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@Saint posted:

Gone right off Russel - self important twit, "I want to do the task 100%" meaning 'Get out of my way'

Then proceeds to complain about the task and messes the whole thing up by getting 5 out of 10 and then claims to "Feel great" about the task!!

Everyone else looking crestfallen - happy to see him go tomorrow

Awww Renton .....I like him ....but each to their own

@Baz posted:

Awww Renton .....I like him ....but each to their own

I really liked him at first but when he and Victoria said they wanted to do a task and they pointed out more men had done a task than a woman - they decided a female should do the next task and said, "Are you ok with that?" and he said "no"

Liking AJ and Mo - Giovanna is nice cos i've watched a bit of her on You Tube but her and the others do come across as 'deserving' and  as 'special' people who thrive on attention and seem needy for praise (except AJ and Mo)

@Saint posted:

I really liked him at first but when he and Victoria said they wanted to do a task and they pointed out more men had done a task than a woman - they decided a female should do the next task and said, "Are you ok with that?" and he said "no"

Liking AJ and Mo - Giovanna is nice cos i've watched a bit of her on You Tube but her and the others do come across as 'deserving' and  as 'special' people who thrive on attention and seem needy for praise (except AJ and Mo)

Yes, I’m really surprised at Mo ......I didn’t think I liked him before I saw him on this , but he’s coming across as really lovely ....and with a wicked sense of humour

@Saint posted:

Yeah - i like Mo - the least attention seeking and not a drama queen like the others

Like AJ for same reasons. Sadly none of the females have stood out this year for me (way too precious in their behaviour) kinda liked Hollie tbh. Thank God Victoria has gone - like a teen on heat

Yes, I liked Hollie ......and I’m glad Victoria has gone too


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