I've already told my most memorable one... when Master Ditty was only 3 or 4... up at my parents house... we sat down for dinner in their dining room... My mum told my boy to take his toy (a moving green hand... Thing from The Adams Family) off the dinner table - she hadn't however seen that my daughter had one of her gifts on the table... .. my boy grumbled a bit and she just told him to take it off the table.
A good few minutes later... when it was quiet, my mum had started passing round bowls of food ... my son just put his head up... looked her in the eye and said "Bitch!"
Horror! Things had been tense between my dad and me for a while... he was going through one of his more awkward phases... I hurriedly tried to smooth things over... ten minutes later.. it was all behind us... and then the little sod did it again... looked up and said clearly "Bitch" at my mum!
I ended up taking him out of the dining room for a little while to get the bottom of things... that was when he told me that Ickle had her toy on the table... I had to acknowledge his perceived injustice!
That meal went from bad to worse... I was with a different bloke then... was pre-Mr Ditty... The bloke I was with just about managed not to crack up at the Bitch stuff... by the time we were onto coffee & mince pies my dad had drank a few... somehow the Iraq war (might have been the first one) came up in conversation.... my dad was all pro-Bush.... at which my bloke & I were aghast.... to which my father went off on a rant that ended up with "bayonneting babies"

It was the final straw for my bloke.... he couldn't stop hysterically laughing for half an hour... occaisionally mumbling "bayonnetting... ".
And peeps wonder why I am not looking forward to xmas this year... its at my parents house!