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I and some fellow forumers have joined together (yes you have Tupps!!!) to form a Brigade in support of the Awesome Bea. Let me introduce you to us and our Brigade Skills

The Bea Brigade

General: Me - I don't really do a lot, just give orders and tell my troops off.

Spokesperson: Tupps - A diplomatic speaker for the Brigade, will take peoples opinions of Bea into consideration but will defend her when necessary.

Ninja: Mummy Maz - She lurks in the shadows, hides in the corners, invades 'Anti-Bea' Threads, ready to pounce. Beware

Demolition Expert: Lord Lucan - There's no messing with this guy, if there's any unfair damning of Bea he will come in to your thread and 'eff you up' a nice way though Smiler

Sniper: kazzy - I point, kazzy aim's, game over, end of discussion.

Artillery Anti-Aircraft: porto - Anyone trying to 'attack' us from above will get a seeing too from porto.

Pilot (pending): Supercalifragilistic - Still awaiting final confirmation of membership.

Wing Man to Pilot (pending): Mazzystar - Still awaiting final confirmation of membership.

Negotiator: JacksonB - Anyone who kidnaps a troop will have JacksonB to deal with. He will offer advice and support to you and if you don't listen he will get Mummy Maz on your ass.

Seductress: Lindsxdx - Will seduce you to the point where you not only fall in love with her but also with Bea. Deadly!

So there you go, more people are welcome to join. To the other's who don't like Bea, that's fair enough, its a free country. But please understand we will fight her corner to the end (well maybe not Tupps, she's not really that bothered) and it won't be pretty.

On a lighter note, I hope everyone is keeping well and eating their fruits and veg.

Thank you

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Originally posted by Rawky-Roo:
I and some fellow forumers have joined together (yes you have Tupps!!!) to form a Brigade in support of the Awesome Bea. Let me introduce you to us and our Brigade Skills

The Bea Brigade

General: Me - I don't really do a lot, just give orders and tell my troops off.

Spokesperson: Tupps - A diplomatic speaker for the Brigade, will take peoples opinions of Bea into consideration but will defend her when necessary.

Ninja: Mummy Maz - She lurks in the shadows, hides in the corners, invades 'Anti-Bea' Threads, ready to pounce. Beware

Demolition Expert: Lord Lucan - There's no messing with this guy, if there's any unfair damning of Bea he will come in to your thread and 'eff you up' a nice way though Smiler

Sniper: kazzy - I point, kazzy aim's, game over, end of discussion.

Artillery Anti-Aircraft: porto - Anyone trying to 'attack' us from above will get a seeing too from porto.

Pilot (pending): Supercalifragilistic - Still awaiting final confirmation of membership.

Wing Man to Pilot (pending): Mazzystar - Still awaiting final confirmation of membership.

Negotiator: JacksonB - Anyone who kidnaps a troop will have JacksonB to deal with. He will offer advice and support to you and if you don't listen he will get Mummy Maz on your ass.

Seductress: Lindsxdx - Will seduce you to the point where you not only fall in love with her but also with Bea. Deadly!

So there you go, more people are welcome to join. To the other's who don't like Bea, that's fair enough, its a free country. But please understand we will fight her corner to the end (well maybe not Tupps, she's not really that bothered) and it won't be pretty.

On a lighter note, I hope everyone is keeping well and eating their fruits and veg.

Thank you

And into the valley of death rode the emmm nine.
Truth to the left of them and truth to the right, on rode the nine, eight, seven ,six.

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