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Hi PC. First of all, please be assured that pretty much everyone who does a dissertation feels the same way. The problem is that it seems like such a momentous task it can be completely overwhelming. I remember how I felt doing mine and it took forever to get motivated. It reduced me to tears on more than one occassion and I remember feeling like a total fraud and failure...and then I spoke to my best friend who was going through exactly the same issues and that helped to put things into perspective. Yes, it's important and it's an independant study, but try to take the fear factor out of it. Your tutors will not be expecting you to come up with a piece of academic work that will change the world. It's just an extended essay on a subject that you find personally interesting.

What subject are you studying?

Queen of the High Teas
I totally agree with everything you said QHT I can remember times when I would sit at the computer all day and only come up with one or two lines of half decent work ! And on bad days even passing the study and catching site of the computer would bring me out in a cold sweat But like QHT says Chicken , that is quite normal when doing a dissertation or thesis. So don't be too hard on yourself ... It will get done

My advice is just start writing - don't look to find a beginning or a middle etc - just let the ideas tumble out even if they seen irrelevant or ridiculous - then put it aside for a day or two. When you return to it your thoughts will be more ordered - you'll have some idea on what areas need reading up on - subconsciously it'll all be be going round in your head. Just start writing!


It works for me.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

My advice is just start writing - don't look to find a beginning or a middle etc - just let the ideas tumble out even if they seen irrelevant or ridiculous - then put it aside for a day or two. When you return to it your thoughts will be more ordered - you'll have some idea on what areas need reading up on - subconsciously it'll all be be going round in your head. Just start writing!


It works for me.

Got to agree with Soozy. Just write anything. It can be so daunting trying to imagine a finished article that you'd like to be perfect and ordered. But very few people can think in total essay type structures (that have a beginning, middle and end). Most people think in jumbles and find a conclusion to tie up with the process. You might find that you have more questions than definitive answers as you go along. Include those....most tutors love a good old inquiry in the middle of a bunch of facts and figures. Good luck, and don't beat yourself up  

Originally Posted by Renton:

I'm soooo glad i aint facing another assignment - i hated them too

"Explain the term 'International Gothic' . . . yer what???!!!


Bite size is the way to go - best of luck

I miss doing assignments ...................I'm a bit mad - I love exams - and ...........depending on the subject matter I usually love writing up an assignment - if it weren't so expensive I'd be an eternal student - I love to learn!

Soozy Woo
Welcome back chicken! I can't add much because there's some great advice up there ^ but I was browsing the app store the other day when I saw an app that provides background music for creative writing, it was highly rated so if that sounds like something that could be helpful to you, I'd suggest trying it. I like to write for fun, always loved exams/essays in English etc I wish you the very best of luck, try not to put too much pressure on yourself, you're only human
~Sparkling Summer~



I did extra modules to avoid doing a dissertation 


well the way I work is to firstly think what area am I interested in.


Do a spider gram with topics that relate.  Form into a plan by

ordering those topics in the order I'm going to talk about them.


Write and let the words tumble (as Soozy said) as much as you can (but take breaks) 


leave it for at least a few days then return to it with fresh eyes.


tweak and add/delete as necessary.


get someone else to read it to check for grammar and typos (you never see your own mistakes)


can you do a draft and get advice from the tutor that is mentoring you in this dissertation?  It's always worth taking your plan plus 1-2 pages in as a draft to make sure you're on the right path so book an appointment now if you can with them


Most of all, enjoy writing about something you like and the ideas will flow.



Good luck hun 


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