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After being interested in politics for many years I eventually reached a point of losing interest, so who am I to talk about political situations whether in the uk or abroad. But I'm airing a view here anyway, in the Referendum the people have made their choice so what business is it of leaders of other countries to poke their nose in, they don't live there and have probably never visited there, if it's what the majority have voted for then that should be abided by, it's their lives and choices. 

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

After being interested in politics for many years I eventually reached a point of losing interest, so who am I to talk about political situations whether in the uk or abroad. But I'm airing a view here anyway, in the Referendum the people have made their choice so what business is it of leaders of other countries to poke their nose in, they don't live there and have probably never visited there, if it's what the majority have voted for then that should be abided by, it's their lives and choices. 

I'm not very au fait with politics (to my shame) and I thought my view was too simplistic... I can't understand why the people are celebrating on the streets and America and Britain are refusing to recognise the vote.    Anyone want to enlighten me?

Global politics take such a long time to evolve and this dates back to the breakup of the a Soviet Union. In a nutshell, most of the resources and markets were state owned and during the breakup some smart entrepreneurs developed a system of liberating the wealth and scurrying away with it as fast as their little legs could carry them. Some of these "businessmen" (sic) are currently buying London.
Ukraine is corrupt and unstable, whereas I think Putin is trying to return Russia to some sort of stability.(after the horse has bolted) Given the choice I would vote to be part of Russia too!
The west would obviously prefer the Ukraine to be in their arse pocket rather than Russia's for obvious geopolitical and trade reasons.
I wish Yeatman n Sellars were still here to tell us whether this was a good thing.
Garage Joe
Originally Posted by Madame Arcati:

'The Eagle and The Bear will unite against The Dragon'


- Nostradamus (I think)

I don't know much about the sayings of Nostradamus but it does strike a bell with me as coming from the bible, Revelations 13:2.


And the beast which I saw was like a leopard, and his feet were like those of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave him his power and his throne and great authority.

Nostradamus is usually proved right after the event, rather than before. His predictions usually turn out to be poor.

At services to commemorate the end of the school year, (Lord dismiss us with thy blessing) Our old Headmaster would read from the book of Revelations and strike terror through his pupils. To this day people only have to mention it and I get shivers up and down my spine.
Garage Joe

That's what I thought.  Some people have interpreted it as meaning the Third World War with Russia and the USA uniting against the Dragon




Worrying thought and I think whoever said that after the Third World War the Fourth would be fought with sticks and stones (HG Wells?) was spot on, as they say.


Just checked:  It was Einstein


"I do not know what the third world war will be fought with, but the fourth world war will be fought with sticks and stones"


Madame Arcati
Last edited by Madame Arcati
Originally Posted by cologne 1:
Originally Posted by Madame Arcati:

I don't know how dangerous Putin may or may not be but, offered a choice of having Putin in the Kremlin or Dubya in the White House, I know which I would choose

They're both equally dangerous. One because he's intelligent and the other because he's not.

That's my thinking too Cologne

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by cologne 1:
Originally Posted by Madame Arcati:

I don't know how dangerous Putin may or may not be but, offered a choice of having Putin in the Kremlin or Dubya in the White House, I know which I would choose

They're both equally dangerous. One because he's intelligent and the other because he's not.

That's my thinking too Cologne

 it's a strange time. Almost the reverse of the early '90s when we all felt so positive about peace in our time. I reckon if Gorbachov was president now, we'd not come to this crossroad.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by cologne 1:
Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by cologne 1:
Originally Posted by Madame Arcati:

I don't know how dangerous Putin may or may not be but, offered a choice of having Putin in the Kremlin or Dubya in the White House, I know which I would choose

They're both equally dangerous. One because he's intelligent and the other because he's not.

That's my thinking too Cologne

 it's a strange time. Almost the reverse of the early '90s when we all felt so positive about peace in our time. I reckon if Gorbachov was president now, we'd not come to this crossroad.

I agree Cologne's like we are going backwards  


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