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Who has he physically harmed?

Sunshine.  BB went to lengths to ensure her injuries weren't shown on the highlights show, but after being evicted, on BBBM, someone in the audience asked Sunshine if it was just an act, so finally Sunshine revealed some nasty looking friction burns.  So, yes, John James physically harmed her.
John James has verbally attacked Rachel and Corin and caused physical injuries to Sunshine.  Rachel was reduced to tears and Corin fought back.  Sunshine was evicted.

Sam verbally assualts Josie, many times in response to a verbal assault from Josie. The remark "it should be illiegal for you to wear a bikini" from Sam was a response to something Josie said to him.  In last night's HL's, Sam apologised for the remark as he thought it was banter between the two of them, he didn't realise that Josie is very sensitive about her weight.

When John James verally assaults one of the women, he doens't do it thiking it's banter at all.  He does it to undermine the woman.
Reference: Suzi
he didn't realise that Josie is very sensitive about her weight.
He called her Miss Piggy, before the show, and then watched weeks of the show, with her mentioning her weight worries, then heard her complaining that he had called her Miss Piggy in lockdown, then come in and called her Fat Slag, and then the bikini comment!

You think he didn't know that would hurt her?
He called her Miss Piggy, before the show, and then watched weeks of the show, with her mentioning her weight worries, then heard her complaining that he had called her Miss Piggy in lockdown, then come in and called her Fat Slag, and then the bikini comment!
Has he admitted that? I have seen Josie lie a few times - regarding the crab eyes comment that she made about John James, then saying steve said it and then saying BB replayed the conversation to her.

Josie has said some nasty things to Sam as well, do you think he has no feelings?  He may laugh about comments made, but so does Josie.  Sam has apologised for his comments to Josie, but has Josie apologised for her comments?
Reference: Suzi
Has he admitted that? I have seen Josie lie a few times - regarding the crab eyes comment that she made about John James, then saying steve said it and then saying BB replayed the conversation to her. Josie has said some nasty things to Sam as well, do you think he has no feelings? He may laugh about comments made, but so does Josie. Sam has apologised for his comments to Josie, but has Josie apologised for her comments?
He hasn't denied it, and kept shouting, "Shut up Jo Say, shut up Jo Say, shut up Jo Say.....", when she tried to list all the things he had said that were nasty. He obviously didn't want us to hear it all!

The Crab Eye thing was John James waiting six hours, before telling her she'd said it in the bedroom. He hadn't reacted badly when she did say it, and actually was laughing at her impressions. Was she expected to remember something she said, six hours earlier, that had had no significant reaction?

Yes, she lied about BB replaying the footage, and admitted that she had done it to try and make him admit that she hadn't said it. That would suggest, to me, that she really didn't remember saying it. It hardly makes everything she says a lie!

She has a problem with Sam's personal abuse, from before the show. Especially asking a woman who lost a leg to cancer, why she bothered dressing up and wearing make-up.

I don't see the problem with her standing up to his bullying comments and giving some back.

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