pooompkeeeeeeeeeen !!!!!
Evening in here
Evening all
Foodwise, from the sublime (sometimes) to the ridiculous (always)
I hope we are not going to have most of the show taken over by these three pillocks
Wish they were going
Evening all
I hope we are not going to have most of the show taken over by these three pillocks
Unlikely Damesy.
hi everybody
I hope we are not going to have most of the show taken over by these three pillocks
Unlikely Damesy.
bloody hope not Xochi
Evening all.
lol at Duncan
I hope we are not going to have most of the show taken over by these three pillocks
Count on it !!!
He was pissed coming back from Wetherspoons
I hope we are not going to have most of the show taken over by these three pillocks
Unlikely Damesy.
bloody hope not Xochi
Better not
Lady C's revenge
He was pissed coming back from Wetherspoons
He was pissed coming back from Wetherspoons
He was pissed coming back from Wetherspoons
He looked it!
Fed up with Lady C ... and Duncan
Eubank's gonna love this.
Ha ha.......revenge there, Dunny Cleaners
Ha ha.......revenge there, Dunny Cleaners
It was bound to happen
He was pissed coming back from Wetherspoons
He looked it!
Ha ha.......revenge there, Dunny Cleaners
It was bound to happen
That Spencer has the biggest arms ever
Evening all.
You thought he might be a posh tosser.
And I think you'll be a cheap one.
I hope we are not going to have most of the show taken over by these three pillocks
Ha ha.......revenge there, Dunny Cleaners
SU you Geordie Tart
Vicky Pattison - like a character from Viz
The cockney one has the look of Josie Gibson.....