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Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by Growlybear:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

Did it really get that bad?


Last thing I knew was 'finding out' that a FM was apparently 'someone else', which kinda shocked me as i thought that FM was female.


Didn't know it got personal.

It didn't get particularly personal, but Jonesy decided it was a good enough reason for another flounce.

The OP was'nt even Jonesy, Jonesy was'nt even here but the whole thread turned out to be about him..everytime he comes in there's snide remarks about him....

Poor bugger! 

Originally Posted by Marguerita:
Originally Posted by Growlybear:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

Did it really get that bad?


Last thing I knew was 'finding out' that a FM was apparently 'someone else', which kinda shocked me as i thought that FM was female.


Didn't know it got personal.

It didn't get particularly personal, but Jonesy decided it was a good enough reason for another flounce.

If it was what you say above he would have flounced and let us all know about quietly was  hardly a flounce ..was it..

 Marge. I missed the sideshow, but I found him alright on here.

Originally Posted by suzybean:
Originally Posted by Marguerita:
Originally Posted by Growlybear:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

Did it really get that bad?


Last thing I knew was 'finding out' that a FM was apparently 'someone else', which kinda shocked me as i thought that FM was female.


Didn't know it got personal.

It didn't get particularly personal, but Jonesy decided it was a good enough reason for another flounce.

If it was what you say above he would have flounced and let us all know about quietly was  hardly a flounce ..was it..

 Marge. I missed the sideshow, but I found him alright on here.

Me too....

Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by suzybean:
Originally Posted by Marguerita:
Originally Posted by Growlybear:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

Did it really get that bad?


Last thing I knew was 'finding out' that a FM was apparently 'someone else', which kinda shocked me as i thought that FM was female.


Didn't know it got personal.

It didn't get particularly personal, but Jonesy decided it was a good enough reason for another flounce.

If it was what you say above he would have flounced and let us all know about quietly was  hardly a flounce ..was it..

 Marge. I missed the sideshow, but I found him alright on here.

Me too....

Yeh, he never called anyone names, or made people feel uncomfortable or had pot shots etc etc.

Like i said in that original post he was harmless. 

Ev (Peachy)
Originally Posted by ~hoochie~:

I don't believe there's only a few people who can see what was wrong with that thread.  I do believe I understand why so few people are saying so.


I think it's an opportunity for this community to decide what kind of community we are or want to be.....there have to be things that we all agree are unacceptable.  

The voice of reason

Originally Posted by Lori:

It is indeed the voice of reason.


I should be clearer about my prior post (last page): Feel free to talk about what went wrong, and how to move forward, but I don't want to hear anything from anyone about whether or not Jonesy was a former FM.

Soz Lori I did'nt mean it like that I meant..Video is Video and Jonesy is Jonesy..if you get my drift, they are/were both present FM's ....


There was some confusion over whether Hyper was Real (who a lot of people think was here under another alias *which I shall not mention*).


It was pointed out by a few that Hyper and Real are 2 seperate people. The only person I saw it getting personal about was Real, who has had a hang up the size of Mount Etna about this forum ever since its birth and would constantly come on here and slag it off.


FWIW as far as Jonesy's concerned, I thought he got treated ok on here, regardless of what people thought or didn't think. The only time he got any stick was when he complained about being a treated badly as a newbie (which he wasn't until he brought it up which would nark people). Shame there isn't an auto post history available cos I think that would probably clarify what's what. Anyhooo, he's deregged so *shrugs*.


Originally Posted by zazz:

 live and let live.

That's the key to it, eh?  Don't get the " outing" thing, it achieves nothing ( and I think it might have been waaaay off the  mark anyway )  


As to what went wrong - I think the original post was confusing .. it did look like someone was trying to point us at a rival forum, when what ( I think! ) the poster was suggesting was that we go be the " audience" for a forum big brother, not join a big brother forum.


I didn't see the full thread before it was pulled, but what I saw of it got pretty ugly , and Hoochie is absolutely right. 

Originally Posted by Karma_:

There was some confusion over whether Hyper was Real (who a lot of people think was here under another alias *which I shall not mention*).


It was pointed out by a few that Hyper and Real are 2 seperate people. The only person I saw it getting personal about was Real, who has had a hang up the size of Mount Etna about this forum ever since its birth and would constantly come on here and slag it off.


FWIW as far as Jonesy's concerned, I thought he got treated ok on here, regardless of what people thought or didn't think. The only time he got any stick was when he complained about being a treated badly as a newbie (which he wasn't until he brought it up which would nark people). Shame there isn't an auto post history available cos I think that would probably clarify what's what. Anyhooo, he's deregged so *shrugs*.


this ^^^^^ .... agrees..

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by stonks:
Originally Posted by Growlybear:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

Did it really get that bad?


Last thing I knew was 'finding out' that a FM was apparently 'someone else', which kinda shocked me as i thought that FM was female.


Didn't know it got personal.

It didn't get particularly personal, but Jonesy decided it was a good enough reason for another flounce.

The OP was'nt even Jonesy, Jonesy was'nt even here but the whole thread turned out to be about him..everytime he comes in there's snide remarks about him....

Oh no,so basically Jonesy was blamed in the wrong,was there as much as an apology offered before he deregged?....I don't post a lot but do have a read and agree there frequently does seem to be a constant stream of snide remarks aimed at him.He's not perfect,who is, but in comparison to many imo he's quite harmless.


I have deliberately refrained from commenting in either this thread or the one that got pulled, but I feel I must say this much.  I agree that as a forum we should adopt the live and let policy, however, whether something is  deemed harmless will always depend on just how affected by it you are personally.  *exits stage right*

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by Karma_:

There was some confusion over whether Hyper was Real (who a lot of people think was here under another alias *which I shall not mention*).


It was pointed out by a few that Hyper and Real are 2 seperate people. The only person I saw it getting personal about was Real, who has had a hang up the size of Mount Etna about this forum ever since its birth and would constantly come on here and slag it off.


FWIW as far as Jonesy's concerned, I thought he got treated ok on here, regardless of what people thought or didn't think. The only time he got any stick was when he complained about being a treated badly as a newbie (which he wasn't until he brought it up which would nark people). Shame there isn't an auto post history available cos I think that would probably clarify what's what. Anyhooo, he's deregged so *shrugs*.


this ^^^^^ .... agrees..





FFS! Can't believe this is still going. 


Look, the poster in question created the reaction from some of us, by his own actions

Months of forgiveness, hugs of reassurance, truces, and being defended by his friends turned into years of the same ole, same ole. Peeps got fed up, exhausted, and bored with the repetitive predictable behaviour. The poster would return numerous times ad-nauseam, with a 'new' guise - self-confessed even! And, was equally banned (or flounced) as many times, because of his own actions.


OK, maybe the FM who initially named him in the deleted thread got it wrong. But given the numerous re-incarnations made - it's a very easy mistake to make, IMO.

My reference (in this thread) to the poster's behaviour, was related to a particular thread (now deleted, it seems...) whereby, he attacked the Darnellians. This was maliciously started out of his resentment for not feeling included, among them anymore.So, out of vengeance, he attempted to humiliate them, whilst hoping to garner support against them. 

Therefore, a 'vote' in favour of this poster's conduct, condones the nastiness aimed at a few highly respectable posters, who wouldn't harm a fly. This is despicable, and shouldn't be tolerated.


I recall a couple of FMs who were hounded; jumped on, and chased off this forum by some of the finger-wagging, headshaking, feigned-outraged, blue-face looking posters in this thread.

Where were the 'goody-two-shoe, do-gooders' and "the voices of reason" then?

Double standards an' all that, eh?

I rest my case. 


I agrees with Baz!


Sometimes the people that are affected by the actions of other people don't post in retaliation..  & therefore its assumed that some posters are "harmless"..   whilst other forum members, who abide by the rules, who do the live & let live thing just quietly feel uncomfortable posting here...  so we quietly lose them!


I've got forum friends who don't post here anymore for this very reason.


Things are not always as simple as "deciding we want to be a positive community" & therefore giving some people the benefit of the doubt.    


its finding the middle ground between being overly confrontational & prematurely accusing people of being someone...   & allowing some people to just take the pish all over the place!


The way I see it..    come on here, post for company, post for laughs, post for discussion...   but don't come on here to post to make someone else unhappy.


(i know what I am trying to say ^^^   but I think its a bit confusing when I read it back!   I think I have done a bit of an Olly)






I posted a blue face, but I know you're not talking about me. Tbh, I don't know the intricate details of things gone on in the past as regards the Darnell group (and I agree that the names I see pop up as the last poster on the thread are among the nicest FMs on here) but from what I can see here in this thread, I can't see what warranted a naming and shaming. That's all really.

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

I agrees with Baz!


Sometimes the people that are affected by the actions of other people don't post in retaliation..  & therefore its assumed that some posters are "harmless"..   whilst other forum members, who abide by the rules, who do the live & let live thing just quietly feel uncomfortable posting here...  so we quietly lose them!


I've got forum friends who don't post here anymore for this very reason.


Things are not always as simple as "deciding we want to be a positive community" & therefore giving some people the benefit of the doubt.    


its finding the middle ground between being overly confrontational & prematurely accusing people of being someone...   & allowing some people to just take the pish all over the place!


The way I see it..    come on here, post for company, post for laughs, post for discussion...   but don't come on here to post to make someone else unhappy.


(i know what I am trying to say ^^^   but I think its a bit confusing when I read it back!   I think I have done a bit of an Olly)





Nah, that all made perfect sense Ditty. Anyway, I'm outta here for now. I have a birthday party to organise for two over excited 3 year old twin girls 

Originally Posted by Baz:

I have deliberately refrained from commenting in either this thread or the one that got pulled, but I feel I must say this much.  I agree that as a forum we should adopt the live and let policy, however, whether something is  deemed harmless will always depend on just how affected by it you are personally.  *exits stage right*

Well it affected Jonesy enough to dereg....

Originally Posted by Sniper:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by Karma_:

There was some confusion over whether Hyper was Real (who a lot of people think was here under another alias *which I shall not mention*).


It was pointed out by a few that Hyper and Real are 2 seperate people. The only person I saw it getting personal about was Real, who has had a hang up the size of Mount Etna about this forum ever since its birth and would constantly come on here and slag it off.


FWIW as far as Jonesy's concerned, I thought he got treated ok on here, regardless of what people thought or didn't think. The only time he got any stick was when he complained about being a treated badly as a newbie (which he wasn't until he brought it up which would nark people). Shame there isn't an auto post history available cos I think that would probably clarify what's what. Anyhooo, he's deregged so *shrugs*.


this ^^^^^ .... agrees..





FFS! Can't believe this is still going. 


Look, the poster in question created the reaction from some of us, by his own actions

He was'nt even here....


Well I only saw the thread up until 9pm when I went off to watch CSI so I don't know how nasty it got after that but I do think that a point is being missed here.

The trouble was started by an fm coming into the thread and stating categorically that the OP was Real - because she definitely knew that it was.

No matter how much I and others said that the OP was such and such an fm going back to C4 days - and regardless of proof being offered by others about the OP using the sinking ship with that id - the fm who was convinced that the OP was real wouldn't have it that they were wrong.


That is what brought up the subject of Real and alt ids.

I have lost count of the number of times on here that various fms have outed newbies. Bad enough when they are right but utterly unacceptable when they are wrong. The newbie is accused, they protest their innocence, the accusations grow and then the newbie leaves.


It's like bloody Chinese Whispers and it's killing this forum

Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

Well I only saw the thread up until 9pm when I went off to watch CSI so I don't know how nasty it got after that but I do think that a point is being missed here.

The trouble was started by an fm coming into the thread and stating categorically that the OP was Real - because she definitely knew that it was.

No matter how much I and others said that the OP was such and such an fm going back to C4 days - and regardless of proof being offered by others about the OP using the sinking ship with that id - the fm who was convinced that the OP was real wouldn't have it that they were wrong. That is what brought up the subject of Real and alt ids.


I have lost count of the number of times on here that various fms have outed newbies. Bad enough when they are right but utterly unacceptable when they are wrong. The newbie is accused, they protest their innocence, the accusations grow and then the newbie leaves.


It's like bloody Chinese Whispers and it's killing this forum


EXCELLENT post Veggie   Particularly the bit I have bolded.......


Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

I agrees with Baz!


Sometimes the people that are affected by the actions of other people don't post in retaliation..  & therefore its assumed that some posters are "harmless"..   whilst other forum members, who abide by the rules, who do the live & let live thing just quietly feel uncomfortable posting here...  so we quietly lose them!


I've got forum friends who don't post here anymore for this very reason.


Things are not always as simple as "deciding we want to be a positive community" & therefore giving some people the benefit of the doubt.    


its finding the middle ground between being overly confrontational & prematurely accusing people of being someone...   & allowing some people to just take the pish all over the place!


The way I see it..    come on here, post for company, post for laughs, post for discussion...   but don't come on here to post to make someone else unhappy.


(i know what I am trying to say ^^^   but I think its a bit confusing when I read it back!   I think I have done a bit of an Olly)


Really good post Ditty - nothing is ever simple


For me the issue isn't so much about Jonesy specifically as a more general concern.  I read the thread and thought to myself if I had to read a thread where I was being "discussed" like that I'd be really upset.  I think most people would.


I feel that it really is quite fundamental that in a community where there is a basic level of respect for all members, that a group of posters "discussing" one FM wouldn't be acceptable, particularly when the FM isn't around to defend themselves.  I'd feel the same about it whether it was you, me, Jonesy or any other FM being "discussed"


I would never question anyone's right to call someone out, argue, criticise, or anything else ..... that's all part of forum life - and I certainly don't think that someone ought to be able to come on here and ride roughshod over people's feelings without being challenged.  It's just this one thing.........


 < *feels obliged*

Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

Well I only saw the thread up until 9pm when I went off to watch CSI so I don't know how nasty it got after that but I do think that a point is being missed here.

The trouble was started by an fm coming into the thread and stating categorically that the OP was Real - because she definitely knew that it was.

No matter how much I and others said that the OP was such and such an fm going back to C4 days - and regardless of proof being offered by others about the OP using the sinking ship with that id - the fm who was convinced that the OP was real wouldn't have it that they were wrong.


That is what brought up the subject of Real and alt ids.

I have lost count of the number of times on here that various fms have outed newbies. Bad enough when they are right but utterly unacceptable when they are wrong. The newbie is accused, they protest their innocence, the accusations grow and then the newbie leaves.


It's like bloody Chinese Whispers and it's killing this forum

Thats how it started and it would have died if Captain Oversized underpants had'nt turned up with his total hatred of the non present FM....

Originally Posted by stonks:

Thats how it started and it would have died if Captain Oversized underpants had'nt turned up with his total hatred of the non present FM....

Ok well I have no idea who that is or what went on prior to the thread getting pulled as I went off at 9pm and when I came back a couple of hours later the thread had gone.

My point was more about people stating with absolute certainty that fm X was previously fmY with no proof whatsoever other than their own opinion - and then repeating the accusation despite evidence to the contrary from several fms.


Originally Posted by Veggieburger:
Originally Posted by stonks:

Thats how it started and it would have died if Captain Oversized underpants had'nt turned up with his total hatred of the non present FM....

Ok well I have no idea who that is or what went on prior to the thread getting pulled as I went off at 9pm and when I came back a couple of hours later the thread had gone.

My point was more about people stating with absolute certainty that fm X was previously fmY with no proof whatsoever other than their own opinion - and then repeating the accusation despite evidence to the contrary from several fms.


Totally agree with you Veggie....

Originally Posted by Sniper:


OK, maybe the FM who initially named him in the deleted thread got it wrong.


THIS ^^^^ is the problem.

And that behaviour may get you banned. So, if you have a problem with that policy, don't post here. Somebody else said above (Veggie, I think?) that getting it right is bad enough, but getting it wrong is utterly unacceptable.


I would ask that, if you have incontrovertible proof that I can use, you let ME know. I don't mean posting styles or intuition, or you just KNOW. I mean the poster has outed themselves, publicly or privately, and you can prove it. Otherwise? Lay off of the finger-pointing.


Ok, thanks to the poster who sent a pm... makes alot more sense now. Sounds all so petty though, laughable that a forum member who probably isnt with us anymore is still somehow managing to piss people off I remember an FM (won't name who) who used to be about who I didn't get on with... every time either of us created a thread there would be some sort of arguement. However, I couldn't care less if he/she is still about... if they are still on here then fine, im not gonna hold some grudge from nearly a year ago.


On another forum I post this was all easily dealt with, there was someone who would often post just to wind everyone up... he would soon get banned and just keep coming back. The mods just track his IP though and know if it matches his old account, thats how they kept him quiet.

Originally Posted by Lori:
Originally Posted by Sniper:


OK, maybe the FM who initially named him in the deleted thread got it wrong.


THIS ^^^^ is the problem.

And that behaviour may get you banned. So, if you have a problem with that policy, don't post here. sure it warrants a ban.

However, I wasn't actually referring to myself in that particular sentence. 

And, as I've already made clear - I accepted the rules, when I signed up.

Ergo, repeating policies etc is irrelevant to me.

Originally Posted by ditty
The way I see it..    come on here, post for company, post for laughs, post for discussion...   but don't come on here to post to make someone else unhappy.
Originally Posted by ~Hoochie~

I would never question anyone's right to call someone out, argue, criticise, or anything else ..... that's all part of forum life - and I certainly don't think that someone ought to be able to come on here and ride roughshod over people's feelings without being challenged.  It's just this one thing.

 Ditty and Hooch 

 Too bloody right. 

Ev (Peachy)

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