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"Live and let live" seems to be the most rational sentiment being expressed in this thread. I could care less whether anyone is a returning/recycled fm, or whether people are orgasmic about managing to fool others.  If I want to talk about that kind of stuff, I can do it elsewhere.   I’ve lurked here plenty long enough to know which people I should swerve past. I also think it’s fair to say that we have been made aware of the boundaries here, across which no wrong word should be typed.  

As long as everyone here is treated in the same way, then that’s fine by me. 

Live and let live

yorky pud
Originally Posted by yorky pud:

"Live and let live" seems to be the most rational sentiment being expressed in this thread. I could care less whether anyone is a returning/recycled fm, or whether people are orgasmic about managing to fool others.  If I want to talk about that kind of stuff, I can do it elsewhere.   I’ve lurked here plenty long enough to know which people I should swerve past. I also think it’s fair to say that we have been made aware of the boundaries here, across which no wrong word should be typed.  

As long as everyone here is treated in the same way, then that’s fine by me. 

Live and let live

I thought i was the best at swerving, but i still had a few surprising bumps i wasn't expecting.

Still, i must and i will try harder. 

Ev (Peachy)

I find it more disturbing  when someone who has been banned who has a different id then comes into a thread trying to out someone else they think has a different id.. I have seen that happen on here beggars belief,if they are not causing trouble let them be instead of telling tales out of to speak ..the lovely hoochie's post was spot on 

Originally Posted by Marguerita:

I find it more disturbing  when someone who has been banned who has a different id then comes into a thread trying to out someone else they think has a different id.. I have seen that happen on here beggars belief,if they are not causing trouble let them be instead of telling tales out of to speak ..the lovely hoochie's post was spot on 

 Too true xx

Ev (Peachy)
Originally Posted by Marguerita:

I find it more disturbing  when someone who has been banned who has a different id then comes into a thread trying to out someone else they think has a different id.. I have seen that happen on here beggars belief,if they are not causing trouble let them be instead of telling tales out of to speak ..the lovely hoochie's post was spot on 

That's my theory, Marg      The problem is with people who come back but can't resist trying to stir it up like some cyber vigilante force - and there are those who I'm sure have disposable id's they use to come back for that reason only.    Most of the people who have been banned and allowed to return 'play nice' - everyone's human and has their breaking point after all.  

(i was in the original thread btw - I stand by what I said about not caring who is who, but it being bad form to promote another forum on this one) 

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Marguerita:

I find it more disturbing  when someone who has been banned who has a different id then comes into a thread trying to out someone else they think has a different id.. I have seen that happen on here beggars belief,if they are not causing trouble let them be instead of telling tales out of to speak ..the lovely hoochie's post was spot on 

That's my theory, Marg      The problem is with people who come back but can't resist trying to stir it up like some cyber vigilante force - and there are those who I'm sure have disposable id's they use to come back for that reason only.    Most of the people who have been banned and allowed to return 'play nice' - everyone's human and has their breaking point after all.  

(i was in the original thread btw - I stand by what I said about not caring who is who, but it being bad form to promote another forum on this one) 


 And I still stand by wanting to be Velma from Scooby Doo.


Lori, is there a naughty step?


Kaffy I know what you are saying but some get banned without a second chance to redeem themselves whilst others choose different ids after a ban and that is up to them I am not bothered one way or another, most play by the rules in here but none of us are perfect and there will be blips every now and again, when there is trouble brewing I choose to stay away from it is to short

Originally Posted by Lori:

In case you are wondering where it went, I removed a thread today.


Here's my last post on the thread, however, which should give you an indication of why it was removed.


"Hey, you guys?


Not all of you are participating in what could be classed as bullying behavior, but this isn't nice.  I'm sorry, but NONE of you has proof that any poster here is anyone other than who they say they are, and it's not nice to say the things that have been said. It's not welcoming, either, and as hoochie says above, it's not respectful. How would you like to log on and read this about yourself?"


I hear people talk about how there should be new members, and why is the board so quiet, etc. Maybe you should ask yourself if you WANT new members. You don't act respectfully to each other, you accuse each other with some regularity of being someone else from before, and you are not a very welcoming group when you behave that way.


Try taking people at face value for a change. If you don't want to accept new people DON'T POST WITH THEM.  If you are going to insist on finger pointing and such, your time here is going to be short.


I hope that's clear.




Lori, you have no idea how much this is appreciated...  Newbies have such a hard time on here, (whether they are totally new, or just someone who wants to start over, after having a rough time on here after falling out with someone in the past....)  The majority of people here are lovely, and it is a nice community, but it can be hard going at times, especially when people are trying to 'out' people and hound them til they leave.  (And this does happen on here, whether people care to admit it or not....)  So you posting this is a massive step forward for people who are new, (or returning people with new usernames who simply want to start afresh....)  I think people will feel much more comfortable and happy to post now. 


And it's not just newbies, but also people who are not quite so new (who have been here 4 to 6 months or more,) have times when they are sniped at/accused of being other people/accused of being returning banned members etc.  They will post on a thread which is ticking along nicely, and after they just put a nice pleasant post, a snide comment will appear just randomly ... I have seen it happen quite a few times...


I understand that some people have had issues with a couple of posters here in the past, who keep returning, and there are the odd one or two who are a pain, but as you have said, there is no guarantee that it's that same person, just because 'the posting style is similar...'  And even if you do think it's 'that person,' who may have been banned in the past: just report them like you said....  It is a very unpleasant feeling when you're on the receiving end of someone trying to 'out' you, and they keep hounding you, simply because they have suspicions, or they have decided that they don't like you for whatever reason..


So once again Lori.. THANK YOU!   Hopefully, the days of people hounding and pointing fingers and accusing, and mocking people who are 'suspected returning members' are numbered. 







I have no problem with returning people at all and if I feel somebody a returner I am certainly not going to report them fact I don't use the report button ever...  I don;t even know where it is..


I do have a problem with people moaning on and pretending to be what they aren't tho.. and if the mood takes me I'll say so cos I don't like sneakiness.. after all we are a community and have a right to express our opinions, in a polite way hopefully, no?


does that mean I will be on the naughty step now?..

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:



after all we are a community and have a right to express our opinions, in a polite way hopefully, no?



This is what was missing yesterday: politeness. There was a basic lack of respect happening, and THAT'S what I was objecting to.  Unfortunately, whether you "politely" call someone out or not, it turns into the stuff that was happening yesterday.  So, as my mother used to say, you don't have to say everything that goes through your head. Seriously. Sometimes it's best to sit on your hands.


There are plenty of you around who have been banned temporarily and allowed back under the banned IDs. Some of you have gone away on your own and come back under other IDs. Other people appear to have taken on second (or third) IDs simply so they can say things and be anonymous. And, I know there are others who have been banned who shouldn't be here, but since I can't prove it, you're here.


Please don't report people just because it's another ID. DO report people who break the rules and behave badly (remember, though, your asbestos underwear.   )


flkmnsdflker ;lkgbjd'poigv krthnasn a nngoi l;a'a  ?


oops was sitting on my hands and trying to use my nose to type. .so I'm not on the naughty step then,...   well not yet anyway .. can't promise to never air a view in the future tho.. so keep it warm for me please


I missed how that thread was going yesterday. .wasn't that bad when I turned off  early evening... take it it got worse later then... 

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

flkmnsdflker ;lkgbjd'poigv krthnasn a nngoi l;a'a  ?


oops was sitting on my hands and trying to use my nose to type. .so I'm not on the naughty step then,...   well not yet anyway .. can't promise to never air a view in the future tho.. so keep it warm for me please


I missed how that thread was going yesterday. .wasn't that bad when I turned off  early evening... take it it got worse later then..

I must have blinked and missed, if it had. 



Try's a bit of hand sitting though 'sdfpxkhugr;'pv, mn[urwoik';V

Ev (Peachy)
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

 And I still stand by wanting to be Velma from Scooby Doo.


Lori, is there a naughty step?

I see you more as Daphne, Rawks.

Which one was Daphne? lol

The wimpish girly one with blond hair.

Oh i'm all confused again, did she have red hair as well 

Ev (Peachy)
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

 And I still stand by wanting to be Velma from Scooby Doo.


Lori, is there a naughty step?

I see you more as Daphne, Rawks.

Which one was Daphne? lol

The wimpish girly one with blond hair.

Oh i'm all confused again, did she have red hair as well 

Hmm....maybe it wasn't as blond as I thought it was. It's been a long time, you know,

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Ev (Peachy):
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

 And I still stand by wanting to be Velma from Scooby Doo.


Lori, is there a naughty step?

I see you more as Daphne, Rawks.

Which one was Daphne? lol

The wimpish girly one with blond hair.

Oh i'm all confused again, did she have red hair as well 

Hmm....maybe it wasn't as blond as I thought it was. It's been a long time, you know,

"You talkin bout me?" 


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