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prettycocoaeyes posted:
Syd posted:

Iain, I am gravely disappointed in you!................GET EM both OUT!

It's abit of fun

No, it is wanting to cheat by one, and following on with the cheating by the other......

As Stanley would say...........BAD FORM!

Kaytee posted:

Amir was the instigator....and Ian didn't take much persuading.....out first for those two

Like a couple of school boys, not quite grown in the brain............thinking they are funny and clever.....

Syd posted:
prettycocoaeyes posted:
Syd posted:

Iain, I am gravely disappointed in you!................GET EM both OUT!

It's abit of fun

No, it is wanting to cheat by one, and following on with the cheating by the other......

As Stanley would say...........BAD FORM!

The fallout will provide the tension we love right we do not always want a Happy Camp.

prettycocoaeyes posted:
Kaytee posted:

Amir was the instigator....and Ian didn't take much persuading.....out first for those two

It is creating the drama for us no?

Perhaps....but that was greedy and selfish....very bad form

prettycocoaeyes posted:
Kaytee posted:

Becky looked happy at the thought of the treat....if your stomach is upset the last thing you want to do is eat

Milk and strawberries are the worst thing for an upset stomach.


prettycocoaeyes posted:
Kaytee posted:

Becky looked happy at the thought of the treat....if your stomach is upset the last thing you want to do is eat

Milk and strawberries are the worst thing for an upset stomach.

prettycocoaeyes posted:
Kaytee posted:

Becky looked happy at the thought of the treat....if your stomach is upset the last thing you want to do is eat

Milk and strawberries are the worst thing for an upset stomach.

Rocking Ros posted:
Kaytee posted:
Yogi19 posted:
Kaytee posted:

What a coward Amir is

And a liar to boot

yes -TBH think he should be chucked off -its setting  a precedent -they do the task on trust

Exactly....chuck them both out and fine them part of their fee

Kaytee posted:
Rocking Ros posted:
Kaytee posted:
Yogi19 posted:
Kaytee posted:

What a coward Amir is

And a liar to boot

yes -TBH think he should be chucked off -its setting  a precedent -they do the task on trust

Exactly....chuck them both out and fine them part of their fee

agree kaytee

Rocking Ros Rose

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