box and I'm starting to grudge the hour spent watching the highlights - it's the pull of the forum that's making me still try.


Originally Posted by Aimee:
Plus that bloody Jack is annoying me already, it seems like they would like him as there winner on opening night, he shouted to his friends in the crowd, I have this in the bag (or something close to that) and he's desperately trying to get them to call him pie face as he seems to think he will be remembered for ever if he has a nickname

Rant over


I think he has had that nickname for a while now


I dont really think much to him either but he has a lot of celebrity support by the look of it on his twitter so we could be stuck with him 

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

It seems to consist mostly of vacuous types, and some unbearably irritating ones [Arron, Adjoa]. Maybe after a few evictions it'll settle down and the more interesting characters like Nick come forward?


At least they're getting on though - last year it was so nasty and draining to watch.   

*passes "comfy" blanket* 

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:


It seems to consist mostly of vacuous types, and some unbearably irritating ones [Arron, Adjoa]. Maybe after a few evictions it'll settle down and the more interesting characters like Nick come forward?


At least they're getting on though - last year it was so nasty and draining to watch.   


Adjoa just seems to be there to tell us every 5 minutes that she's a lesbian
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

It seems to consist mostly of vacuous types, and some unbearably irritating ones [Arron, Adjoa]. Maybe after a few evictions it'll settle down and the more interesting characters like Nick come forward?


At least they're getting on though - last year it was so nasty and draining to watch.   

*passes "comfy" blanket* 

Aww fanks Moonie    

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:


It seems to consist mostly of vacuous types, and some unbearably irritating ones [Arron, Adjoa]. Maybe after a few evictions it'll settle down and the more interesting characters like Nick come forward?


At least they're getting on though - last year it was so nasty and draining to watch.   


Adjoa just seems to be there to tell us every 5 minutes that she's a lesbian

Yes  Has she any other interests?. And all in that whining singsong voice 

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

It seems to consist mostly of vacuous types, and some unbearably irritating ones [Arron, Adjoa]. Maybe after a few evictions it'll settle down and the more interesting characters like Nick come forward?


At least they're getting on though - last year it was so nasty and draining to watch.   

*passes "comfy" blanket* 

Aww fanks Moonie    


Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by MrsH:



>>>>  another cut back of info - tweets finish earlier this year 


I agree, the tweets seem to be slow, finish early and don't really tell you much info

If the HL show really IS the highlights, I'm not surprised.  There can't be much to tweet.  How often can say Adjoa is talking about p***y, Jade's looking in he mirror and waffling on about 'energies', and Aaron's whinging?

Last year the shit hit the fan early with Helen/Danielle/Ashleigh etc. this year the most we're getting is Aaron getting pissed off because someone laughed during meditating or crying because he's heard a negative about him.

I think there's potential this series, but I think BB need to add one possibly two new housemates pretty soon to add some life to it. Otherwise it could end up like BB4.
Crunchy Nuts
Originally Posted by machel:

I think the problem is that we have seen too many, each of the housemates resemble or remind  me of a previous housemate. There is nothing fresh - the tasks and surprises have been stale a long time


I never thought of it like that but your right, they are just a clone of a previous hm
Originally Posted by Crunchy Nuts:
Last year the shit hit the fan early with Helen/Danielle/Ashleigh etc. this year the most we're getting is Aaron getting pissed off because someone laughed during meditating or crying because he's heard a negative about him.

I think there's potential this series, but I think BB need to add one possibly two new housemates pretty soon to add some life to it. Otherwise it could end up like BB4.


I'm never a fan of that. If they are going to do it then do it soon, not week 4 or 5. Still, I prefer the original concept of BB and introducing new HM's with potential outside knowledge is a non starter and always has been for me.



Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

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