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I don't like 'the look', Leccy, but I'm convinced it is subconscious.
It's the sort of look you have to have words with your kids about, when Granny serves up a special dinner.

But, I don't think Rachael has displayed the sort of behaviour that you'd think would come with 'that look', and I also think JJ has a very similar version!
I reckon branding the fella as someone likely to commit violent acts towards women based on the flimsy evidence that he had a round the dinner table rant about wannabes is a bit, no a lot, OTT and mean spirited

No it's not really that it's the way he generally looks down on women. When he went to have that talk with Rachel he more or less ordered her out into the garden. Not a very nice guy, not at all.
It's the sort of look you have to have words with your kids about, when Granny serves up a special dinner.

I've noticed tonight that my defence of JJ may come across as Rachael hatred, I actually think Rachael's ok...not a fan of the "look" or the typical BB fame chasing and I do think she's shallow...but she's not a baddy, by any means.   That tile is aaaaaaaaaaall Govan's
No it's not really that it's the way he generally looks down on women. When he went to have that talk with Rachel he more or less ordered her out into the garden. Not a very nice guy, not at all.
We'll have to agree to disagree on whether he's nice, I'm fine with that...but I still must take issue with the DV thing you "kinda" pointed's too serious to be trivialised by "he looks the type" or "he seems the type" (based on such a short amount of viewing time, relatively)...if they were that easy to spot then there'd be significantly less victims.

I also realise that you may have been tongue in cheek and not entirely serious, so if you weren't my apologies for that

As an aside, does anyone know if it's "Rachael" or "Rachel"? Coz I've seen both and it's 10000000000% easier for me of it's the latter
Bugger That means I have to type it out, correct it, correct it again and maybe on the 3rd attempt I'll get it right *curses wonky fingers*

To further provide evidence of how shallow I really am and how quick I am to judge people at a whim the spelling of Rachael's name told me everything about her I ever needed or wanted to know
lol I know. I was agreeing with you *sigh*. She's no more shallow than kangaroo boy though.
I dunno, I think he's trying to be less in I think he really fancies her but was hoping she'd be a bit less obvious about the fame-hunger.

So, yeah, he is shallow but is trying to scrape beneath it (I just waffled a bit, it made sense in my head)
Rachael and JJ have cleared the air, he doesn't want what is probably her last day in there to be uncomfortable.. must have sussed that his antics will have lost him a bit of support perhaps and knowing how the editing goes?.
I usually greet news like this with optimisim, and I get a warm feeling inside...In this case because I think JJ is psychotic Douche Lord...I fear for Rachel...Especially if she survives eviction.
Senora Reyes
Reference: Promiscuous
No. No it is not. BB is almost over now but if I ever got on to it I would spell my name as Promeatheus because you know, it might be all kinds of quite clearly wrong but it would surely sound cool. Illiteracy and pretentious is the new black.
It's certainly the version I've seen the most and it was good enough for Mr Dickens, when he was writing Hard Times.

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