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I got a phone call this morning from a recruitment agency asking if I would mind if they put my name forward for a job with a company, I said " please go ahead", but when I got back to the office I rang the company up direct asking if they would mind if I faxed over 2 references to them. The lady at the company said I should deal with the agency direct about this, 5 minutes later the woman at the agency rang me up saying the company had told her I had contaated them, I think the woman at the agency is now pissed off at me and thinks I went behind her back, and I might not even get the chance of an interview now. I'd been to an interview this morning for another job as well.

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Well she probably is annoyed you went to the company.
If your dealing with an agency, thats a bit of a no no.
Your still get your details forwarded though by the agency, as at the end of the day, they want their commisssion from the company.
I wouldnt worry about it too much, just plead ignorance and say you didnt realise and that you were so excited about a prospective interview you wanted to get your CV in quick. Im sure they will forgive you. Money talks.
Good luck with it
OK.. don't panic.

My hubby was a recruiter (til he got laid off Roll Eyes) and it is true that they HATE candidates and clients contacting each other directly.

However... silly agency woman should have made this clear to you!

Also... silly agency woman will not laugh you off to spite you.... you are her means to earning money. If you are suitable for roles she has to fill... she is not gonna risk you being put forward by another agency.. maybe for the same job... and her not getting any commission on it.

Just explain you didn't realise. IF she does get snotty.... go to a different agency (or threaten to!)
Originally posted by Poolshark:
I got a phone call this morning from a recruitment agency asking if I would mind if they put my name forward for a job with a company, I said " please go ahead", but when I got back to the office I rang the company up direct asking if they would mind if I faxed over 2 references to them. The lady at the company said I should deal with the agency direct about this, 5 minutes later the woman at the agency rang me up saying the company had told her I had contaated them, I think the woman at the agency is now pissed off at me and thinks I went behind her back, and I might not even get the chance of an interview now. I'd been to an interview this morning for another job as well.

I work in recruitment and my advice would be to email the agency to explain what happened as this email can then be forwarded to the client as proof and an explanation of why you contacted them directly. I guess that what has happened is the client has contacted the agent and is trying to get out of paying a fee (if/when you get the job) because she thinks you contacted them directly anyway. It's always best to be honest in these things, just explain to the agent and it should all be fine. Nod

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