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So, I was channel surfing through SKY a moment ago and came across this doozy of a show, on FIVER, called Mel B: Its a Scary World.

Its your typical, cruddy, fly on the wall type documentary following Mel B and her family as they deal with all the dur-wamas in their lives. 

First thing to note was that her 2 daughters have both developed some weird, pseudo American/Leeds type accents, and her 'husband' makes Dale Winton look joke.

Anyway, the crux of this episode was that Mel had designed some new shoes and when she got the first samples back she was concerned that they looked nothing like her design. Cue the dur-wama.  This went on for the majority of the episode until she met up with the designers, who told her that it wasn't the final design. PHEW! dur-wama averted!!

Her gay  husband then brought her a brand new car.

It was compelling watching I tell ya! ...........

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I watched one of these a while ago, and have to agree it's rubbish.  Although it did make me chuckle (even though I think it was all a set up) when her eldest daughters graduation cake turned up.  They had asked for her name 'Phoenix' in the middle of the cake, when the cake arrived iced across the middle of the cake were the words ;Phoenix in the middle' 

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