We can keep this going ALL NIGHT - i love her
We can keep this going ALL NIGHT - i love her
@Bethni posted:And don't forget the eating of said nose picking
omg - think she went because of that dreadful
@Baz posted:But you love are in love with an idiot 🤣🤣🤣
Shurrup you - she's adorable
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:omg - think she went because of that dreadful
Yes , dreadful young girl….and her arrogant sidekick !
@Baz posted:Yes , dreadful young girl….and her arrogant sidekick !
shut up - two of my faves there!!!
I remember that vividly. Was telling some pupils about it recently.
@kimota posted:I remember that vividly. Was telling some pupils about it recently.
What, the moon landings ?
not sure about the rev and GK
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:not sure about the rev and GK
I like him, not keen on her !
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:not sure about the rev and GK
how'd you mean?
@Baz posted:I like him, not keen on her !
just the two of them together bazzy agree I like him as well
@Saint posted:how'd you mean?
just the whole relationship sainty tbh there is just something but cant explain it
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:just the whole relationship sainty tbh there is just something but cant explain it
Oh i like it - the odd couple - find it quite sweet, father/daughter type relationship
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:just the two of them together bazzy agree I like him as well but a bit up himself at times
@Baz posted:What, the moon landings ?
Yes! The teacher wheeled in a tv and we all watched, transfixed! 🙂
@kimota posted:Yes! The teacher wheeled in a tv and we all watched, transfixed! 🙂
Awwww ….i didn’t think you were old enough Kimota ….i always think of you as in your late 20s 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Gonna have to turn the volume down!
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:not sure about the rev and GK
I like the Rev, not keen on her, but they are an odd couple…..nothing out of order though🤷♀️
@Baz posted:Awwww ….i didn’t think you were old enough Kimota ….i always think of you as in your late 20s 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Sadly not. In my early 60s now.
Bazza grandad- dancing! 😁
@kimota posted:Gonna have to turn the volume down!
Bliddy screaming ……genuine or just for effect……I suspect attention seeking
@kimota posted:Sadly not. In my early 60s now.
Good grief 😱😱😱No way did I have you anywhere near that age ….🤣🤣🤣
@Kaytee posted:Bliddy screaming ……genuine or just for effect……I suspect attention seeking
The latter methinks 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@Kaytee posted:I like the Rev, not keen on her, but they are an odd couple…..nothing out of order though🤷♀️
no suppose not just me
@kimota posted:Sadly not. In my early 60s now.
really thought you were younger than that
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:no suppose not just me
I find it a bit forced at times Ros ….but mainly from her
Shame Tulisa wasn't there
@Baz posted:Barry isn’t a bad singer 🤣🤣🤣
His dad used to sing Danny Boy in the ring before his fights...all the Irish can usually sing, makes me sick I'm tone deaf
Pretty good!
@Bethni posted:His dad used to sing Danny Boy in the ring before his fights...all the Irish can usually sing, makes me sick I'm tone deaf
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