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yes mario,dave and rachel did keep on at ben squiggle.......but were you saying then that they were 'shaking him up' of course was all 'poor ben' etc...i did think some of the things dished out to ben were completely uncalled for.......some of it his laziness were justified.........

last night it was shown on the h/l's dave telling john james to 'go away' and giving him what for for trying to pick an cos it's dave it's hardly mentioned......dave isn't liked on here.......had sam said it he'd of been wildly praised for it......(i think dave was spot on btw)

i don't like john james as a h/m.....i think some of the things he's said and done have been nasty and unneccesary......again i use his treatment of rachel (the first one) as an example......he was torn apart for that on why isn't sam?.....again it's cos he's mouthing off at the least popular ppl on here.........john james was telling rachel(the second one) that 'you've had a good run' when she was put up for eviction......again he was called out for it on here for being arrogant and nasty and rude.........why is it ok for sam to be these things but not someone else?
i don't like john james as a h/m.....i think some of the things he's said and done have been nasty and unneccesary......again i use his treatment of rachel (the first one) as an example......he was torn apart for that on why isn't sam?.....again it's cos he's mouthing off at the least popular ppl on here.........john james was telling rachel(the second one) that 'you've had a good run' when she was put up for eviction......again he was called out for it on here for being arrogant and nasty and rude.........why is it ok for sam to be these things but not someone else?
This is my point Spongey!
It's getting to the stage that I am now wanting Josie to win... if nothing else but to shut that little twat up
oh and just as a footnote.......i thought sam was spot on calling john james out for walking out on the task and not trying.....i agree with him on that point.......same as i agree with the one's who had a go at ben for being lazy and not trying in the tasks......

what i don't agree with is slating someone for being james....then praising someone else....sam.......for doing exactly the same
oh and just as a footnote.......i thought sam was spot on calling john james out for walking out on the task and not trying.....i agree with him on that point.......same as i agree with the one's who had a go at ben for being lazy and not trying in the tasks...... what i don't agree with is slating someone for being james....then praising someone else....sam.......for doing exactly the same
Sam has said some very pertinent things in there but the insults and spiteful remarks have marred the good he has done.
i think telling dave his 'family have disowned him' is spiteful and malicious tbh.....i can't think of anyone who'd think 'oh that's hilarious'......that is just pure spite to me
I've not seen that but was it said as a joke?  I say things like that to my son all the time, that I have disowned him.  Just the other night, my husband and I were watching a funeral on TV and he made a comment on the flowers that  said Mum.  I told him not to worry, for his funeral I was going to have one that said "Barsteward" (only the right one).  Did I mean it?  Nah, it was a joke, a throwaway comment.
sam and dave were having words.....and that's when sam said the example you gave it's obvious it's a lighthearted throwaway an arguement i think it takes on a different context
I think so too. I agree it may have planted seeds of doubt especially as Dave was so concerned that his messages from home seemed a bit flat.

It was a nasty thing to say. Sam is a nasty individual IMO. Not really getting his entertainment value.
Soozy Woo
wish Shabby was back in - she is the only one with the verbosity who can put that little scroat in his place and teach him some manners.
i don't think so...she was all mouth  and relied on people being too scared of her tantrums to get by.  Sam would wipe the floor with her.

Sam is an arse, but he's not as big a one as Scabby was, at least he's got guts to say stuff straight to people's face
squiggle.....i have read them.........and all i see is..'he's shaking the house up'.....and 'i'm glad he's telling team smug this and that'.........i don't recall any posts saying 'sam's a nice lad....just what the house needed,he says things that need to be said but in a nice manner'......

for me..insulting ppl isn't shaking the house's just plain rude and nasty......'shaking up team smug' proves my's because he's having a go at josie....and to an extent john james and dave that ppl like him......if he was doing it to corin it'd be a different kettle of fish altogether

i think him calling john james out over his lack of effort in the task was 'shaking it up'.....jj looked shocked someone spoke to him in that way.....and i agreed with sam on that.......just going around telling ppl they're fat or slags or their family have disowned them for me isn't shaking anything's just rude and pointless......and says far more about sam than it does the ppl he's insulting
Everything what da spongey said!

Yes, he spent thee days in lockdown, with Josie, and yes, she knew exactly how insulting he can be, and he knew that she didn't like his behaviour, before he went in. Therefore, there was 'history'.

She's been told by BB not to mention his insults to another auditionee, who had lost a leg to cancer and was asked by him why she bothered getting dressed up and wearing make-up.

Was that a joke, a wind-up, shaking up her world, or just a nasty bloke with no empathy, trying to make people angry or sad?
The thing is with JJ he bitches for days and days about his next target behind their backs before he pounces....Josie has every right to defend herself against Sam,we all would off course, but just do it,stop doing what she done with Caoimhe,drip drip drip to the other HM's ensuring./ hoping the gang mentality would kick in...We've saw Josie go on for almost a week about Sam,and rightly so ,yet in the next breath it's she don't want to talk about it,takes a breath and off again.
The thing is with JJ he bitches for days and days about his next target behind their backs before he pounces....Josie has every right to defend herself against Sam,we all would off course, but just do it,stop doing what she done with Caoimhe,drip drip drip to the other HM's ensuring./ hoping the gang mentality would kick in...We've saw Josie go on for almost a week about Sam,and rightly so ,yet in the next breath it's she don't want to talk about it,takes a breath and off again
Spot on Lee
Why is it ok for Sam to insult Josie but wrong for Josie to retaliate or stand up for herself?
It's perfectly ok for her to retaliate,that goes without saying imo...Let her retaliate to his face,say all she has to say and stop going to other HM's drip drip drip about him...I think that's where they differ,he says it to her not to others about her,she should do likewise and put him in his place herself.
Does she?....I see her saying things to him in a joking way mainly,she doesn't have the same smiling joking approach when she's talking about him to the others,then she comes across as serious.
she tells him all the time to eff off she dont like him, if thats not being honest then maybe should could start her own whisper club

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