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@Kaytee posted:

We’re ok down here,all medical stuff is almost normal since the GPS got off their backsides

You’re lucky Kaytee ….it’s still bad up here ….GPS are still mostly by phone ….and that if you can get through in the first place !

@Baz posted:

You’re lucky Kaytee ….it’s still bad up here ….GPS are still mostly by phone ….and that if you can get through in the first place !

same here -its dreadful here  - its terrible getting a doctors appointment if you need one and if you work and can't ring at 8pm forget it

Rocking Ros Rose
@Bethni posted:

Oh here he goes again... I see online he's been lying about his age....seems guys he went to school with are saying he's 41 on the 1st December.

And he’s apparently getting separate (halal) meals ….so he’s hardly suffering !


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