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but I do think Marcus is very often the voice of reason ,he says and observes the situation as we the viewers see it .I understand his potty mouth leaves a lot to be desired,he is very delusional about his looks and skills but I would and will support him over Lisa,she is just nasty, aggresive ,controlling, and has a chip on her shoulder regarding Freddie,it kills her to think he is popular.( gone to get my stick and bin lid)

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Originally posted by erinp:
but I do think Marcus is very often the voice of reason ,he says and observes the situation as we the viewers see it .I understand his potty mouth leaves a lot to be desired,he is very delusional about his looks and skills but I would and will support him over Lisa,she is just nasty, aggresive ,controlling, and has a chip on her shoulder regarding Freddie,it kills her to think he is popular.( gone to get my stick and bin lid)

I would choose him over any member of lisas team. i find his vulgarity quite funny in a cringeworthy way but he def makes some good points
Originally posted by erinp:
but I do think Marcus is very often the voice of reason ,he says and observes the situation as we the viewers see it .I understand his potty mouth leaves a lot to be desired,he is very delusional about his looks and skills but I would and will support him over Lisa,she is just nasty, aggresive ,controlling, and has a chip on her shoulder regarding Freddie,it kills her to think he is popular.( gone to get my stick and bin lid)

He is quite insightful about certain things.... except how totally unapealing he is to the majority of the female population and how to talk to them in an appropriate way. He is dog rough Nod
Originally posted by Syd:
Originally posted by captain marbles:
He's an intelligent bloke who seems to be pretty perceptive about how people interact with and manipulate each other, but he seems to have gleaned any knowledge that he has of women from reading Batman comics.

Eeker Don't dis the Batman Eeker...what harm did he do to Women?
Only Catwoman can answer that. Ninja
captain marbles
I would DEFFO keep Marcus in over Lisa - agree entirely with MOFO up there ^^^^

he does really have some sort of desperate perception of himself - HOWEVER, I think the longer he stays in, the bigger his 'perception' of himself will be Big Grin ya getting me???

There is absolutely NOTHING to gain from keeping Lisa in - she's nasty thru and thru and blind by the looks of it.

Marky on the other hand is feeding off the fact taht he has been kept in. God knows WHAT is going thru his wierdo head right now as WE watch HIM trying to keep an eye on everything Nod

Lisa cant really see past her next smoke and Karly agrees with her - Sofie has done her bit just by getting on BB (I will say no more except that it would be a scream to HER in for another week or two on budget shopping and evict her when she is totally bald)

sorry - I forgot what I was replying to!!!!
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by erinp:
I honestly do not see him as aggressive.As for controlling ,he is and has always said for people to go with their gut instinct,I have never seen him angry.

He was a nasty piece of work with Sree and we all know why. Glance
They were both as bad as each other.
Originally posted by erinp:
Originally posted by stonks:
Originally posted by PeterCat:
Nasty, aggressive and controlling are exactly the words I'd apply to Marcus.

Exactly, why?

He was nasty and aggressive with Sree from very early on. I still remember him harrassing and harrassing him over the dancing task. He's an arrogant bully.

As for controlling, it's exactly what he's trying to be with Annoirin. Telling her she's a party pooper when she tries to pull out of hugging him, grabbing her when she's telling him to put her down. Really not nice at all.
Originally posted by erinp:
They were both as bad as each other.

Marcus had constant digs and put downs for Sree. All Sree did was try to stand up for himself, but it was hardly a fair fight!

Even when he stood up to Lisa, you could tell that he wasn't happy that there might be a bigger bully in the house than him.

The fact that he made it clear to the group that he wasn't standing up for Freddie, who along with Angel was one of the victims of Lisa's bullying, told me all I needed to know about his character!
Originally posted by Gel:
Originally posted by innais:
I find Marcus to be something of a paradox....on the one hand he is astute and articulate, yet on the other he is singularly lacking in self awareness. Perhaps, despite what he would have us believe, he really isn't too worldly wise.

Spot on Nod

agree with you on this!he is an original flintstone!Yabadabadoooooooo!
Originally posted by erinp:
but I do think Marcus is very often the voice of reason ,he says and observes the situation as we the viewers see it .I understand his potty mouth leaves a lot to be desired,he is very delusional about his looks and skills but I would and will support him over Lisa,she is just nasty, aggresive ,controlling, and has a chip on her shoulder regarding Freddie,it kills her to think he is popular.( gone to get my stick and bin lid)

I wish he did not have the massive delusions about himself because he is very clear thinking, when not being led around by that witch Noirin.
Originally posted by mary_bee:
Awh, I agree with you.

Personally I've never got the massive uproar about how 'disgusting and vile' he is.


I quite like Marcus and he can be the voice of reason and talk alot of sense. However, he does say some pretty vile stuff Sick If he could leave all that out, I think he would do very well in the house. As it is, I reckon he will be up again this week Disappointed
Originally posted by Syd:
He is the voice of reason at times..........but..big but...he is also a foul mouthed, uncouth bloke who needs to learn a lot about women.
Totally agree but having said that I have said in another thread he talks more sense than the lot of them put together,and I kind of trusts what he does say more than the rest of them .
I think he makes some really good observations and can be quite funny. I really liked it when he told Lisa what for and the way he stood up to big brother. The only thing that lets him down are some of the crude comments he makes and the way he is with Noirin.

I would rather he stay in than any of team vile! I hope he's in the final with Freddie and Siavash.
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Originally posted by Syd:
He is the voice of reason at times..........but..big but...he is also a foul mouthed, uncouth bloke who needs to learn a lot about women.
Totally agree but having said that I have said in another thread he talks more sense than the lot of them put together,and I kind of trusts what he does say more than the rest of them .
Meant to say not the dellusional part when he talks about himself Big Grin

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