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I can't stand him.
He drives me potty.
The camp inflections in his voice, the dropped Ts and glottal stops, "v v" instead of "th".
The monotonous sound.
I don't find entertaining in the slightest degree.
I don;t find him a nice person.
I also resent the fact that BB have given him an advantage in next week's nominations.
What he does is already very predictable and boring.
The sooner he leaves the better.
Reference: Marge
I want Josie to win there is no pretence about her
Ello Marge 

thats how I feel about Josie!   I have no problem with her winning at all...  I would be chuffed to bits.

*whispers*  Josie reminds me of myself when I was younger!!    A LOT!   I had recognised this myself...  but then one of my RL friends said she reminded her of me too!

*awaits forum stoning*
Begone thunder thighs.

& Marge - Re: the thumb sucking -  I admit I am a thumb sucker (though as I have said before, to a much lesser degree now)..   However, I was more ashamed of it than Josie is.   I would be mortified if I ever found myself sucking my thumb in public (cos sometimes you do it and you don't realise you are doing it)..    and I remember when we got back from the School French trip they were having a presentation for the parents & kids to come & see photos of the trip.   Someone told me that there was a "really cute" pic of me asleep on the coach, curled up with my thumb in my mouth and "all bangles & stuff up my arm"...    (hey... it was the 80's )

I was so horrified I never told my parents about the evening, so we didn't have to go, and they wouldn't see it, and I didn't have to see it. 

I certainly didn't want new boyfriends to know about it... and that was how I more of less broke the habit in the end...    when in a relationship I had to learn to get to sleep without having my thumb in...  so the bf didn't see it.

Unfortunately Josie seems to have no such shame about it.   Though perhaps she will when she gets out of the house and see's all her best bits with her thumb in!   (& now I am feeling sorry for her again...   but its a lesson she needs to learn me thinks)
Although I take on board of the negative comments,  and lets face it, he is pretty dire, but despite the *double standards, * and for the time being at least,  l like him My reasons are that he  tells it to their faces, instead of baitching for hours in the bathroom, or the nest;  is in a *gang* of just 1, and given his attitude, that is never likely to change and ultimately, he has made me laugh... in other words... I find him entertaining.
I'm feeling all maternal with you, now

i have heard that theory on the thumb sucking, nose stroking thing before (that it simulates being breast fed)...  being told that alone... and the images of my mum's boobs grossed me out nearly enough to cure my habit on the spot!

It is more than just a physical habit though...  its a chemical dependency type thing too...  

"Sucking actually produces endorphins, which produces pleasure. Endorphins are so powerful, they actually bind to "opiate-type"receptor sites in the brain"

its like an organic, no cost, legal opiate addiction! 
Although I take on board of the negative comments, and lets face it, he is pretty dire, but despite the *double standards, * and for the time being at least, l like him My reasons are that he tells it to their faces, instead of baitching for hours in the bathroom, or the nest; is in a *gang* of just 1, and given his attitude, that is never likely to change and ultimately, he has made me laugh... in other words... I find him entertaining.
I feel exactly the same Baz
I haven't read through the thread Isadora, but can assure you that you aren't in the minority: everyone I know personally, hates Sam, and I think he is a vile little pig.  I thoroughly detest him and people who are like him.  

I actually KNOW people who are like him.... And they get off on sniping, picking, baiting, and upsetting people and thinking that they are 'clever,' and something special because they 'say what they think.'  Why do people think it's a 'positive trait' to say what they think and be 'frank' and 'honest?' That is just another way of saying 'I don't give a fu** about peoples feelings.  Because that is what it boils down to! 

All i can think of is that he is very insecure and has low self esteem, if the only way he can get his jollies is to upset other people.  And who the hell does he think he is DEMANDING to know EVERYTHING?!  What a wanker!

I LOATHE people like this.  I am in total despair that this creep actually has a following, and wonder what on earth is becoming of the world today, when a total cretin like this has 'followers.'  And why are the gobbiest, vilest cretins in BB always classed (by some...) as the 'strong' characters...?. 

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