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Originally Posted by Carnelian:

I almost hired that one but was advised not to by the DVD hire owner!  So if a DVD shop owner recommends against it, then it must stink!  When it comes to hiring DVDs when I'm bored, my standards are pretty low, especially when it comes to sci fi and horror.


The box looks nice, though!


DVD Hire shops still exist? 


Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:

It was beyond pointless


I've not seen it, but really? The worst film ever? Really? I mean surely you've seen something else that was indescribably terrible?


Hmm...I might make a thread about films that are GENUINELY terrible... 


I would like to put forward "Mega Piranha" forward for the title of genuinely terrible.    I knew it was one of the seriously cheesey disaster/monster films on the Sci Fi channel...   but some of them are quite good (in a laugh & point kind of way).    Loch Ness Terror is one of my faves, and Mega Shark vs GIant Squid was hilarious..    but Mega Piranha had no redeeming qualities what so ever.


2012 was a bit of a shocker and I suppose similar in its approach to effects over substance.  Great special effects but how many near misses can you cram into a film?  And such obvious stereotypes that you know exactly which of the characters will live and which will meet a grizzly end as soon as see them.  Suffice to say, the good ole American every-man family survives.

Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally Posted by Carnelian:

I almost hired that one but was advised not to by the DVD hire owner!  So if a DVD shop owner recommends against it, then it must stink!  When it comes to hiring DVDs when I'm bored, my standards are pretty low, especially when it comes to sci fi and horror.


The box looks nice, though!


DVD Hire shops still exist? 


Hmmm, yeah, they do where I am.  I'll never have Murdoch's Sky, can't get cable and BT vision is a rip off.  Aside from the cost, I have far too much clutter as it is without loads of DVD boxes everywhere.

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Demantoid:

Ever seen Night Of The Lepus?

1970s terror-fest starring killer bunny rabbits!

Oooh.. no !

But I will keep an eye out for that one...       good quality cheesy fun film then? 

Flippin hilarious

Zoltan, Hound Of Dracula is another one - softy-looking Rottweiler with a great set of false fangs!

Originally Posted by Demantoid:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Demantoid:

Ever seen Night Of The Lepus?

1970s terror-fest starring killer bunny rabbits!

Oooh.. no !

But I will keep an eye out for that one...       good quality cheesy fun film then? 

Flippin hilarious

Zoltan, Hound Of Dracula is another one - softy-looking Rottweiler with a great set of false fangs!

*makes mental note*


this is fab....    I have new cheeeese to watch

Originally Posted by Karma_:

I went to watch one of the Pirates of the Caribbean films with the boy a few years ago (the one with Kiera Knightley in) and it was crap. (Probably summink to do with Kiera Knightley, right enough).

one of them is way way too long...      the one when the black pearl voyages through the sea of the damned or dead or something





Is the most boring, self referential, pretentious, disjointed, unwatchable mess I've ever seen.  Self financed by Anthony Hopkins and it's easy to see why no studio would take it on.  It's an endurance test.  I got totally confused and annoyed in equal measure.  Almost every review of the film concludes that it's Anthony Hopkin's vanity project.


Meet The Spartans was absolute shite, as I expected it to be.



How many lame boring, pop culture references can they cram into a film?  I can't remember if there was a reference to Sir Mix-a-lot's "Baby Got Back" but it seems like it's the law to reference that song in these braindead films.  It amazes me that people can sit through regurgitated references to youtube memes, Britney Spears, Simon Cowell and Ugly Betty and find those references funny.

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

hubby has seen Skyline and he says he thinks it was very good...   he did say the best bit of the storyline came in during the last few minutes...   and that there is talk of a sequel which he reckons will be good.


But then he thought Inception was good, so I don't take his appreciation of a film to mean much 


Inception was an IMMENSE film. I loved it. People who say they don't like it obviously didn't understand it...  *scarpers to the hills*

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Karma_:

I went to watch one of the Pirates of the Caribbean films with the boy a few years ago (the one with Kiera Knightley in) and it was crap. (Probably summink to do with Kiera Knightley, right enough).

one of them is way way too long...      the one when the black pearl voyages through the sea of the damned or dead or something

Gawd I dunno...all I remember was Johnny Depp (who I don't get especially as a pirate), Kiera bloody Knightley (who was more wooden than Noah's ark) and a giant squid in the sea.


I fell a kip after that

Originally Posted by Carnelian:

Eddy Murphy has done some awful films in his time.

I watched the first Beverly Hill's Cop again last night and it reminded me how good he was when he first started out. (I like all the BHC films - Murphy makes them for me).


I liked him in Coming to America, too. Wasn't all that taken with the Nutty Professor. Haven't seen anything else with him in or if I have I've forgotten it.

Originally Posted by Karma_:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:



kinda makes you wish they were real doesn't it?



[edit]   this was in response to Toids post..    Karma slipped in without me noticing

If I was a bloke I would take umbrage at that remark!

if you were a bloke that had slipped in without me noticing I wouldn't care! 



Originally Posted by Karma_:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Karma_:

I went to watch one of the Pirates of the Caribbean films with the boy a few years ago (the one with Kiera Knightley in) and it was crap. (Probably summink to do with Kiera Knightley, right enough).

one of them is way way too long...      the one when the black pearl voyages through the sea of the damned or dead or something

Gawd I dunno...all I remember was Johnny Depp (who I don't get especially as a pirate), Kiera bloody Knightley (who was more wooden than Noah's ark) and a giant squid in the sea.


I fell a kip after that


I love Johnny Depp as a pirate.   Keira bloody Knightly I don't like at all though.    And yeah...  I fell asleep during the sequels to the original film..    they are good to fall asleep to..  like Bond films.


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