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Dear Velvet….you challenged me so here goes

re Farage…..I take people as I find them….if they are nice to me then that’s it….

Fred….that comment I made , I posted it was tongue in cheek and said sorry ,having realised it might offend

re being classed as right wing….I have supported all three parties and none….you have no idea who and why I vote in any case it has nothing to do with you, just as how you vote has nothing to do with me,however I have been a union rep, as well as other things in other parties,again ,it has nothing to do with you

Finally…..brexit, I always vote in elections because women had to fight for it and so think I should.However, whichever way that vote went I would have accepted it, so stop moaning about it, the public voted and that was that….I have no intention of telling you which way,it’s none of your business…..I didn’t vote in the l election for any of the major parties and have no intention of doing so next time either

sorry if I have offended you ,just as you have offended me with your challenge but what’s done is done

perhaps you should think before you jump in with two feet


Can I remind you that the Terms of Service for this forum start off by saying "you agree to treat all community members in a civil manner. Abuse of any kind will not be tolerated."

This thread is getting rather nasty today.

El Loro
@Former Member posted:

I have strong political opinions but since the USA and many other places have become so divided in recent years, I won’t discuss them any more. I choose to focus on what we have in common, not what divides us.

It’s so sad that people who were friends no longer speak, and that people assume that just because you believe in global warming, or are religious, for example, you must also believe x, y and z and must hate a, b and c.

Personally, I don’t think politicians should be on reality shows, especially not serving ones. I don’t care what party they represent. It’s suppose to be light hearted entertainment. That’s not a political opinion, it represents my preferences on entertainment  

Whether we are English. Scottish, American, Welsh, etc etc we are all human beings. In this case humans who have stuck together in a tight knit group for years. We all like each other. Families squabble, so let’s all move past the bickering and remember we love each other, sing kumbayah and enjoy each other.

And hello, been a while! 👋

Hi Roxan Lovely to see you ….i hope you are keeping well .


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