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Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
No problems!
I was interested in the statistic that one in five would not accept invitation.
I'm not a big fan of weddings in general and do my utmost not to attend them!
Must be a generation thing.

Me neither, but I couldn't not turn up at my children's wedding, whatever persuasion they would be.

cologne 1

I'm happy that this bill has now been passed.


Personally I simply love a wedding ...................I like thought of two people openly declaring their love and pledging to spend their life together. 


I can sort of see why some people find it hard to accept if it goes against their religious beliefs though. My neighbours (and good friends) are Catholic and very involved in church life - he is head of a Catholic school. They love my gay son and his partner and we've had some real fun times at lots of social occasions. I'm not sure if they'd attend a wedding though as it goes against their beliefs. It'd be their loss though as I know it'd be a fantastic bash.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I'm happy that this bill has now been passed.


Personally I simply love a wedding ...................I like thought of two people openly declaring their love and pledging to spend their life together. 


I can sort of see why some people find it hard to accept if it goes against their religious beliefs though. My neighbours (and good friends) are Catholic and very involved in church life - he is head of a Catholic school. They love my gay son and his partner and we've had some real fun times at lots of social occasions. I'm not sure if they'd attend a wedding though as it goes against their beliefs. It'd be their loss though as I know it'd be a fantastic bash.

I was brought up by a Catholic couple, but fortunately my parents (adopted) felt liberal enough to let me make up my own mind and gave me both sides of the argument of creation, which gave me scope to question.

cologne 1



Marriage be it straight or gay is an interesting concept for me. I do think that if you have a good relationship then a piece of paper and a ceremony is not necessary.


I really am in the camp that it should be a lot harder to get into a marriage and harder to get out of one. Statistically you are often quoted on the news how many divorces there are each year and I do roll my eyes when I see people who have had 5,6,7 or 8 different marriages.


In terms of gay marriage, why should they not have the same opportunities that others have. No problem with it.



Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

No problem with it, but it must be hard for someone from a traditional religious background.



what Rosie said 

Peeps I know back home in NI are lovely kind people... loathe to label them anti- Gay. It'll take a while for them to come round to it. You can't go against everything that you were taught from a child, overnight. Compassion will win out in the end hopefully.


As to the Bible... this scroll and  that scroll dug up or found in caves and copied by hand. Bound to be a few "typos" in there as regards homosexuality ?  

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

No problem with it, but it must be hard for someone from a traditional religious background.



what Rosie said 

Peeps I know back home in NI are lovely kind people... loathe to label them anti- Gay. It'll take a while for them to come round to it. You can't go against everything that you were taught from a child, overnight. Compassion will win out in the end hopefully.


As to the Bible... this scroll and  that scroll dug up or found in caves and copied by hand. Bound to be a few "typos" in there as regards homosexuality ?  

Or maybe some 10th centuary monk had a few too many magic mushrooms?

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien:

Peeps I know back home in NI are lovely kind people... loathe to label them anti- Gay. It'll take a while for them to come round to it. You can't go against everything that you were taught from a child, overnight. Compassion will win out in the end hopefully.


As to the Bible... this scroll and  that scroll dug up or found in caves and copied by hand. Bound to be a few "typos" in there as regards homosexuality ?  



agree totally Rosie...Grimm brothers made a few typos too 


Fair play to gay marriages, they deserve to be treated the same as everyone else...if it makes them happy then brilliant...the world needs more happy people in it, not less.


Although I think they are barking mad to want the right to get hitched, I fear they are about to find out what straight people have known for years, marriage is over rated and nothing by trouble.

Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:



Marriage be it straight or gay is an interesting concept for me. I do think that if you have a good relationship then a piece of paper and a ceremony is not necessary.


I really am in the camp that it should be a lot harder to get into a marriage and harder to get out of one. Statistically you are often quoted on the news how many divorces there are each year and I do roll my eyes when I see people who have had 5,6,7 or 8 different marriages.


In terms of gay marriage, why should they not have the same opportunities that others have. No problem with it.



I totally agree EC ..... 


I think most people are generally for it, perhaps not so much in the older generation.  I think in decades to come future generations will look back and say, "Really?  It was legalised as recently as 2014?".  Like equal pay legislation for women in the 1970s.  We're almost incredulous that the injustice was allowed to last so long.


It's not the march of the 'liberal politically correct' it's just doing what is right, fair and just.

Originally Posted by Carnelian:

I think most people are generally for it, perhaps not so much in the older generation.  I think in decades to come future generations will look back and say, "Really?  It was legalised as recently as 2014?".  Like equal pay legislation for women in the 1970s.  We're almost incredulous that the injustice was allowed to last so long.


It's not the march of the 'liberal politically correct' it's just doing what is right, fair and just.

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
No problems!
I was interested in the statistic that one in five would not accept invitation.
I'm not a big fan of weddings in general and do my utmost not to attend them!
Must be a generation thing.

I take it you also listened to Radio 2 talking about it yesterday? I'm thrown that 1 in 5 said they wouldn't attend. I'm not a big fan of weddings either, I tried to organise my own with minimal people and fuss, but husband told his Mother that we were planning and it ended up being a rather large immediate family only affair.


As to same sex marriages, why not? Isn't marriage about 2 people who are in love committing themselves to each other?


Getting back to the radio 2 discussion about it.  Some listener rang in to ask "Why, the gay people were getting married at midnight, are they trying to hide it" or something along those lines.  DICK, they were getting married at midnight because it was at that point it became legal.  And don't get me started on the listener who talked about Nigella Lawson.

Last edited by Cinds
Originally Posted by Cinds:

What I do find strange, is that Christian groups are opposing it.  I thought part of being a good christian was to 'treat others as you want to be treated'?


But then again, I bet Fred Phelps R.I.H. called himself a christian too.

See, that's why I have no time for religion........of any kind 

Originally Posted by Sprout:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

What I do find strange, is that Christian groups are opposing it.  I thought part of being a good christian was to 'treat others as you want to be treated'?


But then again, I bet Fred Phelps R.I.H. called himself a christian too.

See, that's why I have no time for religion........of any kind 

I used to, until I started seeing the hypocrisies. 


I think Jesus is a folklore.  I do believe a man existed who walked around giving out love, like a modern day hippy.  But I think the story got built bigger and bigger down the years and it ended up with what we now see as Religion.  But each culture has put their own spin on it and decided who they will adore.

Apparently I'm going to rot in Hell, or burn in Hull, and it is alleged that I support many unsavoury practices which can't be mentioned in a family Forum such as this one, all because I support the rights of a couple of gay friends, who have been together thirty years.
As a footnote they informed us this evening that they aren't bothered about marriage anyway.
Garage Joe
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Apparently I'm going to rot in Hell, or burn in Hull, and it is alleged that I support many unsavoury practices which can't be mentioned in a family Forum such as this one, all because I support the rights of a couple of gay friends, who have been together thirty years.
As a footnote they informed us this evening that they aren't bothered about marriage anyway.

       It's crass isn't it? 

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Apparently I'm going to rot in Hell, or burn in Hull, and it is alleged that I support many unsavoury practices which can't be mentioned in a family Forum such as this one, all because I support the rights of a couple of gay friends, who have been together thirty years.
As a footnote they informed us this evening that they aren't bothered about marriage anyway.

I wonder if heaven has a 'eco' policy, because I'm sure if they do, those of us heading downstairs could at least share a handcart. I'll bring the disco lights and champagne. 


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