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Originally posted by Pwillow:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by Pwillow:
Are Freddie fans not allowed in here?

I'm not here to cause trouble,i just noticed that i posted earlier and nobody replied,is that one of the rules in here?

If so that makes me feel sad Frowner Wink
we have to frisk you fist.

and we're a bit stetched at the mo.

Frisked! Really! Big Grin

I can get you one of those electronic security devices like the one they used on Rodrigo tonight,really cheap!
we have cash flow problems, so it's a rub down with tupps's marigold's and tickling stick up the armpits.
Originally posted by Pwillow:
we have cash flow problems, so it's a rub down with tupps's marigold's and tickling stick up the armpits.

If that's the case then you can have the device for free,but only i get a frisking,the tickling stick and marigolds sound exciting! Laugh[/QUOTE]lets not get ahead of ourselves, we haven't decided not to shoot you yet...
Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by Pwillow:
we have cash flow problems, so it's a rub down with tupps's marigold's and tickling stick up the armpits.

If that's the case then you can have the device for free,but only i get a frisking,the tickling stick and marigolds sound exciting! Laugh
lets not get ahead of ourselves, we haven't decided not to shoot you yet...[/QUOTE]

Eeker Blimey!
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
That pilot outfit is looking more and more tempting Smiler

You knows it! You defo signing up?

Edging closer Wink She was bloody funny at times tonight

Its the '4 million people will think you've got saddest hairstyle since 1982' isn't it? I do think that is my favourite quote of BB ever!
Troops! We have a new recruit, say hello to our Chef MrsH.

The Bea Brigade

General : Me - I don't really do a lot, just give orders and tell my troops off.

Spokesperson : Tupps - A diplomatic speaker for the Brigade, will take peoples opinions of Bea into consideration but will defend her when necessary.

Ninja : Mummy Maz - She lurks in the shadows, hides in the corners, invades 'Anti-Bea' Threads, ready to pounce. Beware

Demolition Expert : Lord Lucan - There's no messing with this guy, if there's any unfair damning of Bea he will come in to your thread and 'eff you up' a nice way though Smiler

Sniper : kazzy - I point, kazzy aim's, game over, end of discussion.

Artillery Anti-Aircraft : porto - Anyone trying to 'attack' us from above will get a seeing too from porto.

Pilot (pending) : Supercalifragilistic - Still awaiting final confirmation of membership.

Wingman to Pilot (pending) : Mazzystar - Still awaiting final confirmation of membership.

Negotiator : JacksonB - Anyone who kidnaps a troop will have JacksonB to deal with. He will offer advice and support to you and if you don't listen he will get Mummy Maz on your ass.

Seductress : Lindsxdx - Will seduce you to the point where you not only fall in love with her but also with Bea. Deadly!

Chef : MrsH - If it wasn't for this woman we wouldn't be able to fight, she has a high risk of being kidnapped though, so we will be on our best guard with this one.

So there you go, more people are welcome to join. To the other's who don't like Bea, that's fair enough, its a free country. But please understand we will fight her corner to the end (well maybe not Tupps, she's not really that bothered) and it won't be pretty.

On a lighter note, I hope everyone is keeping well and eating their fruits and veg.

Thank you
Last edited {1}
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally posted by tupps:
Anyone got any Neurofen.. Crazy

Have the Freddie Fans been droning at you again?

Yes... and a couple hit me with their Shakesperian hand movements.. Crying

Right THAT'S IT!!! You guys have been fighting for me enough....

*grabs poking sticks, charges up cattle prod, puts face paint on, takes a couple of MrsH biscuits and heads in to the battle field*
Originally posted by Rawky-Roo:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Rawky-Roo:
Its the '4 million people will think you've got saddest hairstyle since 1982' isn't it? I do think that is my favourite quote of BB ever!

And the queen on 'Wife Swap' 'Come dine with me at Buckingham Palace' Laugh
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by Rawky-Roo:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Rawky-Roo:
Its the '4 million people will think you've got saddest hairstyle since 1982' isn't it? I do think that is my favourite quote of BB ever!

And the queen on 'Wife Swap' 'Come dine with me at Buckingham Palace' Laugh

Laugh She's brilliant.
Originally posted by MrsH:
Originally posted by Rawky-Roo:

Right THAT'S IT!!! You guys have been fighting for me enough....

*grabs poking sticks, charges up cattle prod, puts face paint on, takes a couple of MrsH biscuits and heads in to the battle field*

slow down - you will get indigestion at this rate


Its alright, I've got my Rennie with me.
Originally posted by Rawky-Roo:
I'm back guys, lost an arm though, they ripped it off and gnawed on it till there was nowt left.

aww shucks !! have armoured suit on and now going to accost the Mr T delivery .... we have no cash and need supplies Big Grin

will see about cadging a bottle of whisky to knock you out and a needle and cotton to stitch you up with ....sit in the corner for now and keep your arm up Thumbs Up

the next person to sign up will have to take over nursing duties Glance

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