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@machel posted:

Daughter went into local supermarket, gaps are appearing in the toilet roll aisle........


So no gatherings of 6 or more but kids must go back to school


Also TWELVE schools in my region have sent teachers/students home after positive tests.


Exactly how many? Well once again the BBC reporting remained vague

@Saint posted:


So no gatherings of 6 or more but kids must go back to school


Also TWELVE schools in my region have sent teachers/students home after positive tests.


Exactly how many? Well once again the BBC reporting remained vague

It ain’t only the BBC Sainty....


Speaking after his announcement that gatherings in England are to be restricted to six people from Monday, Mr Johnson said the government was "working hard" to increase testing capacity to 500,000 tests a day by the end of October.

And he said that "in the near future" he wanted to start using testing "to identify people who are negative - who don't have coronavirus and who are not infectious - so we can allow them to behave in a more normal way, in the knowledge they cannot infect anyone else".


The guy is just incapable of delivering anything that makes sense!

So we test everyone and now know who does and doesn't have the virus TODAY, but that isn't going to stop them getting infected tomorrow. So everyone needs to be tested every day to ensure that only virus-free people are going out and about - and that means the test results would have to be known pretty much right away - and apparently the technology to do that does not exist just now. 

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Speaking after his announcement that gatherings in England are to be restricted to six people from Monday, Mr Johnson said the government was "working hard" to increase testing capacity to 500,000 tests a day by the end of October.

And he said that "in the near future" he wanted to start using testing "to identify people who are negative - who don't have coronavirus and who are not infectious - so we can allow them to behave in a more normal way, in the knowledge they cannot infect anyone else".


The guy is just incapable of delivering anything that makes sense!

So we test everyone and now know who does and doesn't have the virus TODAY, but that isn't going to stop them getting infected tomorrow. So everyone needs to be tested every day to ensure that only virus-free people are going out and about - and that means the test results would have to be known pretty much right away - and apparently the technology to do that does not exist just now. 

My thoughts exactly EFFT 


"We don't take the local papers" is a phrase a friend once used that made me laugh - bit of a snob perhaps LOL


Thinking about it neither do we - so it came as a bit of a surprise when a local told me SEVEN people were reported as having tested positive in our small town  

Apparently the local rag keeps a running total


Groups must be 6 people or less:-

In Scotland it was announced that children under 12 won't count towards that total of 6, but in England it appears that ALL people will count.

So large families (of 6 or more) are complaining that they can't see/visit/be visited by anyone. Now I haven't studied this in depth (has anyone?), but can't half the family visit today and the other half visit tomorrow? I know that would be irksome, but it's not as if it's being intended to be a permanent thing.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

I couldn’t believe what I heard on the news today ....some people ....including politicians,  are complaining  that lockdowns, masks etc are against our freedom ....fgs ...what about the freedom of people NOT to be infected with Covid 


Hmm....Support bubbles........


Some gatherings of more than six people will be allowed in England, for example:

  • If your household or support bubble is larger than six


If you live in a household of more than six you can gather in public or private. However, you will not be able to join with anyone from outside of your household.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Hmm....Support bubbles........


Some gatherings of more than six people will be allowed in England, for example:

  • If your household or support bubble is larger than six


If you live in a household of more than six you can gather in public or private. However, you will not be able to join with anyone from outside of your household.

You need a darn degree to understand and keep up with it all EFFT I’m glad I’m in a bubble of one 


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