over the later years of BB I never had anybody I wanted to win, except for the ones I wanted to win to pee off other HM's and not for me personally but...
I really want Victor to win UBB.. I know it won't happen tho...
I lurve the way he used the Nest for the BBLBC show. . bet Ben is kicking himself that he never thought of that one and wasted all his time in there bitching the days away...
Victor seems to be playing the game very well and in a very tongue in cheek way.. for me that is the way to do BB .. .he doesn't take himself seriously at all...
Shame on BB for not featuring BBLBC in the main HL show... I know tis probably hard to edit it into the 40 mins to give it its true comedic value but they could have tried to shove it on the end of each show every day.... but then I suppose they don;t want Victor to win... their loss, cos there is also comedic value in the other HM's wondering what him and Nick are up to and all of that is edited out of the HL show too...
caveat: if he acts like a dick in the last week I reserve the right to change my mind about him winning