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All I see is one person trying to control another and attempting to become a "couple" when it's obvious to me that there is no romance involved.
I saw 5 minutes of LF yesterday, where Josie was trying to get John James to kiss her on the mouth. He was wriggling and squirming like an eel to get away from her.
There is no romance. John James does not fancy Josie, not one little bit.
All I see is one person trying to control another and attempting to become a "couple" when it's obvious to me that there is no romance involved. Exactly. I saw 5 minutes of LF yesterday, where Josie was trying to get John James to kiss her on the mouth. He was wriggling and squirming like an eel to get away from her. There is no romance. John James does not fancy Josie, not one little bit.
And she knows it.
I would like it, if I didn't think it was one sided and Josie was being led up the garden path.
Have to say Blizzie, although i am not a fan of Josie, JJ is taking the pee right out of her, he said the other night she isnt the full dollar, which was nasty. She does have feelings for him, thats plainly clear. JJ2 has obviously filled his head up, that if he carries on having this "romance" it will do him good
Josie was trying to get John James to kiss her on the mouth. He was wriggling and squirming like an eel to get away from her. There is no romance. John James does not fancy Josie, not one little bit.
Only if he knew she was either trying to save him from eviction or she thought she could play the hart brooken black widow after he is booted out.
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11)

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