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What happened was that I had made a bechamel sauce on Wednesday and burnt it, so Thursday I put some water and fairy in the pot and put it on the cooker to soften, but it boiled dry without me noticing and I started to breathe in the fumes and then from one second to the next, could not breathe. I couldn't even move my hand, never mind getting the phone and speak. That went on for about 30 minutes, after which I managed to breathe very rapidly, but was left with bad pain in my left arm and across my upper body. Unfortunately, it started again 2 hours later and when it didn't stop, i reached by my feet for sleeping tablets, took 3 and thought if they don't kill me, they'll give me some respite. Next thing I know is being woken by my cleaning lady who instantly called my quack and my daughter and I was in hospital an hour later. Although I had a heart attack the docs think it happened because my heart couldn't cope with the lung problems, I've had an angiogram and an echo sound and they both show my heart to be fine. Still, I'm on 14 additional tablets apart from my lung med. Thanks for your replies. I seem to be a bit too precious these days. Sorry.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

Thanks mrmincepie and yogi. Yes, I'm feeling much better and yes, my daughter and grandchildren are around. I even have my son for six weeks . He's starting a commando course in Barnstable today. That's only about 90 minutes from my place.

I'm glad you have family around, Cologne. Make sure you rest up and take good care of yourself.


One thing you're not is precious col      You're straight down the middle.


Sounds like a wee horror story you went through but you came out the other end thank goodness   


Good news on the heart results though and your cleaning lady sounds like a wee gem  


Bloody bechamel sauces 






Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

One thing you're not is precious col  


Sounds like a wee horror story you went through but you came out the other end thank goodness   


Good news on the heart results though and your cleaning lady sounds like a wee gem  


Bloody bechamel sauces 






bechamel sauces are in the past.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Cologne, what a scary experience. Thank goodness for your cleaning lady. The important thing is that you are still here.


It does sound as if the fumes meant that there wasn't enough oxygen in your blood (rather like carbon monoxide poisoning) and thus causing the heart attack.


That is exactly how the docs explained it. I think the only reason I survived was that the fumes naturally drifted out the window and subsided rather than a faulty equipment which would carry on doing the damage.

Darlo and clumsycat

cologne 1

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