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At the end of my rather curvy, bendy road (where I live) is the local Primary School.  Every week day from 3:15 to 3:45 its a flaming nightmare to try and get anywhere from all the cars parked up on both sides of the road.  I've been known to wait a good 20 minutes for it all to clear just so I can get home 

Anywho, I was driving home from work and surprise it is like Piccadilly Circus, I'm slowly making my way through the crowd, letting people by, who don't thank me , and getting increasingly frustrated with it all. Basically, I'm slowly losing my temper.  I carry on driving and a woman, who was parked on the side, quickly pulls out in front of me, causing both of us to brake harshly. She gives me an angry look and flips her hand about in unpleasant manner. Now I'm really ticked off.  I keep moving, preventing her from getting out, stop by her car and wind my window down, gesturing for her to do the same. She does. And this is the conversation that followed 

Me: Is there a problem?

Woman: You cut me off, you saw me coming out!

Me: I live at the end of this road, do you know how annoying it is to have to put up with you parents, picking up your lazy assed kids from school every day?!

Woman: I'm not letting her walk home!!! There's too many weirdos out there!!

Me: Here's and idea, why don't you walk to the school and then walk her home, god knows you could both do with the exercise!!



I then drove off and finally managed to get home.

Was I bad? 


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Reference:'know....driving 5 mins to school and back just to pick up your like...erm....bad for the environment....and stuff
I'm presuming you checked she or her child didn't have a disability before you helpfully suggested that she walk to and from school. I'm not giving you a hard time Rawky, I like you, but it seems to me that you vented a lot of your anger about the driving difficulty on that one woman.
It must be an absolute nuisance for you having these restrictions at this time every day, so I do understand your frustrations. But mums and dads drive their children to school for a lot of reasons. 
yeah....  my boys school is 11 miles away...   a 20-30 min drive. 

The stress of the argy bargy of the school run 5 days a week can really do your head in...   when my eldest first started secondary school I had to walk to the primary for the boy.. then we had to power walk back to the car...  and then crawl through congested traffic... round trip took an hour.

I wasn't used to it then and I was a nervous wreck after a month or so.

It doesn't bother me anymore...  I don't get road rage, I don't get wound up...  just go with the flow..
Reference: Rawky
Fair enough trigs, it was a heat of the moment type thing. The wiggling of her head is was set me off. No i didn't check for any reason for her to be driving but I see her pretty much every day, walking to the car with her kid, so there doesn't seem to be a restriction in that department.....I promise I won't do it again
Rawky mate, I think we all understand the 'heat of the moment' encounters  and I hope you don't think I was being deliberately difficult 

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