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Originally posted by Fifi29:
anyone here actually watch it? Anyone see that the agressive "physical" behaviour was totally down to Sree?? That, as Marcus quite rightly pointed out in the DR, he sat where he was whilst they both gave lip to each other (neither of them are angels in that respect) but it WAS Sree who got up, walked towards Marcus in a threatening manner and the whole time Marcus remained seated. Hmmm, not seeing anything other than "small man syndrome" IMO
and if someone had said that to you, after goading you for ages, and talking over you the whole time, so its impossible for you to get a word in, you'd have calmly sat there too would you? Roll Eyes
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by Forest:
I have a new found respect for Marcus. If he stopped the perving, he might well be my favourite.

He reminds me of that IT bloke from The Office.

I can't remember the last time Big Brother was challenged, and he was absolutely right to challenge. I would be infuriated if my morality was questioned because they are running scared of anything that might even loosely 'appear' to be aggressive or racially motivated. Clearly it wasn't, and by pointing the finger so readily, is as Marcus said, only fuelling the fire by making an issue of something that isn't a issue and can only ever be divisive.

Well done I say, really refreshing for someone to stand by what they believe in and sticking two fingers up at the gutless.

Very well said Thumbs Up Clapping
Scooby doo
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by Fifi29:
anyone here actually watch it? Anyone see that the agressive "physical" behaviour was totally down to Sree?? That, as Marcus quite rightly pointed out in the DR, he sat where he was whilst they both gave lip to each other (neither of them are angels in that respect) but it WAS Sree who got up, walked towards Marcus in a threatening manner and the whole time Marcus remained seated. Hmmm, not seeing anything other than "small man syndrome" IMO
and if someone had said that to you, after goading you for ages, and talking over you the whole time, so its impossible for you to get a word in, you'd have calmly sat there too would you? Roll Eyes

roll your eyes all you want - you dont know me or a thing about me so how you can presume to know how I handle debates/disputes/arguments is beyond me. I've had many a disagreements in my career and have NEVER had to resort to the behaviour you imply here, and thanks to being able to present my arguments/disagreements like a grown up I am now in management. However your suspicion that it would be impossible not to "calmly" sit there implies to me that your reactions would be similar to Sree's in that you would've jumped up and acted physically agressive just as he did.
The mark of an intelligent debate/a superior argument is NOT having to resort to physicallity. You may not persuade your opponent to listen to you or to agree with you, however if you can present your case or side without having to present your physical presence in a threatening manner, then you have done yourself proud.

Oh and one more thing, Sree is the king of talking over people, but it seems like he cant handle a bit of his own behaviour thrown back in his face!! If he cant take it, he shouldnt bring it!
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Marcus is often very intimidating and aggressive imo, particularly to Sree who he was constantly having 'pops' at, but don't think he is racist, he just didn't like Sree
I dont think he was or is racist.But your quite right he didn't like Sree and the reason he didn't like him was because of all the stuff with Noirin.
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Marcus is often very intimidating and aggressive imo, particularly to Sree who he was constantly having 'pops' at, but don't think he is racist, he just didn't like Sree

Agreed, not racist in the slightest but he SHOULDN'T have imitated Sree's accent in that aggresive manner - it was most clearly not a joke this time, as he should have known how BB would view this.

He has however picked on Sree constantly and put him down in every task without even giving him a chance. What he said after the sports day challenge was nasty.
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by longcat:
he didn't like Sree and the reason he didn't like him was because of all the stuff with Noirin.

Pistols at dawn between twomenchildren over a girl who wouldn't give them a second look in the real world Roll Eyes
Nod Throw her ideal man in and watch the sparks fly.
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
If any of you had the displeasure last night at around 4am to listen to Marcus, isloating, backstabbing, and filling Noirin's head up with crap about Freddie and Siavash, you wouldn't think he was a cool, he was creeping me out big time, I found it very distrubing.
I dont think he is cool. I think he doesn't want any possibility of Noirin getting friendly with any other fellas. Sree was called a stalker i think Marcus is as bad.
Originally posted by longcat:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
If any of you had the displeasure last night at around 4am to listen to Marcus, isloating, backstabbing, and filling Noirin's head up with crap about Freddie and Siavash, you wouldn't think he was a cool, he was creeping me out big time, I found it very distrubing.
I dont think he is cool. I think he doesn't want any possibility of Noirin getting friendly with any other fellas. Sree was called a stalker i think Marcus is as bad.

Marcus is much worse, I said about two weeks ago in here that Marcus 10x more creepier than Sree, and the majority disagreed. I still stand by it, Noirin does not know what she's messing with and Marcus will not be as easy as Sree to shrug off.
Senora Reyes
Originally posted by Fifi29:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by Fifi29:
anyone here actually watch it? Anyone see that the agressive "physical" behaviour was totally down to Sree?? That, as Marcus quite rightly pointed out in the DR, he sat where he was whilst they both gave lip to each other (neither of them are angels in that respect) but it WAS Sree who got up, walked towards Marcus in a threatening manner and the whole time Marcus remained seated. Hmmm, not seeing anything other than "small man syndrome" IMO
and if someone had said that to you, after goading you for ages, and talking over you the whole time, so its impossible for you to get a word in, you'd have calmly sat there too would you? Roll Eyes

roll your eyes all you want - you dont know me or a thing about me so how you can presume to know how I handle debates/disputes/arguments is beyond me. I've had many a disagreements in my career and have NEVER had to resort to the behaviour you imply here, and thanks to being able to present my arguments/disagreements like a grown up I am now in management. However your suspicion that it would be impossible not to "calmly" sit there implies to me that your reactions would be similar to Sree's in that you would've jumped up and acted physically agressive just as he did.
The mark of an intelligent debate/a superior argument is NOT having to resort to physicallity. You may not persuade your opponent to listen to you or to agree with you, however if you can present your case or side without having to present your physical presence in a threatening manner, then you have done yourself proud.

Oh and one more thing, Sree is the king of talking over people, but it seems like he cant handle a bit of his own behaviour thrown back in his face!! If he cant take it, he shouldnt bring it!
hmm, no I didnt indicate that I would get up and be "physically aggressive" (i think you'll find Marcus has been behaving aggressively to Sree for weeks, if not with violence then certainly with his mouth) Roll Eyes I suggested that it would not be possible to sit there and do nothing! Re read my post before you make daft accusations in future. Shake Head
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
If any of you had the displeasure last night at around 4am to listen to Marcus, isloating, backstabbing, and filling Noirin's head up with crap about Freddie and Siavash, you wouldn't think he was a cool, he was creeping me out big time, I found it very distrubing.

I was up until 4.30am and watched the whole thing and I must say I completely disagree with your comments. Marcus in no way isolated Noirin and nor was he backstabbing about Freddie and Siavash! I wish you'd stick to the truth instead of putting your spin on things and bringing it to the forum as "fact". Shake Head
it WAS Sree who got up, walked towards Marcus in a threatening manner and the whole time Marcus remained seated. Hmmm, not seeing anything other than "small man syndrome" IMO
and if someone had said that to you, after goading you for ages, and talking over you the whole time, so its impossible for you to get a word in, you'd have calmly sat there too would you? Roll Eyes

your suspicion that it would be impossible not to "calmly" sit there implies to me that your reactions would be similar to Sree's in that you would've jumped up and acted physically agressive just as he did.

hmm, no I didnt indicate that I would get up and be "physically aggressive" mouth) Roll Eyes I suggested that it would not be possible to sit there and do nothing! Re read my post before you make daft accusations in future. Shake Head

You've just confirmed my suspicions - you have just said that it would not be possible to sit there and do nothing. Therefore, you are saying you would have to do something. You state your case quite clearly Smiler
Originally posted by Fifi29:
it WAS Sree who got up, walked towards Marcus in a threatening manner and the whole time Marcus remained seated. Hmmm, not seeing anything other than "small man syndrome" IMO
and if someone had said that to you, after goading you for ages, and talking over you the whole time, so its impossible for you to get a word in, you'd have calmly sat there too would you? Roll Eyes

your suspicion that it would be impossible not to "calmly" sit there implies to me that your reactions would be similar to Sree's in that you would've jumped up and acted physically agressive just as he did.

hmm, no I didnt indicate that I would get up and be "physically aggressive" mouth) Roll Eyes I suggested that it would not be possible to sit there and do nothing! Re read my post before you make daft accusations in future. Shake Head

You've just confirmed my suspicions - you have just said that it would not be possible to sit there and do nothing. Therefore, you are saying you would have to do something. You state your case quite clearly Smiler
Yes; Sree shouldve gone to the diary room and told bb he felt threatened. As it was, he didnt need to coz they worked it out for themselves; Says it all really. Did I hint at anytime that me or Sree should get "physically aggresive"; Let me check; hmm, no!! Is that "clear enough" for you?! Roll Eyes
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Yes, Marcus lied through his teeth.

He did start it and he did threaten Sree and if he thinks Sree getting up and padding across the garden towards him is aggressive, he needs his head examined. Laugh
Nod Marcus is one of those people who lies so well, he actually convinces himself he is not in the wrong! My daughter has just watched the episode in question as she was out with her b/f when it was on . She actually called me out and asked me if Id taped the argument (over the shopping) from the start, coz she had rewound it to see how and where Sree had "started it" and to who he was having "a go at" apart from arguing with Marcus!! Even she was confused at Marcus's boloni! Nod
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by frenchbread:
I cant stand Marcus he is gross!

NO!!! well you shouldve mentioned it before...once or n there,

Old hippy guy please tell me how many times i am allowed to post my dislike for Marcus? I didnt realise you have bought the rights of this forum. I have seen your posts "Kris is a wanker" im not a fan of Kris but how come you are posting your dislike and when others post about Marcus you take it personally!!
Originally posted by frenchbread:
Originally posted by frenchbread:
I cant stand Marcus he is gross!

NO!!! well you shouldve mentioned it before...once or n there,

Old hippy guy please tell me how many times i am allowed to post my dislike for Marcus? I didnt realise you have bought the rights of this forum. I have seen your posts "Kris is a wanker" im not a fan of Kris but how come you are posting your dislike and when others post about Marcus you take it personally!!

I can't stand Marcus either! Glance
Originally posted by wandawitch:
I'm up and down with Marcus. I liked the way he stood up to BB trying to say he was racist but I hate the male chauvanist pig he becomes when he is talking to Noirin. Shake Head
Some of the things he was saying during his rant WERE true, but I am sure that IF he ever (like he said) was to talk in "an irish accent or a geordie accent" and I take it he was refering to Noirin and Chris; it would not be in the same vein as it was to Sree. He was being plain nasty to Sree, whereas if he did it to the others he would do so in a jokey manner. Thats the difference. Im only too fed up myself with the way this country is getting plain ridiclous with all their PC claptrap. Winds me up no end, but at the end of the day, he knew how he was behaving to Sree. He just didnt like BBs reaction to it!
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by Miss_S:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by Canicant:
I hope Marcus wins BB cos he sure as hell could do with the 70k to sort his face out, he looks like Bruce Forsyth and Alvin Stardusts love child Big Grin
Eeker Poor old Brucie, how insulting! Laugh


I can see the Alvin Stardust resemblance but Brucie?

It's the chin Wink
Originally posted by Canicant:
Originally posted by Miss_S:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by Canicant:
I hope Marcus wins BB cos he sure as hell could do with the 70k to sort his face out, he looks like Bruce Forsyth and Alvin Stardusts love child Big Grin
Eeker Poor old Brucie, how insulting! Laugh

It's the chin Wink


I can see the Alvin Stardust resemblance but Brucie?
Big Grin Wonder if the guy that plays Onslow watches BB and thinks "he's stolen my vest?" Laugh Laugh
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by Canicant:
Originally posted by Miss_S:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by Canicant:
I hope Marcus wins BB cos he sure as hell could do with the 70k to sort his face out, he looks like Bruce Forsyth and Alvin Stardusts love child Big Grin
Eeker Poor old Brucie, how insulting! Laugh


I can see the Alvin Stardust resemblance but Brucie?

It's the chin Wink

It can't be - Brucie's chin is ten times bigger Laugh

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