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Withdraw any previous doubts, and or persuasion that she can't be all that bad really! Don't be taken in and have any confusion about your revered leader. She's a sneak and a thief, and that's reprehensible in my book! Carry on laughing and supporing her, and finding her entertaining by all means, but really she's nothing better than a nasty narcissistic b1tch, with absolutely no redeeming qualities whatsoever!
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by luxor:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by luxor:
Quick intelligence gathering sortie.


*poke poke poke*

Angel I aint doin nuffink, honest.

*licks pencil and places luxor on Mummy Maz's 'to do list' and fires up the cattle prod* Shake Head

Methinks it is time to get out of this nasty mean place. I will wear my disguise as a Bea supporter to escape the evil clutches of Tupps Skull
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Withdraw any previous doubts, and or persuasion that she can't be all that bad really! Don't be taken in and have any confusion about your revered leader. She's a sneak and a thief, and that's reprehensible in my book! Carry on laughing and supporing her, and finding her entertaining by all means, but really she's nothing better than a nasty narcissistic b1tch, with absolutely no redeeming qualities whatsoever!

I'm guessing she has been a bit of a bugger again.. I will have to catch up on last nights events.. Ninja
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by luxor:
Methinks it is time to get out of this nasty mean place. I will wear my disguise as a Bea supporter to escape the evil clutches of Tupps Skull

noooo the disguise you need is ---> Witch

I was only kidding that I was going to wear Skull
I was wearing Witch to enhance my chances of escape.
Darn it I have come back in again Roll Eyes
Originally posted by luxor:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by luxor:
Methinks it is time to get out of this nasty mean place. I will wear my disguise as a Bea supporter to escape the evil clutches of Tupps Skull

noooo the disguise you need is ---> Witch

I was only kidding that I was going to wear Skull
I was wearing Witch to enhance my chances of escape.
Darn it I have come back in again Roll Eyes

keep coming back.. *hunts out restraints and mind altering drugs*... Devil
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Withdraw any previous doubts, and or persuasion that she can't be all that bad really! Don't be taken in and have any confusion about your revered leader. She's a sneak and a thief, and that's reprehensible in my book! Carry on laughing and supporing her, and finding her entertaining by all means, but really she's nothing better than a nasty narcissistic b1tch, with absolutely no redeeming qualities whatsoever!

I'm guessing she has been a bit of a bugger again.. I will have to catch up on last nights events.. Ninja

Bit of a bugger is mild. She and Charlie STOLE a can of booze and a bag of tea, from under Freddies's bed while he was asleep, and planned to hide the empty can in somebody else's drawer, so that Freddie would kick off! Remember her indignation 3 days ago at Marcus for taking NOBODY in particular's ciggies? She was having such a POSITIVE day until Marcus turned it into a NEGATIVE by telling her what she really was. Then she decided the truth hurt, and told him she was off to the DR *sob-sob-sniff Roll Eyes * to accuse him of being a bully. Fair enough Bea....theft is such a positive thing in that house isn't it, especially if it's only stuff belonging to Freddie?
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Withdraw any previous doubts, and or persuasion that she can't be all that bad really! Don't be taken in and have any confusion about your revered leader. She's a sneak and a thief, and that's reprehensible in my book! Carry on laughing and supporing her, and finding her entertaining by all means, but really she's nothing better than a nasty narcissistic b1tch, with absolutely no redeeming qualities whatsoever!

I'm guessing she has been a bit of a bugger again.. I will have to catch up on last nights events.. Ninja

Bit of a bugger is mild. She and Charlie STOLE a can of booze and a bag of tea, from under Freddies's bed while he was asleep, and planned to hide the empty can in somebody else's drawer, so that Freddie would kick off! Remember her indignation 3 days ago at Marcus for taking NOBODY in particular's ciggies? She was having such a POSITIVE day until Marcus turned it into a NEGATIVE by telling her what she really was. Then she decided the truth hurt, and told him she was off to the DR *sob-sob-sniff Roll Eyes * to accuse him of being a bully. Fair enough Bea....theft is such a positive thing in that house isn't it, especially if it's only stuff belonging to Freddie?

Oooooooo... and oooooooo... Ninja

*runs to find clips*
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Tiddly~Wink:
Withdraw any previous doubts, and or persuasion that she can't be all that bad really! Don't be taken in and have any confusion about your revered leader. She's a sneak and a thief, and that's reprehensible in my book! Carry on laughing and supporing her, and finding her entertaining by all means, but really she's nothing better than a nasty narcissistic b1tch, with absolutely no redeeming qualities whatsoever!

I'm guessing she has been a bit of a bugger again.. I will have to catch up on last nights events.. Ninja

Bit of a bugger is mild. She and Charlie STOLE a can of booze and a bag of tea, from under Freddies's bed while he was asleep, and planned to hide the empty can in somebody else's drawer, so that Freddie would kick off! Remember her indignation 3 days ago at Marcus for taking NOBODY in particular's ciggies? She was having such a POSITIVE day until Marcus turned it into a NEGATIVE by telling her what she really was. Then she decided the truth hurt, and told him she was off to the DR *sob-sob-sniff Roll Eyes * to accuse him of being a bully. Fair enough Bea....theft is such a positive thing in that house isn't it, especially if it's only stuff belonging to Freddie?

but Freddie, Marcus and Siavash did lose everyone their food, despite being warned about their rule breaking.

*Pokes Tiddly-Wink out of thread*
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally posted by tupps:

Oooooooo... and oooooooo... Ninja

*runs to find clips*

Scotty put up a good link... Last Nights LF Clips

oooo thank you ditty.. I've just watched one on the website.. now I shall get myself a nice cup of tea and watch these... Valentine

She does make a funny comment in the diary room tupps, regarding Marcus's hair, its redeeming enough for me Thumbs Up

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