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I think @machel  titled this thread perfectly     

I started this thread at the very beginning, local schools near to my granddaughters were having  a few cases and pupils were returning from Italy skiing trips

@Former Member posted:

It’s a joke. No better here, Florida Governor has even stopped them reporting numbers a few weeks ago, though apparently they are the worst in the country and rising. Still waiting for the quarantine situation to change so I can leave, slightly complicated by my husbands health. How are you?

Apart from not having to be able to visit my sisters in Dorset (I'm in Scotland), I'm not too bad, thanks. Me and Hubby have had both vaccinations and don't (and didn't) go anywhere much, so It's not impacting on us to any great extent, also having a fairly large house and garden means we don't feel cramped or 'hemmed in'.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
@Former Member posted:

It’s a joke. No better here, Florida Governor has even stopped them reporting numbers a few weeks ago, though apparently they are the worst in the country and rising. Still waiting for the quarantine situation to change so I can leave, slightly complicated by my husbands health. How are you?

ROXAN How are you doing ? I’m sorry to hear about your husbands health ….I hope things improve soon and you can come home .

@Baz posted:

Yes , who would have thought at the time that we were going to still be dealing with it all these months later

I remember talking to the owner of my local corner-shop in the first month of lockdown. He was concerned it could go on for another three months, and I felt guilty because I told him that - given how long it took to develop a vaccine - I thought it would continue till September-October at the earliest...

Eugene's Lair

I remember talking to the owner of my local corner-shop in the first month of lockdown. He was concerned it could go on for another three months, and I felt guilty because I told him that - given how long it took to develop a vaccine - I thought it would continue till September-October at the earliest...

Yes, who would have thought we would still be in its grip 18 months later , eh Eugene


I remember talking to the owner of my local corner-shop in the first month of lockdown. He was concerned it could go on for another three months, and I felt guilty because I told him that - given how long it took to develop a vaccine - I thought it would continue till September-October at the earliest...

I remember joking with our local coop manager that his friend used to cough to fart and that now he farts to cough........turned out not to be such a laughing matter after all.......who knew

@Former Member posted:

Don’t think the Euros, the Copa should have taken place. And the Olympics is dangerous too.

I agree Roxan….but at least Tokyo has decided not to have any spectators at the Olympics .

@Former Member posted:

That’s true Baz, and aren’t encouraging people to roar support!

How is your foot btw, did it heal ok?

Exactly ! Yes , it’s much better now thanks Roxan ….I can walk about 4 kilometres now How are you ? How is your husband doing ?


Into the village to collect an emergency prescription - one glance at Costa and I could see it was half full of people chatting away like nothing was going on.

Popped into Boots , note on the window said "No more than three in this shop"

Utter bedlam and it's only going to get worse

@Saint posted:

Into the village to collect an emergency prescription - one glance at Costa and I could see it was half full of people chatting away like nothing was going on.

Popped into Boots , note on the window said "No more than three in this shop"

Utter bedlam and it's only going to get worse

Sadly yes Renton

@Baz posted:

Nearly 50,000 new cases today ….and 63 deaths …..what about those figures don't the government understand !

Just watching the news … 50 dead in Germany is the headline. 63 dead in England is totally acceptable and doesn’t get a mention 🤨

@Rexi posted:

Just watching the news … 50 dead in Germany is the headline. 63 dead in England is totally acceptable and doesn’t get a mention 🤨

That's because our media are scumbags ...



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@Baz posted:

Nearly 50,000 new cases today ….and 63 deaths …..what about those figures don't the government understand !

All they can say is 'look how much worse it would be if we hadn't got the vaccines.' They are happy to pretend that how much worse it's going to get is so insignificant that it won't matter!

They seem to happily forget that these percentages are not just figures, but represent real people. I totally understand that the ravages on the population are, sadly, not going to go away completely, but the government seem to be quite happy to purposely increase these ravages!!!!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

All they can say is 'look how much worse it would be if we hadn't got the vaccines.' They are happy to pretend that how much worse it's going to get is so insignificant that it won't matter!

They seem to happily forget that these percentages are not just figures, but represent real people. I totally understand that the ravages on the population are, sadly, not going to go away completely, but the government seem to be quite happy to purposely increase these ravages!!!!

Exactly ! I give it a month before they are forced to admit defeat and lockdown again …but not before a lot more people have died


It just gets more chaotic and ridiculous by the day.

Someone said that it must be OK because 'today's briefing CLEARLY showed that Whitty and Valance agreed with Boris and how he was doing things, but what I saw was that they were struggling to make Boris' idiocy palatable!!!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Why does Boris think that if we don't open in summer 2021 then we MUST open during winter 2021. It may be frustrating to leave it to next year, but isn't safety and health supposed to be the higher priority?

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

* Breaking News *

Sajid Javid has tested positive for coronavirus,

Health Secretary Javid tests positive for Covid - BBC News

"Health Secretary Sajid Javid says he has tested positive for Covid-19, but has had two jabs and his symptoms are "very mild".

Mr Javid, who became health secretary in June, said he had taken a lateral flow test on Friday night after feeling a "bit groggy" and it was positive.

He said he was now self-isolating until he got the results of a PCR test."

Eugene's Lair

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