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I've only had small pets ,hammies and budgies.I still cried for them when they died.I've got the two rabbits now as well,bigger animals..gawd knows what I'll be like when they go.I was crying,trying to get "Rio" to eat etc..."Don't you die on me ya bugger!" etc.He's doing ok now,still not 100% back to normal eating,he's back at the PDSA next week for weighing and an assesment.
The PDSA are bloody brilliant! RIO had a very savvy bun vet,he knew  all about rabbits etc.He "Tranced" him...that is put the bun on his back in his arms and gently blew on his face/nose  a few times.... I had  no problems with the private vet etc..just the cost,fine if your working etc.A consul for the bun was ÂĢ29.00 then the treatments costs,first visit was for Rio was ÂĢ49...second visit a week later was  ÂĢ29.00.I now get housing benefit etc so  I qualify for PSDA treatment..saying that he's not had any treatments ..just a good I gave them 20 quid.

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