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I hate the schoolyard mafia.  Urgh! That is the best thing about your kids getting older, no more waiting in the yard for them.  It was like torture. All the cliques gossiping about who had split with who and who was doing whos husband. Ergh!

I used to deliberately stand right at the other end of the yard, no doubt they thought I was a bit mental and standoffish but I can live with that
I was accused of being a snob at school once....on account of having 1 husband who has fathered all my kids and not having any tattoos and wanting to compare them

Nee idea how to quote any more. They'd have likely said that to me too, if I had ever spoken to any of them   Hahaha!

Though our old neighbours once asked who the oldests Dad is, I was like erm "name of my husband" she said "same as the younger one? *puzzled face*... me "yeah" her "God you must have been together for years!"

I am still bemused by that convo.
I got into a row with a mother whose daughter kept hitting Sophie and whipped her coat zip across her face...the mother then went for Sophie when she finally had a go back....THEN the mother started shouting at me and calling me a slag....

Me? One husband 20 odd years together 4 kids, all his....

Her? 6 kids, 5 different fathers 2 of whom were brothers!

But I was a slag...Still apparently it gave the staff in the staff room watching out then window a laugh when i took a few steps towards her as she was shouting 'come on then' and she ran away! Just a shame Johnny Depp wasn't there that day!
I hate the schoolyard mafia.  Urgh! That is the best thing about your kids getting older, no more waiting in the yard for them.  It was like torture. All the cliques gossiping about who had split with who and who was doing whos husband. Ergh!
I hear ya! 

I was had a place where I would stand...  by a tree..  on the outskirts..   pretending to be engrossed with a text on my phone (playing snake)..

As you asked Rawky: I think you were out of order. 

Get hacked off with the driving issues yes, but attacking her and her child was taking it too far.  As someone said earlier, how do you know that the child (or the woman) isn't disabled?  My sister is disabled with a chronic illness and can hardly even pick up a cup of coffee some days, let alone walk far, and she parked in a child space outside a big superstore on a retail park last year, because there was no disabled spaces available. 

She was with her friend, and when she came out, this bloke in his 30s with his girlfriend and baby DEMANDED to know why she was in a child zone!  He said  'Where's you're f**king child?  These f**king spaces are for ME!  I have got a f**king baby!'  And he went mental at her.  She explained that she was disabled and that she cannot walk far and is entitled to use the child zones with a blue badge, and he said you don't look very f**king disabled to me, you fat c**t.' 

My (disabled) sister was very shaken and upset and so was her friend.  The man was horrible to her and with no good cause.  Just because he was having a bad day, he made her not want to go back to that retail park and store again for months and it was several weeks before she went out again. 

She is already nervous and shy and stays in a lot because of her disability.  So although I am sure you're not a horrible person, maybe think twice before getting personal and going off on one again.  you can show your disdain without making someone cry.  You may have thought you were justified, but the woman could have been a lot more affected by it than she appeared to be.   Finally, all i would ask, is how would you feel if some shouty bloke yelled at your wife or daughter or mother in a fit of temper because she was 'in his way' and made them cry? 

I'm not having a go by the way: I know that we all have our moments, but it's just my view...    And you did ask 

Starbug what happened to your sister is very different to what happened to Rawky. The woman was driving without due care and attention and had Rawky been paying the same attention to the road that she was, there would have been a crash, way I see it, it's a good job Rawky was the one with his eyes on the road  If anything, if the woman or her daughter were disabled, she should have been even more careful before she drove off.

I can't fault Rawky here.
Thats ok starbug.

We were both being kind of hot headed towards one another, her shouting at me for 'cutting her off' me back with the 'i'm trying to get home'.

As I said before, I don't know if she did cry, its me probably over-dramatising it, but she did look a bit gobsmacked at my reply.  I would have never called her anything on the level that your sister received.  It was a comment that just came out in a form of defence i guess.
Maybe it's just me, but when you're sharing road space with others and you act like a complete dick with no regard for anyone else, then you're open to an earful.

Instead of the woman being completely dismissive of the near accident she caused, if she had put her hands up and accepted she'd been an idiot then the argument probably wouldn't have gone any further, but she just flapped her hands about as if he was making noise over nothing.

Some old bloke cut me up on Chiswick roundabout once, I called him a wanker he called me a harlot and we both went on our merry way. Shit happens.
I appreciate what you're saying Karma, and also your views, but Rawky asked a question and I answered it and gave an example of how you don't know who you're shouting at and getting angry at .  I think getting personal with someone, when you're just a bit irked with them, is out of order as you don't know what they are living through/going through etc, and especially as a child was there and got insulted too.  And as i said, imagine if that had been your mother or daughter or sister?  You may have well been able to handle the insult from the old man which you clearly gave back, but people are different and you could really upset someone.  I know it's hard to hold your tongue sometimes and none of us are perfect, but some people are very easily upset and shaken, and they may not even realise they have done wrong. 

That said, I think that Rawky was just pissed off at the time, and is a pretty nice guy who just spouted off at the time, and seems to feel a bit bad about it now.  Perhaps this woman was a lazy mouth cow, but you just don't know, so i think it's wrong to get personal.  Like I said, it's just my opinion and we do all have bad days and I certainly don't judge Rawky as a totally horrid git   I know that none of us are perfect, and we all tend to lose it now and again.  i wouldnt have said anything, as i wouldn't judge someone as horrid based on a small incident like this, but Rawky did ask.  So i answered.

Rawky thanks for your response too.  And I know it was just a shit moment.  We all have them. 

No hard feelings Karma.  I'm just responding to your post. 
I agree with you Rawky and suggesting someone may need exersize is not insulting in my book, its not as if you called her a fat cow....most of these parents could park in the next street and walk, when I was in England the residents got a petition up against my sons school and it worked, we left the laneway just for residents and disabled parents, the rest of us parked a distance away and walked....
Maybe it's just me, but when you're sharing road space with others and you act like a complete dick with no regard for anyone else, then you're open to an earful.

Instead of the woman being completely dismissive of the near accident she caused, if she had put her hands up and accepted she'd been an idiot then the argument probably wouldn't have gone any further, but she just flapped her hands about as if he was making noise over nothing.

Some old bloke cut me up on Chiswick roundabout once, I called him a wanker he called me a harlot and we both went on our merry way. Shit happens.

I'm prone to a bit of road fact the mother in law isn't allowed in the car with me (result ) but there's a line you don't cross.  i don't know anyone in an accident, or near miss who will put their hands up and say 'oopsie my bad'
It is understandable to get pissed off with someone's bad driving, and to get annoyed, but we all do it sometimes Rawky, so i wouldnt beat yourself up about it.    Have to agree with the majority though that saying she and her kid(s) 'could do with the exercise' was rude and insulting and unnecessary.  When you get personal and insult someone needlessly, I think you've lost the argument.  JMHO.
I thought of Rawkie today when collecting my wee one from school.  I was just coming out the gates when an abviously misguided truck came up the road causing mayhem with the parked cars and horns blaring everywhere   The drivers were shouting at the truck driver who must not know the area otherwise he wouldn't have taken that road at that time and he was sat in his truck with a WTF? expression plastered all over his face not knowing  wether to try to reverse or edge his way up the tiny street.  I went into the shopping centre opposite the school and when I came out 20 minutes later the truck had made it a few feet but hadn't managed to get out of the street yet.
when I was in England the residents got a petition up against my sons school and it worked, we left the laneway just for residents and disabled parents, the rest of us parked a distance away and walked...
when were you here Stonks?...        If it was recently... and you had found an area that wasn't totally governed by residents parking nazi's then I wanna move there.

Seriously..   I assume the resident who has baggsied the parking nazi job gets commission for any tickets they issue ...    there's a road round the corner from me and if you slow down below 10mph this old boy comes bombing out of his house with his "parking fine pad" and a look of eager anticipation on his face! 
Do you use the car for work, Rawky?
How far away is your work?
Could you not use public transport, or walk?

I work in the middle of Dartmoor, i need my car to get there. There's 2 buses that go past there but they are too late for when I'm meant to start my shift.

I didn't work today though, had a day off, been hiding in my house from Mr Husband/Boyfriend type guy

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