@Rocking Ros Rose posted:and his nipples
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:and his nipples
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:and his nipples
@Bethni posted:Hahahahaha
What on earth was that noise Danny and Oti were making
As soon as music starts OTI goes a bit wonky
enjoyed that great thread - night
@Baz posted:Oh fgs bliddy Dean again 🤬🤬
I hope the rest get to see what we have to put up with with him
At least we can see Alan for a change
Thanks for the company everyone…..see you next week ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@Bethni posted:What on earth was that noise Danny and Oti were making
yes was awful/odd
from me & LILY
@Baz posted:Thanks for the company everyone …have a good trip Kaytee 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
@Bethni posted:I hope the rest get to see what we have to put up with with him
At least we can see Alan for a change
yes that was a nice addition
Goodnight all@ 💖👋🏻
@Saint posted:from me & LILY
night sainty
Goodnight everyone, til tomorrow
Have a good time Kaytee
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:night sainty
I hope the fact that, Dean, Danny, and Alan are having to go against each other in tonight’s task, doesn’t mean that one of them will get immunity , cos knowing our darn luck it will be Dean !
Good evening Baz, Ros, Kimota, Saint, Velvet, Crunchy
Almost forgot . . . bloody Lily
Yeah I should think you would have a red face Saint
hi bazzy bethni sainty kimota velvet crunchy
Good evening Baz, Ros, Bethni, Saint, Velvet, Crunchy 💖👋🏻
@Bethni posted:Yeah I should think you would have a red face Saint
@Bethni posted:Yeah I should think you would have a red face Saint
Watching her dance on tik tok - i blame the Chinese
@Saint posted:Watching her dance on tik tok - i blame the Chinese
@Bethni posted:
this made me RL
@Baz posted:Poor Melvin !
I think they should all take Dean by the throat and give him a good shake
@kimota posted:Good evening Baz, Ros, Bethni, Saint, Velvet, Crunchy 💖👋🏻
DEAN - can't work - can dance - can't graft - can princess = useless
why keep voting for bliddy Dean
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