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Lovely ladies and Gents...

some of you maybe aware of my forthcoming little jaunt across Europe in a banger car which is only a few weeks away now - we have the car but we need a theme! Previous rallys have seen the likes of Ghostbuster Cars, Cars done up like Kit, Dukes of Hazzard, Burberry (it is actually called The Scally Rally) - the more outrageous the better... now i KNOW you are a creative lot - how's about you give me some ideas??!

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Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
Originally posted by Kaytee:
Nuns on the run?

Hmmmm Nuns you say?? Now i could see us done up like Nuns but what way would we do the car? Black with few crosses on it?

Creative use of either black binbags or that blackout curtain stuff from the market, plus a white sheet. Roof-wimple, bonnet and boot, put a black *skirt* on'em.
Just thought i'd give y'all a wee update!

We have decided on a "Rave" Theme for the car - early 90's stuff, loadsa neon and smiley faces, we've got one of those horns that do 40 sounds (the cow mooing is probably my fav!)and we are spray painting the neon colours on the car this weekend.. oh and we've some proper dodgy/chavtastic strip lighting for underneath the car too!!

And its only 2 WEEKS today until we head off! EXCITED NOW!!

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