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Ok let me explain why I commented in this particular thread as I am getting criticised for doing so...


I open up the forum in the morning to catch up overnight on BB threads and someone has spammed the place so much all the actual proper threads are pushed to the second page and the first page is full of a load of old spam nonsense thread after thread. .


so I will comment on the thread where they acknowledge they will troll again in the morra [sic].. and I will say what I think about that, as is my right as a member of this forum.. I am entitled to do that if it ruins my forum experience...


Plus there is a thread already for people who want to just post any old stuff without starting a thread, I made a link to it for easy access.. 


is that ok for you?

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*

Ok so shoot me everyone.. I expected to log in this morning and read and catch up with BB discussion from overnight and was pissed off that the place had been spammed by the forum pet troll, yet again, and said as much in a thread relevant to the topic of trolling..




for what it's worth trolling and spamming are against most if not all forum rules.. but maybe this one is different.. who knows... it seems the rules are written by those who are the forum favourites.. and I know I aint one of them... but I am still entitled to air my opinion.. just as much as the rest of you are entitled to shout me down as you have done. .


Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*





  1. the sending of multiple unsolicited e-mails or text messages, usually for marketing purposes



9. (Computer Science) computing a person who submits deliberately inflammatory articles to an internet discussion




I don't see any of this in Velvet's threads and I certainly don't think he's a troll. I would normally associate trolling with on-line vindictiveness and deliberate baiting.


Like GJ, I'm just pleased someone is posting at times. 

Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

Ok let me explain why I commented in this particular thread as I am getting criticised for doing so...


I open up the forum in the morning to catch up overnight on BB threads and someone has spammed the place so much all the actual proper threads are pushed to the second page and the first page is full of a load of old spam nonsense thread after thread. .


so I will comment on the thread where they acknowledge they will troll again in the morra [sic].. and I will say what I think about that, as is my right as a member of this forum.. I am entitled to do that if it ruins my forum experience...


Plus there is a thread already for people who want to just post any old stuff without starting a thread, I made a link to it for easy access.. 


is that ok for you?

C'mon Olly thats not like you   I didn't mean to get at you b.t.w. - I always enjoy your posts. 



Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:





  1. the sending of multiple unsolicited e-mails or text messages, usually for marketing purposes



9. (Computer Science) computing a person who submits deliberately inflammatory articles to an internet discussion




I don't see any of this in Velvet's threads and I certainly don't think he's a troll. I would normally associate trolling with on-line vindictiveness and deliberate baiting.


Like GJ, I'm just pleased someone is posting at times. 

Totes agree..

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:





  1. the sending of multiple unsolicited e-mails or text messages, usually for marketing purposes



9. (Computer Science) computing a person who submits deliberately inflammatory articles to an internet discussion




I don't see any of this in Velvet's threads and I certainly don't think he's a troll. I would normally associate trolling with on-line vindictiveness and deliberate baiting.


Like GJ, I'm just pleased someone is posting at times. 

Spamming has various definitions depending where it occurs and how, it is one of those evolving words.. I should know, it formed part of a report I had to write for my Computer Science and Technology degree many moons ago .. the particular definition I was using was one that is pertinent to forums and is defined in the urban dictionary as


posting useless crap on forums over and over


As for the BIB I have seen Velvet do that on numerous occasions not always under his current persona and most have been deleted by now.. if he doesn't like someone or something that has been said he has often started yet another thread just to bait the person .. 


anyway I know I am in a minority of one in here but carry on telling me how wonderful he is. .. I just don't happen to agree and I am sure the feeling is mutual


EDIT to correct typo's

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*

Doesn't block thread they start from showing tho Rosey..   so the first page would still have been a sea of red this morning.. and all the BB stuff relegated to the second page...


anyway I said my piece and that's it. .the fact I am a minorty doesn't bother me two hoots so long as I don't get lambasted for not worshipping at the feet of the forum pet I don't care

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

Doesn't block thread they start from showing tho Rosey..   so the first page would still have been a sea of red this morning.. and all the BB stuff relegated to the second page...


anyway I said my piece and that's it. .the fact I am a minorty doesn't bother me two hoots so long as I don't get lambasted for not worshipping at the feet of the forum pet I don't care

Whenever you're having a bad time, Velvet'd be the first to send you a kind pm. There's more to him than meets the eye.


EC starts lots of threads and it keeps the forum ticking along. Now he's missing Velvet has to hold the fort! 


There's been a few spats on here - with FMs leaving. Its getting like a Nolan family re-union! Everybody cool down! 


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