I'm glad you're back in good spirits
Hope you improve Cologne...
Speedy recovery Col
What a horrible experience for you ... take care
Sorry to hear you've been poorly Cologne take it easy and get well soon
Jeeeeez! Glad you're ok.
I'd take that as a sign to steer clear of the Fairy Liquid and let someone else do the washing up
(seriously though, it's a known irritant , even when you're not boiling it! Ecover is a lot less harsh - I have asthma and my gp recommended I switch to that )
Take care!
Thank you everybody and -slkinki, you've almost confirmed my suspicions. I've never heard of that before, so I will steer cleer from no, thank you.
Blimey, cologne!
Glad to hear you're better.
Maybe your daughter could let us know, if you are away for health reasons?
So many people can disappear for a week, or more, on here.
So sorry to hear of your health problems Cologne. i havent been on as i have had internet problems. Take care of yourself
How scary for you Cologne! Glad you're feeling better now
I didn't notice as I was on holiday lol.
Wow Cologne....glad you're on the mend, but blimey what an experience! Take care of yourself
Jeezo, Col..... glad you're ok.
Wow, cologne
Glad you're on the mend.
Cologne hope you are on the mend and feeling better ..take care
Hope you are on the mend Col...take it easy
Cologne.....I'm not in here much myself these days....I do hope you are on the mend!!! (((hugs)))xxx
There's a link there to a website that sells the Method products. I'm going to give them a go -will keep you posted!