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That's the hatchet job starting ,I would not be surprised if Siavash/Marcus /Freddie don't get to nom this week.I found it rather odd that Davina said BB had looked at the footage regarding Marcus's claim about Lisa influencing noms.They have showed Freddie talking about sheep/Wolfs/Shepherds and explaining who is who,would not be surprised if they use this to prevent them from noms next week.
I find Davina's attitude constantly irritating.

I was so happy that when she first went off into her little Freddie bashing routine in which she tried to copy his accent and mannerisms (inaccurately) that Angel didn't react, but instead shut McCall up with her response about his brain and intelligence.

Davina is so unsurprising these days. It would be so great is she got out of her mould for once.
I think it's really wrong to make the assumption that the public are keeping Freddie in just to wind the others up. That is really bad to say as where is this evidence? I heard nothing but cheers from the eviction crowd.

People like him Davina. Sorry you don't like that luv, deal with it. Or we will end up with another "Rachel" situation in which the winner got treated like crap.
I like Davina as she has become kind of iconic as the Big Brother mother and I like that aspect, I just wish she wouldn't keep dumbing down the people she doesn't like with her rudeness and manipulation of the audience.

Have I said too much?

I really liked Angel too, I didn't want to see her go, but I didn't want to see Freddie either Frowner
Originally posted by Summer_Breeze:
I like Davina as she has become kind of iconic as the Big Brother mother and I like that aspect, I just wish she wouldn't keep dumbing down the people she doesn't like with her rudeness and manipulation of the audience.

Have I said too much?

I really liked Angel too, I didn't want to see her go, but I didn't want to see Freddie either Frowner

I think Davina dumbed down many years ago, she is wrong to voice opinions about which HM's she likes and dislikes in the house.
Originally posted by Shizzlex:
She annoys me

i do like Boyd though he said what i was thinking about Chris and his boyfriend dullards he was also the one who shut the awful Jennifer up last year

but my god Brian Belo WTF how much is he getting paid to look like a total villiage idiot

Boyd was brilliant, at last someone on that show who spoke for me.
Originally posted by Shizzlex:

but my god Brian Belo WTF how much is he getting paid to look like a total villiage idiot

I thought that looked gross - just what sort of people are they trying to entertain? I can just about accept indecency from the likes of Russell Brand ..... but Davina promoting that was all wrong. She is trying to be a hip wacky cool youngster but she`s a mature woman with children. Even Angel`s face dropped when Brian Belo appeared like that.
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS]
Originally posted by Jeggo:
Originally posted by Shizzlex:

but my god Brian Belo WTF how much is he getting paid to look like a total villiage idiot

I thought that looked gross - just what sort of people are they trying to entertain? I can just about accept indecency from the likes of Russell Brand ..... but Davina promoting that was all wrong. She is trying to be a hip wacky cool youngster but she`s a mature woman with children. Even Angel`s face dropped when Brian Belo appeared like that.

Laugh so true even Niki Grahame looked speechless not funny in the slightest what a desperado he is
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by subatomic partygirl:
They were also anti-Siavash; his name is mentioned and they boo. Confused

Finger on the pulse again, BB and assorted stooges / media gimps? Laugh

Freddie and Siavash are only the two best HM's in there, thats all. Nod

Nod I quite like Rodrigo too. His little hissy fits of integrity are lovely.
subatomic partygirl
Originally posted by subatomic partygirl:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by subatomic partygirl:
They were also anti-Siavash; his name is mentioned and they boo. Confused

Finger on the pulse again, BB and assorted stooges / media gimps? Laugh

Freddie and Siavash are only the two best HM's in there, thats all. Nod

Nod I quite like Rodrigo too. His little hissy fits of integrity are lovely.

Rod for the final along with Marcus, most certainly. Big Grin
Originally posted by Cold Sweat:
Originally posted by Videostar:
As it's been all "Freddie is being saved just to annoy the other HM's" "How has he survived another week" Mad

He's survived because he's a bloody nice guy and entertaining. Nod

She also mentioned the 'journey' word...

For that word alone she should be sacked.
Originally posted by PeterCat:
Public opinion hasn't followed them before, so I doubt it'll start now Wink

True or Luke'n'Bex would have won the last one.

Davina and the crowd feed off each other - in the very early days very few HM's were booed, I think it was just Mel and Nick in the first series and Mel being booed was something that surprised people. Then they started booing virutally everyone that came out. Then they booed people going in (the first on my memory is Anthony Hutton BB6 who disco-danced up the stairs but please correct me if I'm wrong). The first really horrendous crowd reaction was for Makosi and Davina just encouraged it and then they started with Grace on the 'Get **** out'. The more this has happened, the more Davina has played to it and so we've ended up with the crap that we get fed on a Friday night. She should take a step back and they hould calm the crowd down.

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