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Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by Cariad:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
Yea as long as we get cheap clothes ,who gives a shit about the folk that work/make them etc. Shake Head

Unfair katty. I'd love to have the income to give a shit. I try my best but my income is limited as far as clothes are concerned and it's a push affording stuff for two teenagers let alone myself. Having said that plenty of so-called designer outlets source their products from similar sources.
Same here. Im a single mum and I totally agree with what you say Cariad Nod

Ok ,But you're explointing child labour, a kid of ten or twelve who is trying to help a family of six or seven in the third world.
WE really don't give a damn.I include myself in that,I buy stuff that I don't know what it's true origin is ,however I know that clothing outlets are the biggest culprits.
Originally posted by paace:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Originally posted by paace:
I heard a discussion about slavery and they were saying how could otherwise decent people buy, sell and mistreat other humans in past centuries.

Well the people in the third world who are working for slave wages and slave hours for all those Global companies are no different.

By supporting Primark, Matalan etc you are supporting slavery.
High-end stores do it as well... Also most of the diamonds being sold are blood diamonds... Most of the food we eat in this country we get from exploited farmers... Its a big problem with the western world oppressing the third world... Modern day slavery if you like...

I agree. People used to come from all countries to buy quality clothes from M&S which was made in the UK. I was in one of their stores recently checking the labels and not one item now is made in the UK. 90% of their stuff now is from China.
Yep my Clark shoes were made in Thailand.....They are all doing it...Disappointed with M&S though, they pride themselves as a fair-trade company... I guess the maximum profit is too good to resist....
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Originally posted by erinp:
I know, and I'm not sticking up for bitchy Bea or her sidekick Freddie, I'm just saying that she wasn't actually slagging off Primark per se as is being implied
so by wearing Primark clothes then that indicates that you can't be into fashion ,can't be a designer,can't be creative?[/QUOTE]

I don't think Bea was saying that, think she was saying she didn't see any 'creativity' in Hira e.g. like she'd got all her clothes from Primark. Hell, I'm shutting up, Bea is a bitch and for what it's worth, I thought Hira dressed really well and don't imagine , from what I saw, that a single thing she wore was from Primarni!
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by stonks:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by stonks:
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by stonks:
If you run through Primark too fast you will cause a fire.... Ninja

You'd never be able to run through a Primark.. it's fulla kids fighting over 97p vest tops like they're in a bliddy jumble sale..

PMSL in the summer we have sales in ours and you would'nt believe the amount of people from the north come down cos its cheaper here for clothes in the likes of Primark but they're clothes and things we've never seen, gawd knows where they come from but they are shoite.... Laugh
You always know when foreigners are here on Holiday (tho why they want to come to holiday in Hemel is beyond me Confused) coz they will be in Primark, with at least 2 baskets full to the top. I always wonder what happens at check-in when they go home Laugh

We went over to england once and I let mr stonks off his leash to take the boys to get something nice..he ended up in Primark with his arms full.... Laugh

I popped into Primarni in Tooting (don't ask) a lil while back.. I lasted 2 minutes.. I shit you not it was rammed with kids (it was after school) throwing, yes throwing, quarter sleeve cardis all over the shop. It was like Beirut.

You should come to the west of Ireland is soooo refined, you can walk down the middle of Ballina and you won't hear one conversation, the people are so quiet and when you walk in Primark its like a show room.... Laugh
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by Cariad:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
Yea as long as we get cheap clothes ,who gives a shit about the folk that work/make them etc. Shake Head

Unfair katty. I'd love to have the income to give a shit. I try my best but my income is limited as far as clothes are concerned and it's a push affording stuff for two teenagers let alone myself. Having said that plenty of so-called designer outlets source their products from similar sources.
Same here. Im a single mum and I totally agree with what you say Cariad Nod

Ok ,But you're explointing child labour, a kid of ten or twelve who is trying to help a family of six or seven in the third world.
WE really don't give a damn.I include myself in that,I buy stuff that I don't know what it's true origin is ,however I know that clothing outlets are the biggest culprits.

Watched a documentary about this and even though it is wrong and unfair,when the children were taking out of these jobs themselves and their families fell into more poverty

They need it sad to say
Originally posted by stonks:

You should come to the west of Ireland is soooo refined, you can walk down the middle of Ballina and you won't hear one conversation, the people are so quiet and when you walk in Primark its like a show room.... Laugh

Ballina and refined in the same sentence! *copies and paste,cos no-one will eva believe that*
Originally posted by Moonbeams:
Originally posted by stonks:

You should come to the west of Ireland is soooo refined, you can walk down the middle of Ballina and you won't hear one conversation, the people are so quiet and when you walk in Primark its like a show room.... Laugh

Ballina and refined in the same sentence! *copies and paste,cos no-one will eva believe that*

I started off by writing Sligo but then remembered Sligo's Primark is a bin compared to Ballina..why do you live in Ballina?....
Originally posted by erinp:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Lets be honest here, if eveyone had as much money as they ever wanted NO ONE would ever shop at Primark.
No ,they might go to Armani and the like ,who also use cheap labour,the only difference being they charge hundreds of pounds more for the label.
What I have been saying all along... They all have their contractors in Asia... That's how they make maximum profit.... A pair of jeans may cost them 50p to make but they go back to UK and sell it for ÂĢ70... Ridiculous... No one is saying anything though because they government gets their taxes so they turn a blind eye....
Originally posted by erinp:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Lets be honest here, if eveyone had as much money as they ever wanted NO ONE would ever shop at Primark.
No ,they might go to Armani and the like ,who also use cheap labour,the only difference being they charge hundreds of pounds more for the label.

And the clothes are better made and will last longer.
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Originally posted by erinp:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Lets be honest here, if eveyone had as much money as they ever wanted NO ONE would ever shop at Primark.
No ,they might go to Armani and the like ,who also use cheap labour,the only difference being they charge hundreds of pounds more for the label.
What I have been saying all along... They all have their contractors in Asia... That's how they make maximum profit.... A pair of jeans may cost them 50p to make but they go back to UK and sell it for ÂĢ70... Ridiculous... No one is saying anything though because they government gets their taxes so they turn a blind eye....

In my eyes that's far worse than what Primark do. They sell their clothes at extortionate prices and make ridiculous profits on them but still pay the people that make them nothing.
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by erinp:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Lets be honest here, if eveyone had as much money as they ever wanted NO ONE would ever shop at Primark.
No ,they might go to Armani and the like ,who also use cheap labour,the only difference being they charge hundreds of pounds more for the label.

And the clothes are better made and will last longer.
but it's still cheap labour ,but better quality control.
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by erinp:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Lets be honest here, if eveyone had as much money as they ever wanted NO ONE would ever shop at Primark.
No ,they might go to Armani and the like ,who also use cheap labour,the only difference being they charge hundreds of pounds more for the label.

And the clothes are better made and will last longer.
Still cheap labour though...
Originally posted by mary_bee:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Originally posted by erinp:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Lets be honest here, if eveyone had as much money as they ever wanted NO ONE would ever shop at Primark.
No ,they might go to Armani and the like ,who also use cheap labour,the only difference being they charge hundreds of pounds more for the label.
What I have been saying all along... They all have their contractors in Asia... That's how they make maximum profit.... A pair of jeans may cost them 50p to make but they go back to UK and sell it for ÂĢ70... Ridiculous... No one is saying anything though because they government gets their taxes so they turn a blind eye....

In my eyes that's far worse than what Primark do. They sell their clothes at extortionate prices and make ridiculous profits on them but still pay the people that make them nothing.
I agree they pay them peanuts... They all do it... Thats why the manufacturing industry is non-existent....
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by erinp:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Lets be honest here, if eveyone had as much money as they ever wanted NO ONE would ever shop at Primark.
No ,they might go to Armani and the like ,who also use cheap labour,the only difference being they charge hundreds of pounds more for the label.

And the clothes are better made and will last longer.
Still cheap labour though...

Cheap labour and cheap tacky clothes vs cheap labour but better made clothes....I know which I choose as it' cheap labour both ways.
Originally posted by Moonbeams:
Originally posted by stonks:
I started off by writing Sligo but then remembered Sligo's Primark is a bin compared to Ballina..why do you live in Ballina?....

Noooo I've past through it a few times. Had the best wrap eva in ballina (can't remember the name of the place though) down from the "shopping centre".

*Shopping centre*?..There's no shopping centre..there's a main street and Dunnes stores.... Laugh....
Originally posted by erinp:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by erinp:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Lets be honest here, if eveyone had as much money as they ever wanted NO ONE would ever shop at Primark.
No ,they might go to Armani and the like ,who also use cheap labour,the only difference being they charge hundreds of pounds more for the label.

And the clothes are better made and will last longer.
but it's still cheap labour ,but better quality control.

Still Cheap labour tho, only the clothes from Primark are shit.
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
That is why in Corrie "Underworld" would have shut down ten, even twenty years ago,local even basic minimum wage could not compete with cheap foreign imports.

Sad that this country once was the "workshop" of the world.
My moms old M&S suit was made in England... Mind you this was 25 years ago... Laugh
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by erinp:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Lets be honest here, if eveyone had as much money as they ever wanted NO ONE would ever shop at Primark.
No ,they might go to Armani and the like ,who also use cheap labour,the only difference being they charge hundreds of pounds more for the label.

And the clothes are better made and will last longer.
Still cheap labour though...

Cheap labour and cheap tacky clothes vs cheap labour but better made clothes....I know which I choose as it' cheap labour both ways.
Of course I will go for the better made clothes but not all of us have the means... They are all the same in my books though...
Originally posted by Mathematics:
Bea wasn't even insulting Primark. She has Primark clothes herself. She was simply saying that she had a hard time believing that Hira is a fashion guru, because Hira wears Primark type clothing.

Don't let the fact the argument is as spurious as a primarni hem get in the way of a damn good bit of forum righteous indignation.. Nod
Originally posted by erinp:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by erinp:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Lets be honest here, if eveyone had as much money as they ever wanted NO ONE would ever shop at Primark.
No ,they might go to Armani and the like ,who also use cheap labour,the only difference being they charge hundreds of pounds more for the label.

And the clothes are better made and will last longer.
but it's still cheap labour ,but better quality control.

its not just better qc, its better materials to start with and a better experience at retail too, both cost more money,and please dont confuse "sportswear" makers churning out their short lived rubbish from factories in china to italian or french or british manufactured items from couture labels,its a world of difference.
we only have one that i know of in my county...certainly for a fair few miles anyways. and it's near town centre and ALWAYS full of people, with clothes and stuff thrown everywhere!

plus i have baaaad memories of me and my cousin clothes shopping there when i was heavily pregnant with my first child. she took clothes and shoes with her to try on with clothes she tries on.....i was standing around for 3 hours!! Angry i was ready to whallop someone
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
I think Primark clothes are shoddy and are false economy. Haven't bought there for 5 or 6 years, after buying a few items and realising that they are like rubbing rags after 3 or 4 washes. Frowner They may be 'cheap and cheerful' but they do not last.

They are not made to last. It is the trend of 'fast fashion' that has made Primark so popular. People want a quick fashion fix, something that is really 'on trend' and they can wear a few times, but not meant to be a classic piece that you'll keep forever. Disposable fashion really. It won't be fashionable after a few washes, therefore it's not designed to last longer than that. We have become greedy as consumers and want the latest things straight away. Many designers are ripped off and a trend that has been designed for say 6mths in advance can now be 'out of fashion' by the time it's even released due to these kind of companies selling cheap imitations of it within days of it being shown on at fashion week.
Originally posted by faerykelstar:
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
I think Primark clothes are shoddy and are false economy. Haven't bought there for 5 or 6 years, after buying a few items and realising that they are like rubbing rags after 3 or 4 washes. Frowner They may be 'cheap and cheerful' but they do not last.

They are not made to last. It is the trend of 'fast fashion' that has made Primark so popular. People want a quick fashion fix, something that is really 'on trend' and they can wear a few times, but not meant to be a classic piece that you'll keep forever. Disposable fashion really. It won't be fashionable after a few washes, therefore it's not designed to last longer than that. We have become greedy as consumers and want the latest things straight away. Many designers are ripped off and a trend that has been designed for say 6mths in advance can now be 'out of fashion' by the time it's even released due to these kind of companies selling cheap imitations of it within days of it being shown on at fashion week.

The two words "Fashion" and "Primark" dont mix.

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