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Former Member
But I dislike the odious little creep that is Sam.
He may well say the odd funny thing.
He may well have woken them up.
But that does not excuse the gratuitous relentless rudeness to Josie.

Gypsie if you are reading this, don't faint.. BUT
I wish Shabby was back in - she is the only one with the verbosity who can put that little scroat in his place and teach him some manners.

The last BB was getting pretty dire with the showmance thing.
Now for me it is dead.

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I stand by what I said yesterday if Sam was Samantha he would be hated.
He is the female version of Jane (was it BB8)? The one who burped and farted all the time. She was universally hated - BB are doing exactly the same - playing with nominations to keep Sam in - they did exactly the same for Jane.

Couldn't stand her and I can't stand him.
Soozy Woo
i'm in the minority too.......i don't agree he's shaken the house.........calling someone a 'fat slag' isn't shaking the house......nor is any of the other insults he's dished out.....that's just a bloke being rude and obnoxious for the sake of it...i've said it before........i think he's only popular on here cos he's targetting josie.......and josie isn't popular on here........had he been relentless with his insults to corin.......or god forbid ben if he was still in there i think it'd be a different story.........and he'd be viewed completely differently
Yeah, Suzi and what he says is probably true most of the time, but where does it become good for him to do that and bad for someone like JJ and Dave?
When has JJ or Dave said it to their faces though?

JJ has - to Rachel (1) and went on and on and on about it. JJ attacks are always aggressive and full of spite.  I don't think Sam is spiteful in what he says, he knows what buttons to push.

I have never seen Dave say anything remotely negative to a HM to their face, it's always "I love you, dude" crap.  At least to their face, but behind their back, it's a different story.  The one time he confronted Ben over something Rachel said Ben had said, they called Rachel in and she confirmed that it wasn't as Dave had painted it.  He pussyfoots around any kind of confrontation.

Sam is direct and to the point.  Everyone knows exactly what he feels about them.  JJ and Dave are so hypocritical that no one knows where they stand with either of them.
i'm in the minority too.......i don't agree he's shaken the house.........calling someone a 'fat slag' isn't shaking the house......nor is any of the other insults he's dished out.....that's just a bloke being rude and obnoxious for the sake of it...i've said it before........i think he's only popular on here cos he's targetting josie.......and josie isn't popular on here........had he been relentless with his insults to corin.......or god forbid ben if he was still in there i think it'd be a different story.........and he'd be viewed completely differently

yeah I agree, some have a warped sense of humour
.had he been relentless with his insults to corin.......or god forbid ben if he was still in there i think it'd be a different story.........and he'd be viewed completely differently
very true. I see no merit or cleverness in coming out with juvenile insults that are deliberately aimed to wind people up or hurt them.

It would have been interesting to see if the same FM's found it so funny if their favourites had been the target.
Soozy Woo
Reference: Spongey
i'm in the minority too.......i don't agree he's shaken the house.........calling someone a 'fat slag' isn't shaking the house......nor is any of the other insults he's dished out.....that's just a bloke being rude and obnoxious for the sake of it...i've said it before........i think he's only popular on here cos he's targetting josie.......and josie isn't popular on here........had he been relentless with his insults to corin.......or god forbid ben if he was still in there i think it'd be a different story.........and he'd be viewed completely differently
Sam "targets" Josie because she gives him the reaction he craves.  He's a naughty little boy and instead of giving him a Time-Out or ignoring his behaviour, Josie feeds it.  He has insulted other housemates and they have just laughed at him, so why should he bother?  He doesn't get the reaction from them that he gets with Josie.
john james said to corin she 'only got in the house cos of her bolt ons'......ppl here viewed it as rude and nasty.........sam says to josie she's 'miss piggy'......a 'fat slag'.......and her 'wearing a bikini should be made illegal'.........yet that is viewed as ok......and it's all because it's who he's saying to........and because it's josie it's deemed fine cos ppl here don't like her

sam would've targetted ben....he said in his audition tape he didn't like him and he had 'stupid hair'........had ben still been in there and sam kept calling him a 'tory posh git with shit hair''d of been 'poor ben......get sam out'
I wish Ben was still in the house because I think Sam would have reduced him to a quivering wreck I bet he wouldn't have been as well liked then
I don't think he would have.  He may have targetted Ben, but I don't think Ben would have reacted the way Josie has.

Sam is a WUM, a troll.  If he is not fed, he goes away.
hi suzi xx

see i disagree.........why shouldn't someone defend themselves?.......would we be saying corin shouldn't of retaliated when jj had a go at her? gave him what for and was applauded for it and rightly so.........i just don't see the notion of letting someone insult you and sitting in silence as ideal.........that just gives the person the idea that he's found a 'victim' jj with rachel.....who took it and took it and eventually broke down in tears......jj was vilified for that and rightly so

i think josie the beginning laugh it off.....she tried the 'i like you sam but i don't like the things you say sometimes'  route.....he simply told her he 'didn't like her full stop' with his relentless put downs to her i don't blame her for retaliating....

sam isn't a 'naughty little boy'....he's a grown man of 21/22......he needs to learn to grow up and fast......his friends said he called another mates g/f a 'fat pig'....sooner or later his idea of 'fun' is going to get him into an awful lot of bother.....cos sooner or later he'll choose the wrong person to be 'funny' too
sam would've targetted ben....he said in his audition tape he didn't like him and he had 'stupid hair'........had ben still been in there and sam kept calling him a 'tory posh git with shit hair''d of been 'poor ben......get sam out'
If Sam had had a go at Ben "Ben I don't like you you have horrible hair" Ben would have said "Yes I know, I'm sorry" and if Sam had called him a Tory posh git with shit hair Ben would have said "Yes you're probably right, sorry".  It would have been a total non-starter   And Ben had enough people insulting him, his best friend Dave for a start, so would one more have made much difference?
I don't think Sam is spiteful in what he says

Sorry  - that made me choke!      He's a spiteful little idiot, dress it up any way you like.. a troll,  a WUM.. all much of a muchness to me.     Spongey's already given some examples of what JJ has said to Corin and was hauled over the coals for it  - spewing vitriol in someone's face isn't clever imo... and even saying things 'behind people's backs' is sometimes better than that.
.cos sooner or later he'll choose the wrong person to be 'funny' too
Yup can't stand him. Would not last five minutes in the "real world" acting like that. the cameras are saving him from what would actually happen if he acted like that. 

In saying that. He made me laugh out loud last night.

He is a tool I would not have him in my house as they say but he is stirring it up BUT I don't want him to win. and I think he will become annoying even to us quite soon.
Reference: squiggle
f Sam had had a go at Ben "Ben I don't like you you have horrible hair" Ben would have said "Yes I know, I'm sorry" and if Sam had called him a Tory posh git with shit hair Ben would have said "Yes you're probably right, sorry". It would have been a total non-starter And Ben had enough people insulting him, his best friend Dave for a start, so would one more have made much difference?
but the diffence is........on here sam would've been viewed as a nasty piece of work.....same as jj is.........i'm sorry but the posts i've seen when someone has called ben out for something have been exactly that.....'poor ben'.....'so and so should leave ben alone'.....'they're targetting ben it's not fair'......'get so and so out for being nasty to ben'.....

it wouldn't of been a non starter cos sam would've kept on and on at him......and the posts would've reflected whole point's WHO sam is targetting that is making him popular.......had he chosen a more popular h/mate......say for instance my opinion he'd of been viewed differently....
Sam is not just "targeting"  JJ and Josie though, he is also having a pop at Dave and a few occasions Rachel.  I agree about the personal comments, but the wind-ups I don't see any harm in them and it is livening the house up a bit.

Had he said anything to Ben, I would've got myself into the BB house by hook or by crook and battered him

ll xxx

see i think his main target is josie......and to an extent dave......he's made a few shots at john james......but in the main josie gets the brunt of it........none of those h/mates are particularly liked on sam is deemed as a 'hero' for doing it......i still stand by what i said..if it was a more popular h/mate ppl on here would be singing a different song about least you're honest though about if he'd said anything to ben!!

so for you......(in marcus bentley voice)

day viewer and poster on gaga liverpool lass breaks into the big brother house........angry at sam for calling ben a 'tory shit with no morals' liverpool lass batters sam with ben's sam begs for mercy....liverpool lass screams 'i'm doing it for ben's buddies'.....liverpool lass is removed from the house.......sam goes to the diary room to complain about the 'woman who hit him 67 times'............
spongebob squarepants offline 5,234 Forum Posts Today at 9:57 AM Last Edited:  so for you......(in marcus bentley voice) day viewer and poster on gaga liverpool lass breaks into the big brother house........angry at sam for calling ben a 'tory shit with no morals' liverpool lass batters sam with ben's sam begs for mercy....liverpool lass screams 'i'm doing it for ben's buddies'.....liverpool lass is removed from the house.......sam goes to the diary room to complain about the 'woman who hit him 67 times'......

Spongey you do make me laugh xxx

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