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My company wants to replace 26 full time roles with 10 full time roles and 8 part time ones. But there are also further redundancies affecting the department I directly work with, which means they're really targeting me and four other colleagues particularly.

I've decided (after a night on beer and cocktails) that I want a full time role or redundancy. All of my colleagues seem to have opted for the same,  given that the part time ones would still mean whoever takes them would have to be at 24 hours' notice if work wanted them to come in on a day off, or only  2 hours' notice if they wanted them to work a later shift up to 12 hours, even though the part time shift is only 4 hours.

What a load of cack!

I'd rather clean ****ing toilets, frankly.

Oh, and did I mention that the ELEVEN MANAGERS who were in charge of a dwindling number of staff before this announcement are STILL keeping their jobs?

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Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

As long as you know where to look then  

I'm not sure, but I ain't doint that! We're going to ask for some union advice but we don't think the part time roles are legal. 24 hour's hours' notice of when they want you to work, plus 2 hours' notice if they want you to work late. How is that different from being on full time conditions, apart from being paid half the pay?

Originally Posted by Demantoid:

My company wants to replace 26 full time roles with 10 full time roles and 8 part time ones. But there are also further redundancies affecting the department I directly work with, which means they're really targeting me and four other colleagues particularly.

I've decided (after a night on beer and cocktails) that I want a full time role or redundancy. All of my colleagues seem to have opted for the same,  given that the part time ones would still mean whoever takes them would have to be at 24 hours' notice if work wanted them to come in on a day off, or only  2 hours' notice if they wanted them to work a later shift up to 12 hours, even though the part time shift is only 4 hours.

What a load of cack!

I'd rather clean ****ing toilets, frankly.

Oh, and did I mention that the ELEVEN MANAGERS who were in charge of a dwindling number of staff before this announcement are STILL keeping their jobs?

^^^ Doesn't surprise me in the least.


Sad to see this news, it's horrible when it happens, but like Velvet start looking around for something else. Even if you manage to get one of the full time positions it sounds like a cack company to work for. That set up with the rotas is a joke - are employees supposed to just sit by the phone?  Hope things work out x


You shouldn't all be sympathetic at all - this isregional newspapers I work for.

We're all skags, just like Rebekah Brooks and the Murdochs.

Unfortunately, tens of thousands of normal newspaper workers will be tarred with ethe same brush because of them.

Mty group's regional owners (Trinity Mirror, whose boss got paid ÂĢ1.7 milion last year) deciced to use today's BBC strike (same as News Corp) as a day to bury bad news

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

Man,my late mums best pal from yonks ago  worked for the Mirror group and lost half her pension to that fat barsteward Maxwell that went overboard...

Omigod, so many people suffered for that fat barsteward.

(on a different "fat barsteward" note, I's just like to tell you that Huw is now completely tame

Originally Posted by Demantoid:

You shouldn't all be sympathetic at all - this isregional newspapers I work for.

We're all skags, just like Rebekah Brooks and the Murdochs.

Unfortunately, tens of thousands of normal newspaper workers will be tarred with ethe same brush because of them.

Mty group's regional owners (Trinity Mirror, whose boss got paid ÂĢ1.7 milion last year) deciced to use today's BBC strike (same as News Corp) as a day to bury bad news

I worked for Trinity for 7 years in regional press. What the hell are these conditions about working part-time and working late??!

Originally Posted by Demantoid:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

Man,my late mums best pal from yonks ago  worked for the Mirror group and lost half her pension to that fat barsteward Maxwell that went overboard...

Omigod, so many people suffered for that fat barsteward.

(on a different "fat barsteward" note, I's just like to tell you that Huw is now completely tame

Aww little fat golden hammys.  Jake is doing well ,he's now one year old,shit  time flies.

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:
Originally Posted by Demantoid:
Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

Man,my late mums best pal from yonks ago  worked for the Mirror group and lost half her pension to that fat barsteward Maxwell that went overboard...

Omigod, so many people suffered for that fat barsteward.

(on a different "fat barsteward" note, I's just like to tell you that Huw is now completely tame

Aww little fat golden hammys.  Jake is doing well ,he's now one year old,shit  time flies.

Has NEVER tried to bite me even once. Possibly the sweetest hamster I've ever had - and I've had a few!


It's a fecking nightmare - unfortunately we have the added complication of a sawn off little runt of an MD, who really has his favourites and really wants the weekly titles finished - shame, because before he and the the other head head honchos decided to devalue them, they were bringing in more revenue tha all the daily titles combined..

Originally Posted by Demantoid:

It's a fecking nightmare - unfortunately we have the added complication of a sawn off little runt of an MD, who really has his favourites and really wants the weekly titles finished - shame, because before he and the the other head head honchos decided to devalue them, they were bringing in more revenue tha all the daily titles combined..

Again...sounds familiar :s I know people who still work for them and I hear the same complaints, but MD's and the like want to make the impression of raising revenue, so often fix what ain't broken and then break it. (And then blame it on the bad performance of the staff). I remember when Trinity tried to implement a 10% YoY increase on all advertisers, that went down like a lead balloon. There are lots of other ways you can stay in publishing, get the hell out of that shit pot mate x


I remember when the Mirror stood for the working class and the campaigns they did. My aunt was Marjorie Proops housekeeper and MP spearheaded a lot of the stuff to get justice.

Then that fat pile of crap Maxwell came in and everyone got shafted.


Sorry for your plight Deman, it makes you mad when they can keep the managers but get rid of the people who actually do the work.

If you go for redundancy I hope you get it and get a decent wodge to tide you over. I know that jobs are really hard to get in your bit of the world especially with all the government workers being laid off there.

Good luck xx

If it's any consolation years ago when my father in law worked on the print him and his mate had an interview or something (not sure of the details) with Robert Maxwell....he laid the the you will, you will not blah , blah , blah to them. They turned to leave and he shouted. Where did they think they were going? They told him to stick his work and f*** off and walked our leaving him gasping with rage!
Oh I remember now, it wasn't an was something to do with HMSO cos he worked there at the time....Maxwell tried to kay down the law to him and got told to Eff off cos he wasn't their boss. To the matter in hand though , on the part time stuff I didn't think companies were allowed to impose different terms and conditions on part time workers , only pro rats ones. The website has lots of useful info on this.

Aw Toid..    FWIW, I have no connections with anyone that works for the press, & don't know anyone that works for them or has worked for them  (apart from Karma), and yet me & hubby & our family & friends all said we felt sorry for the all the other people that worked in the industry that had done nothing wrong that would either feel the consequences of all this hacking stuff, or have their profession sullied (even more) unjustly.


I hope you come through all this feeling happy with whatever position you find yourself in at the end xx


Demantoid, I know how you feel.  I was actually made redundant last week, but that's by the by as the job was a shite hire and fire position I only took out desperation for a crap company through a crap agency.  


However, like your situation, in my last proper job, rather than the Mickey Mouse one above, it too was a case of all the team managers keeping their jobs and redundancy being on a flawed so-called skills matrix.  Eight people up for redundancy in a department of 24 and no team managers included in the process.  In my case, my skills matrix was actually filled by my manager and a manager of another team who I'd never worked with during my whole time there.  If I had my time again, I'd take the bastards to an employment tribunal - because there was a element of institutionalised bullying attached also.

Originally Posted by Demantoid:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Do the honourable thing and resign then  

Why honourable? I've done nothing, wrong, neither have any of my colleagues.

Exactly, honour won't pay the bills and put food on the table.  Pig headed pride, when you've done nothing wrong, is all very well but it's a dream come true for any hire and fire employer who wants to reduce redundancy payments. 


I'm shuddering for you lot that are facing redundancy or have been made redundant recently... 


We've been through it twice in the last 7 years (hubby being made redundant), the last time MrD was out of work for nearly a year, despite spending all day, every day applying for jobs.   We were lucky, he got a job he loves (though the pay is not all that) and has been in it for a couple of years now.    However, we still haven't recovered financially from the months he was out of work.  It stripped us of our savings, his redundancy & sent us into the red.


Its grim isn't it?    I sincerely hope you all find something soon (hopefully something you are happy with) 


Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Do the honourable thing and resign then  

First rule of working for arseholes.......


During my years as an employee, and performing in various union positions, I was quite surprised at the lack of interest in contracts, pensions, employment rules and so on. I would beg people to take an interest and study how everything works, because quite frankly that devious person from the Scunthorpe HR Dept. is going to tell you a pack of lies.

Garage Joe
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:

, I was quite surprised at the lack of interest in contracts, pensions, employment rules and so on. I would beg people to take an interest and study how everything works, because quite frankly that devious person from the Scunthorpe HR Dept. is going to tell you a pack of lies.

firstly - 'toid... good luck, hope you get a full time post, then a better job offer so you can tell them to stick it up their ass.


Secondly.... I used to be one of those people Joe.. simply because I never had to be.  I realise now I've been extremely fortunate in my working life to date working for people I could respect and trust.     Not the case now unfortunately.   Although the company I work for is small and only a few years old.. a UK division of a larger Irish company - we're (touch wood) doing well and profits and turnover have grown year on year and we've never made a loss, not even in the first few precarious years.     Last year, we got a letter from the MD saying the auditors asked why they'd never cut wages because - and I quote - 'everyone else is doing it these days', so the old fart decided he'd just flag up to everyone that that might be on the cards.   Not because it was necessary, but because he could in other words.     After working for 30 odd years without one, I sent said old fart a letter telling him if that did happen i would not be accepting and treating it as an illegal stoppage of earnings... and (feeling like a bit of a user) I'm now a union member. 


So far.. so good... but of course nobody's talking pay increases either.  


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