@Bethni posted:I really hope they won't on this occassion, the man is a tool
agree bethni
@Bethni posted:I really hope they won't on this occassion, the man is a tool
agree bethni
Maura is so happy
@Bethni posted:Long may it continue
They’ve picked two screamers out…..there’s no escape from either of these two
Thanks for the company everyone….night night
Great company, see you all tomorrow
great thread - enjoyed tonight - night
Goodnight everyone! 💖👋🏻
Evening Baz,Ros,Bethni,mollie, Saint,Velvet,Kimota and Crunchy
@Kaytee posted:Evening Baz,Ros,Bethni,mollie, Saint,Velvet,Kimota and Crunchy
Is it tomorrow you’re off Kaytee ?
hi bazzy kaytee bethni sainty velvet kimota crunchy
Good evening Baz,Kaytee,Ros,Kimota,Saint,Velvet,Crunchy
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:hi bazzy kaytee bethni sainty velvet kimota crunchy
@Baz posted:Dean spitting his dummy by the look of it !🙄🙄
Who the h*ll does he think he is
@Kaytee posted:
@Baz posted:Dean spitting his dummy by the look of it !🙄🙄
Do we give a flying one?🤬😴🙄
@Bethni posted:Who the h*ll does he think he is
yes he is pathetic
@Kaytee posted:Do we give a flying one?🤬😴🙄
Nope...I hope someone punched the dummy
Jane has been useless -
Evening all.💖👏🏻
@Rocking Ros Rose posted:Jane has been useless -
DEAN being a lil bitch there - just for good measure
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