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@Former Member posted:

Schools back this week here. Couple of the worst hit counties have said kids will have to wear masks because the children’s hospitals are full with kids with covid, but the governor has doubled down, saying they won’t get funding and the staff won’t get paid. He says it should be a parents choice.  The schools say it’s a public health issue.

There was an appeal against his exec order that businesses cannot demand vaccinations for staff and customers, and they have granted temporary permission, permanent approval being considered at the moment.

New strategy is to blame the outbreak in FL on immigrants coming in through the southern border in Texas. 4,000 ish people who were tested on entry and quarantined as appropriate. Pathetic.

Omg Roxan …it gets worse and worse . What is the matter with this guy …he is a total disaster ….makes ours look like a saint…and that takes some doing  ! Seriously , with a moron like that in charge it’s no wonder your state is so bad .

@Former Member posted:

Schools back this week here. Couple of the worst hit counties have said kids will have to wear masks because the children’s hospitals are full with kids with covid, but the governor has doubled down, saying they won’t get funding and the staff won’t get paid. He says it should be a parents choice.  The schools say it’s a public health issue.

There was an appeal against his exec order that businesses cannot demand vaccinations for staff and customers, and they have granted temporary permission, permanent approval being considered at the moment.

New strategy is to blame the outbreak in FL on immigrants coming in through the southern border in Texas. 4,000 ish people who were tested on entry and quarantined as appropriate. Pathetic.

No words.....once again!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
@Former Member posted:

Schools back this week here. Couple of the worst hit counties have said kids will have to wear masks because the children’s hospitals are full with kids with covid, but the governor has doubled down, saying they won’t get funding and the staff won’t get paid. He says it should be a parents choice.  The schools say it’s a public health issue.

There was an appeal against his exec order that businesses cannot demand vaccinations for staff and customers, and they have granted temporary permission, permanent approval being considered at the moment.

New strategy is to blame the outbreak in FL on immigrants coming in through the southern border in Texas. 4,000 ish people who were tested on entry and quarantined as appropriate. Pathetic.

Hard to excuse such idiocy in any way whatsoever… I’m not! The man is a moron……only way out is to keep your head down ….take care❤️

@Former Member posted:

Staying in the house apart from David’s medical appointments. Like Biden said to DeSantis, (paraphrasing) If you don’t want to help, fine, but get out of the way so others can.

The school mask thing even made the BBC news today

@Former Member posted:

I believe it. It’s become a national issue here now.

Just been for doctors appointment with David and they have really good protocols in place, but a woman came in refusing to wear a mask and was shouting like a crazy person at the receptionisy about personal liberty. 🤬

Omg….how can people be so stupid !

@Former Member posted:

I believe it. It’s become a national issue here now.

Just been for doctors appointment with David and they have really good protocols in place, but a woman came in refusing to wear a mask and was shouting like a crazy person at the receptionisy about personal liberty. 🤬

I'm inclined to believe all these 'Karens' should be rounded up and................ <<<< fill in the gap!

@Former Member posted:

Warning: gross medical issue discussed below, read on at your own risk!

D mum, 95, has suffered a prolapsed bowel. She is in agony. Can’t get surgery because they have postponed all non life and death procedures since the hospitals are overwhelmed with covid cases. So angry about this. F you DeSantis. Sorry for swearing.

Awwwww Roxan Bless her …..I can sympathise .Like you say "ucking Santis ….and all those like him .

@Former Member posted:

Warning: gross medical issue discussed below, read on at your own risk!

D mum, 95, has suffered a prolapsed bowel. She is in agony. Can’t get surgery because they have postponed all non life and death procedures since the hospitals are overwhelmed with covid cases. So angry about this. F you DeSantis. Sorry for swearing.

I hope she has managed to get the treatment she needed

@Former Member posted:

Nope. Could be months. No procedures like this allowed because hospitals are the fullest they have been at any point with covid patients. No exceptions. But of course it’s all just a hoax.

@Former Member posted:

Nope. Could be months. No procedures like this allowed because hospitals are the fullest they have been at any point with covid patients. No exceptions. But of course it’s all just a hoax.

That's terrible.... a civilised country leaving a 95 year old in agony is outrageous

@Former Member posted:

Really angry about it. It’s statewide too. It was completely avoidable and this is the cost of our governors popularist politics and presidential ambitions. 🤬

You have every right to be angry......makes my blood boil and she isn't even my relative

Well the way things are going there, he either won't have anyone left to vote for him (that would have) or if luck prevails, he won't be around to be voted for


I used to like him Now he's rather vocal shall we say. He comments that the jab is experimental and a ££ making scam but hasn't it been able to be made so quickly off the back of years of research into MERS and SARS. And since when did that stop AIDS patients welcoming trials of new treatments?

It may be everyone's right not to be jabbed but the knock on effect of huge waiting lists for all other patients seems not to concern him. Oh and he's had the virus and ended up in hospital too

@Saint posted:

I used to like him Now he's rather vocal shall we say. He comments that the jab is experimental and a ££ making scam but hasn't it been able to be made so quickly off the back of years of research into MERS and SARS. And since when did that stop AIDS patients welcoming trials of new treatments?

It may be everyone's right not to be jabbed but the knock on effect of huge waiting lists for all other patients seems not to concern him. Oh and he's had the virus and ended up in hospital too

Ignorance is an enemy, even to its owner.

@Saint posted:

I used to like him Now he's rather vocal shall we say. He comments that the jab is experimental and a ££ making scam but hasn't it been able to be made so quickly off the back of years of research into MERS and SARS. And since when did that stop AIDS patients welcoming trials of new treatments?

It may be everyone's right not to be jabbed but the knock on effect of huge waiting lists for all other patients seems not to concern him. Oh and he's had the virus and ended up in hospital too

That will be the Richard Fairbrass of Right Said Fred, who recently ended up in hospital with Covid, and had to be given oxygen.

From what I've seen, a lot of his old tweets about Covid have been coming back to bite him badly...

This "it's still only experimental" line has become one of the standard go-to pieces of misinformation for the anti-vax lobby.

Yes: the Covid vaccines still have "estimated study completion dates" (May 2023 for the Pfizer vaccine), but that's standard practice. All new vaccines continue to have safety monitoring for some time after they're approved for use.

Eugene's Lair
Last edited by Eugene's Lair
@slimfern posted:

Vaccines beginning to wane after 6 mths 

That was always on the cards.

It has been mentioned several times in several places that we shouldn't become too complacent about this as we didn't really know how good, strong and long-lasting it was all going to be!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

That was always on the cards.

It has been mentioned several times in several places that we shouldn't become too complacent about this as we didn't really know how good, strong and long-lasting it was all going to be!

I knew it had been mentioned, but thought it might be at least a year's worth of protection. (like the flu)
We're all going to end up looking like pin cushions if it goes on for years as predicted


But as the current protection is in reducing the severity and risk of death, the waning doesn't make a huge difference in the long term. Meanwhile, I am sure the vaccine developers will be working on a better and longer lasting remedy so that (hopefully)  it WON'T go on for the predicted years!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
@slimfern posted:

I knew it had been mentioned, but thought it might be at least a year's worth of protection. (like the flu)
We're all going to end up looking like pin cushions if it goes on for years as predicted



But as the current protection is in reducing the severity and risk of death, the waning doesn't make a huge difference in the long term. Meanwhile, I am sure the vaccine developers will be working on a better and longer lasting remedy so that (hopefully)  it WON'T go on for the predicted years!

Fingers crossed EFFT

@Baz posted:

Fingers crossed EFFT

Vaccines are one part of the picture….the other is T cells which ,if all things are equal also help with immunity….then there are antibodies,developed by the body to fight any infection…..there is a big picture…the media goes after the story and tries to sensationalise everything

@Baz posted:

Cases are rising all across the uk.

and will rise further so they have said due to festivals & schools etc re-opening ....but thankfully deaths are staying relatively low........get ready for your booster

@slimfern posted:

and will rise further so they have said due to festivals & schools etc re-opening ....but thankfully deaths are staying relatively low........get ready for your booster

Don’t worry , I’ll be getting it … may not be perfect , but any protection is better than none imo .

Last edited by Baz
@slimfern posted:

and will rise further so they have said due to festivals & schools etc re-opening ....but thankfully deaths are staying relatively low........get ready for your booster

Wait till COP26 when thousands fly into Glasgow from every red zone under the sun. Tv crews, journalists the lot.

That should have been postponed or cancelled   

There are two sides to Glasgow. Cop26 will show only one ...

Last edited by velvet donkey

Wait till COP26 when thousands fly into Glasgow from every red zone under the sun. Tv crews, journalists the lot.

That should have been postponed or cancelled   

There are two sides to Glasgow. Cop26 will show only one ...

There's talk of the traffic light system being lifted altogether.....bonkers!

I'm sure they will only show the pretty side Velvet they did with Cornwall
(no empty beer bottles, discarded needles etc)

@slimfern posted:

There's talk of the traffic light system being lifted altogether.....bonkers!

I'm sure they will only show the pretty side Velvet they did with Cornwall
(no empty beer bottles, discarded needles etc)

It has been lifted - that was my point   


Leader of an 'Anti Mask' Movement in Texas has died of Covid-19

Aged 30, leaving 3 young children and a wife who is pregnant with a fourth child.
She is now having to rely on a 'Go Fund Me' page to pay for his health care bills.

Whilst I know a mask does not 100% stop a person from catching the virus, one would think that for the sake of his family, he would have acted a little more responsibly.
I will never stop being amazed at the stupidity of others

@slimfern posted:

Leader of an 'Anti Mask' Movement in Texas has died of Covid-19

Aged 30, leaving 3 young children and a wife who is pregnant with a fourth child.
She is now having to rely on a 'Go Fund Me' page to pay for his health care bills.

Whilst I know a mask does not 100% stop a person from catching the virus, one would think that for the sake of his family, he would have acted a little more responsibly.
I will never stop being amazed at the stupidity of others

I agree 100% Slim

@Former Member posted:

Our ambitious governor seems to have decided that the catastrophic covid numbers in FL are helping his presidential ambitions. They keep in the news, and the more the dems hate on him, the more the base will rally round him.

His mask ban was overturned in court, but he is appealing meaning they still can’t enforce mask mandates, and is suing schools and withholding salaries.

In the meantime, hospitals fuller than at any point, no end in sight for my poor mother in law’s pain.

Awww Roxan …your poor mil But sadly,  I think you are right about the adverse publicity playing into the hands of the republicans … , Will the Afghanistan debacle … this rate , Trump will be back in the White House .


Jabbed Brits celebrate as anti-vaxxers plan to boycott Morrisons after unvaccinated sick pay cuts
Double-jabbed Britons have celebrated Morrisons decision to cut sick pay for unvaccinated staff in a bid to encourage vaccine uptake.

The grocer said it plans to cut the amount paid to unvaccinated staff who had been told to self-isolate.
The slash will not apply to those who have not been given the chance to get two Covid-19 jabs or those who have symptoms

The move has resulted in many anti-vaxxers declaring they will no longer shop at the supermarket sparking #BoycottMorrisons trending on social media.
However, many vaccine supporters have shared their delight at the decision.

Among the sea of comments, one tweeted: “If anti-vaxxers have decided to  #BoycottMorrisons, it’ll make it a safer place to shop and leave more food to buy. #winwin”
Others added: “I’ll be doing all my shopping at Morrisons now the anti-vaxxers are going elsewhere to buy the tin foil for their hats  #BoycottMorrisons”.

Should other major supermarkets follow suit?
or is it a step too far?

Last edited by slimfern

I think on balance I agree with Morrison’s stance Slim….I think everyone who works with the public should be obliged to be vaccinated ….unless there are personal medical reasons why they shouldn’t

@Baz posted:

I think on balance I agree with Morrison’s stance Slim….I think everyone who works with the public should be obliged to be vaccinated ….unless there are personal medical reasons why they shouldn’t

It's a difficult call Baz....
Did you manage to get to your flu jab appt today?


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