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Sprout posted:

Lori, not a biggie, but just something I thought might have been sorted out by now 

Can you make it so that when you view PM's they all don't look as though they've been read please 

Like I say....I know you're busy at the moment but just whenever you have time please 

Sprout, they are supposed to have little blue bells next to the PM title if they have new responses. Is that not happening for you? 

Lori posted:
Sprout posted:

Lori, not a biggie, but just something I thought might have been sorted out by now 

Can you make it so that when you view PM's they all don't look as though they've been read please 

Like I say....I know you're busy at the moment but just whenever you have time please 

Sprout, they are supposed to have little blue bells next to the PM title if they have new responses. Is that not happening for you? 

Not that I can tell Lori, It was happening on the old forum too, whenever you viewed one  PM they all 'greyed out' and looked as though they'd all been read. I was managing to keep up on the old one but not so much on this one.

Like I say, you probably have more pressing stuff for the minute, but  whenever you have time 


DOH! by PM I meant alert/likes. Forgive me, my head's all over the place at the minute as I'm sure you and you team's is 

Last edited by Former Member
Sprout posted:
Lori posted:
Sprout posted:

Lori, not a biggie, but just something I thought might have been sorted out by now 

Can you make it so that when you view PM's they all don't look as though they've been read please 

Like I say....I know you're busy at the moment but just whenever you have time please 

Sprout, they are supposed to have little blue bells next to the PM title if they have new responses. Is that not happening for you? 

Not that I can tell Lori, It was happening on the old forum too, whenever you viewed one  PM they all 'greyed out' and looked as though they'd all been read. I was managing to keep up on the old one but not so much on this one.

Like I say, you probably have more pressing stuff for the minute, but  whenever you have time 


DOH! by PM I meant alert/likes. Forgive me, my head's all over the place at the minute as I'm sure you and you team's is 

OK, remind me what device you are using, and let's troubleshoot this.

Lori posted:
Sprout posted:
Lori posted:
Sprout posted:

Lori, not a biggie, but just something I thought might have been sorted out by now 

Can you make it so that when you view PM's they all don't look as though they've been read please 

Like I say....I know you're busy at the moment but just whenever you have time please 

Sprout, they are supposed to have little blue bells next to the PM title if they have new responses. Is that not happening for you? 

Not that I can tell Lori, It was happening on the old forum too, whenever you viewed one  PM they all 'greyed out' and looked as though they'd all been read. I was managing to keep up on the old one but not so much on this one.

Like I say, you probably have more pressing stuff for the minute, but  whenever you have time 


DOH! by PM I meant alert/likes. Forgive me, my head's all over the place at the minute as I'm sure you and you team's is 

OK, remind me what device you are using, and let's troubleshoot this.

I'm on a laptop , Windows 8.1, Chrome  anything else you need to know please feel free to ask 

Lori posted:

Shoe size?  

OK, here's the deal with alerts. Once you go to the alerts page, you HAVE viewed them all, because they are all on that page. So it sounds like what you'd prefer is to acknowledge (maybe with a checkbox?) that you've seen the alerts individually. Is that right?

FYI.... 4/37  

That could be one way round it. It just seems that the alerts that you haven't viewed yet need to be in some way 'outstanding' like in a different colour or something 

Last edited by Former Member
Lori posted: soon as you go to the Alerts page, your computer thinks you have viewed it. 

Yes, but being as popular as I am   I seem to get a lot of alerts and they all grey out so as taken as read when I  view the first one in the list, and I can't keep up with who's I've read and who's I haven't 

Baz posted:
Mount Olympus *Olly* posted:

For those on phones and tablets the scrolling posting and widget area is probably all they see and it's still white. . maybe put a lighter shade of the side colour down the middle too?  I did it for the Ship and it was less glarey

Yay that the spell check works now tho

It's now coming up as cream on my iPad Olly  

Stark white for me still on monitor and laptop.  Topic page is especially stark white with 2 small strips of some olivey colour down the sides

PC is brighter but have bigger monitor and better graphics. .Lappy is  not so good on that front but still have the middle white strip on both.

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*

I have to say, this morning, what was cream on my lappy yesterday is now looking like it was before, stark while.

Also, the surrounding area tends go to from the colour it was changed to yesterday, to a whiter version as I go down a page that has a lot of posts on it.

Sorry if that above is not very plain. Best I can do

Running Linux OS with Chrome on my lappy

EDIT. I have changed none of the setting on my lappy.

Last edited by Moonie

I can't see any difference from yesterday. I think the screen appearance does vary depending on what angle you are looking at the screen. If I look at the screen when I'm standing the screen does go white. If I look when crouching, the colours of the screen intensify. I don't need to change the angle of the screen much to change the appearance so that it may be worth seeing what if any effect that has.

El Loro
El Loro posted:

I can't see any difference from yesterday. I think the screen appearance does vary depending on what angle you are looking at the screen. If I look at the screen when I'm standing the screen does go white. If I look when crouching, the colours of the screen intensify. I don't need to change the angle of the screen much to change the appearance so that it may be worth seeing what if any effect that has.

I just tilted the lappy screen back a bit and it's all much clearer now!    The quote boxes are a darker blue and the 'glare' seems a bit less.    It's the forum equivalent of 'that dress' isn't it?!

El Loro posted:

I can't see any difference from yesterday. I think the screen appearance does vary depending on what angle you are looking at the screen. If I look at the screen when I'm standing the screen does go white. If I look when crouching, the colours of the screen intensify. I don't need to change the angle of the screen much to change the appearance so that it may be worth seeing what if any effect that has.

Yep, okay El, thanks 

I am on my iPad now it's the same as it was yesterday 

I might add that my lappy was purchased in 2008 


Screenshots from my pc (top) and tablet. Both, of the thread titles page. I have quite a large monitor.



 The monitor's something like 21" the tablet is 7" Apart from the olive strips down the edges on the pc, there appears to be very little difference. However Moonie, if what you see on your iPad is similar to my tablet, then I can see why you feel it's still a bit bright. Especially if your iPad screen is bigger than my tablet screen, because, from what I understand of how this all works, your iPad will show much the same as my tablet, but over a larger area.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing posted:
Kaffs posted:
El Loro posted:
Kaffs posted:

I just tilted the lappy screen back a bit and it's all much clearer now!    The quote boxes are a darker blue and the 'glare' seems a bit less.    It's the forum equivalent of 'that dress' isn't it?!

Yep - screen upright - white and gold, tilt it back blue and black...   

*Splutter* Hahaha!

*passes wet wipe*  


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