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Sorry but i feel guilty about posting under a Pseudonym for so long. Sorry to the folk i seem to have upset in the past, and to the the Admins- especially Lori. But the time has come for me to reveal that i am " Real". Suspect this won't come as a shock to most of you but i needed to get back here and chat with my old mates. Sadly most of them have gone and the ones that are left seem to have no remorse to live and let live. I have been controversial in the past- i know this and hoped to have learned my lesson, but a lifetime ban by Lori was a bit harsh IMO. I know i will be banned again for this post, but i had to do it as i am not in the best of health now. I hope to be able to stay here but just had to get this off my chest. Either way i wish you all a happy and healthy life and just hope i can stay here and revert to my real ID

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Awww, jonesey matey.  Why say anything?  You were getting on just fine under this name... you had a few people who were a bit hostile with you, (because they suspected things,) but most people on here are fine with you, you silly sausage.  You are funny and entertaining to post with, and there was no need to have 'outed' yourself.  Most people have a few people who don't like them: I know I do, but the positives on here MASSIVELY outweigh the negatives.  And most people are LOVELY!


I don't know who REAL is or was, and don't know any of the history, but I really do think you should've let things lie.  Sorry you're poorly BTW and I hope you feel well soon.    I hope you don't get banned.

Originally Posted by Jonesy:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I knew you were Real. Most people did I think .......................I really don't think you had to take such drastic measures. Hope you don't get banned for this 

Me too, but i just felt it was my fault FMs had left here. I just hope Lori has the same soft pot- Case of mushy peas await.

Believe you're just the same as everyone else here.........a small cog in a big wheel 

Originally Posted by Cupcake:

Awww, jonesey matey.  Why say anything?  You were getting on just fine under this name... you had a few people who were a bit hostile with you, (because they suspected things,) but most people on here are fine with you, you silly sausage.  You are funny and entertaining to post with, and there was no need to have 'outed' yourself.  Most people have a few people who don't like them: I know I do, but the positives on here MASSIVELY outweigh the negatives.  And most people are LOVELY!


I don't know who REAL is or was, and don't know any of the history, but I really do think you should've let things lie.  Sorry you're poorly BTW and I hope you feel well soon.    I hope you don't get banned.

Thanks Cupcake but the history goes back a long way. I was here from day 1 on these forums but one indecent on here between  me and another forum member turned into a witch hunt. I hope i will be able to come back here as Real as i find trying to con folk a burden. I cant see it myself but in case i dont- best of luck to you all and keep in touch on twitter - @jones893


Awww that is a shame   But it may have been best to have kept undercover (LOL)  As i said, not everyone is going to like everyone on here.  Most folk on here have at least one to three other members that they 'post around' and do not respond to if they can see one of them trying to bait them or whatever.  It's like in real life: just avoid/ignore the people you don't get on with.


I agree with Syd. You are not conning us, we pretty much know you are real, but as long as you hang in and be an fm with something to say (and you are), why make a song and dance about it. People have always liked you and just got fed up with your antics, well, there's been no antics for months, it's ok, you've come out, we knew all along, it's kosher and fine and dandy.

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