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Originally Posted by Carnelian:

Ben Stiller, probably on par with Jack Black.


How many awful movies has he made?


Meet the Fookers, three movies where the joke is a play on the word 'Fooker'.

Night at the Museum and its sequel - boring

Zoolander - boring

Envy - really boring

He's also in "Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny"


Generally I agree with you about Ben Stiller..   well, not so much him exactly as the type of films he stars in..   run of the mill american rom com/comedies.


BUT...  I really love Meet the Parents & Meet the Fookers (i haven't seen the 3rd one)..   they made me really really laugh out loud loads.


I really liked jennifer anniston in the object of my affection. I thought she was played that well, for the low budget film it was.



I watched the human caterpillar expecting it to be terrible and wanted to see just HOW TERRIBLE it was. I was most concerned to admit to myself that I loved it best film ive seen in ages.

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Carnelian:

Ben Stiller, probably on par with Jack Black.


How many awful movies has he made?


Meet the Fookers, three movies where the joke is a play on the word 'Fooker'.

Night at the Museum and its sequel - boring

Zoolander - boring

Envy - really boring

He's also in "Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny"


Generally I agree with you about Ben Stiller..   well, not so much him exactly as the type of films he stars in..   run of the mill american rom com/comedies.


BUT...  I really love Meet the Parents & Meet the Fookers (i haven't seen the 3rd one)..   they made me really really laugh out loud loads.

Apparently, Meet the Fockers 3: Little Fockers, (or whatever it's called) really drives home the play on words, just in case you missed it in the first two films! 


I know what you mean about Ben Stiller, you're right, it's not him, as such, it's the poor quality of films he stars in.  In general, I don't think stand ups or sitcom actors transfer well to feature films and tend to be disappointed regardless of how much I like the comedian's other work. I don't think 90 mins plus is a good medium for comedy and what almost always happens is the situation and comedy value is stretched to breaking point.


Still, those are all poor films without even mentioning his plodding romcom stuff but I didn't really like the well-received first 'Focker' film either.  I couldn't stomach watching Envy to its end and Zoolander just felt like 90 minutes of my life wasted, likewise the runt of litter, Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny.  Sorry to disagree!

Originally Posted by Carnelian:
but I didn't really like the well-received first 'Fooker' film either.  I couldn't stomach watching Envy to its end and Zoolander just felt like 90 minutes of my life wasted, likewise the runt of litter, Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny.  Sorry to disagree!


S'not a problem!


I watched the first Fooker film with the kids (probably during summer holidays... we tend to ramp up the Sky box office bill over the summer)...    I had no expectations for it...  so was pleasantly surprised.


Also..   there are certain phrases from the film that have been adopted in our household..  main one being "the circle of trust"  


However, I have just remembered that during that same summer daughter & I watched "Beverly Hills Chihuahua" and thought that was quite good , maybe it was just the summer holidays getting to us..... any escapism was good escapism.


Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Carnelian:

Jennifer Aniston is the queen of the pot boiler romcom, where she plays Rachel from Friends in every single one.

yeah...  she is a one trick pony.

Yet she's supposedly adamant that she'll 'never play Rachel again'.  


Anytime I've been flicking through the movie channels and seen her on screen she's either been OTT kooky and extrovert or the one serious face expression she seems to possess and use. I never watched Friends so have no idea of her character in the show. From what I've read, she doesn't seem to have a lot of depth in the execution of any roles she's been cast.


She's got good hair, though. (Well, when it was a bit shorter)

Originally Posted by Karma_:
Originally Posted by Carnelian:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Carnelian:

Jennifer Aniston is the queen of the pot boiler romcom, where she plays Rachel from Friends in every single one.

yeah...  she is a one trick pony.

Yet she's supposedly adamant that she'll 'never play Rachel again'.  


Anytime I've been flicking through the movie channels and seen her on screen she's either been OTT kooky and extrovert or the one serious face expression she seems to possess and use. I never watched Friends so have no idea of her character in the show. From what I've read, she doesn't seem to have a lot of depth in the execution of any roles she's been cast.


She's got good hair, though. (Well, when it was a bit shorter)

Yep, that's the Rachel character in Friends to a tee.  Kookie, extrovert, self regarding (they all are in Friends) or she's got that serious prelude to an argument face on because she's upset with something Ross (in Friends) has done. 

Originally Posted by Carnelian:

Really?  Social Network has had really good reviews.  I must admit that a film about a Harvard/Yale/Princeton brat kid (only a guess, am I right?) who sets up Facebook really doesn't appeal but I've considered watching it as all the reviews have been positive - until now, that is!

treat your lover to a night cuddled up watching it.........if you want them to leave you! utter sh!t!

Originally Posted by Carnelian:

Ben Stiller, probably on par with Jack Black.


How many awful movies has he made?


Meet the Fookers, three movies where the joke is a play on the word 'Fooker'.

Night at the Museum and its sequel - boring

Zoolander - boring

Envy - really boring

He's also in "Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny"

Zoolander is one of my favourite movies ever   It cracks me up   I love Ben Stiller when he plays the kind of total loser roll, like in Zoolander and Dodgeball.  I don't like it when it's kind of a cringe comedy like Meet the Parents etc and Night at the Museum.  I just don't get those movies at all.


My two least favourite movies at Meet Joe Black and Australia.


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